Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 100

Both Fang Xing and Xin Laoqi stood idly by.

After cruel training, even in the face of an enemy with a high value of personal force, they should be able to find a way to defeat the enemy.


Facing the long stick coming from the head, the two servants calmly made a division of labor.

A master, Ding Meng, rushed forward. It was a close fight.

Short to long, close combat is the way to win.

But another servant drank violently, and his body jumped up in the air. After avoiding this stick, he pulled out the stick in his hand.

Master Mao was shocked and wanted to avoid this staff, but the servant who came close to him had come near. Under that grimacing face, it was a stick from bottom to top, and the target was his chin.


The folding fan in Li Mao\'s hand fell on the roof, rolled several times and fell down.

Looking back, I saw that the farmers had fled home, and every family had closed the door, as if there would be horse bandits to loot here soon.

"Go! Help me down quickly. Let\'s go to the city."

After being supported down, Li Mao hurriedly rode in the opposite direction and ran away.

"We surrender!"

When the reinforcements of fangjiazhuang arrived, the momentum directly made the opponents who had not run away kneel on the ground and ask for surrender.

Fang Xing put down his telescope and despised Li Mao\'s behavior of leaving the farmers to run for their lives. Then he saw that the situation was wrong. Those farmers all wanted to rush into the Li family village.

"Everyone took it! Li Mao fled and we won!"

Seeing that everyone was still unwilling, Fang woke up and had to explain it with the law.

"The two sides fight over water. If the people don\'t raise officials, they don\'t investigate. But if they rush in to fight, smash and rob, many people in fangjiazhuang won\'t catch up with spring ploughing. Let\'s go back."

"Young lady, the young master was beaten by the people of Li family village!"

Zhang Shuhui and Xiaobai were so surprised by the news that they robbed the backyard, but before they reached the front yard, they heard the noise outside, and then a familiar voice came.

"There will be a running water banquet in the afternoon, and all the people in the village will come!"

"Scared the hell out of me!"

Zhang Shuhui patted her chest and greeted Xiaobai.

Li Mao fled into Jinling City in disheveled hair. When he thought about it, he felt a little unwilling. He took out the silver ticket and went to find the person he met last time.

"Do you want to see your highness?"

This man is the man who took the silver ticket for the prince from Li Mao last time. At this time, he said impatiently, "Your Highness is busy every day. How can I see you!"


When the silver ticket was handed over, Li Mao was satisfied to see the greedy color on the man\'s face.

After receiving the silver note, the man hesitated and said, "Your Highness, you can\'t see it, but I can convey what you want."

Zhu gaochi is quite free today, so he is entertaining his daughter. However, Wan Wan talks very slowly and doesn\'t see a smile on his face, which makes both Zhu gaochi and his wife worried.

The Crown Princess sat on the side, looked at the father and daughter tenderly, and said angrily, "Wan Wan has been spoiled by Mr. Fang for a while."

Wan Wan stared at her mother with big eyes and looked at her unhappily.

The Crown Princess and the crown prince laughed.

"Well, well, I know you like to go there. You shouldn\'t speak ill of you."

Zhu gaochi was not annoyed when his daughter grabbed her beard, but bumped her with his thigh.

But the warm atmosphere was immediately interrupted. Someone bowed and said, "Your Highness, the son of shuntianfu governor Li Dezheng has something to ask you."

Seeing Wan Wan\'s cold face, Zhu gaochi said unhappily, "what\'s the matter?"

The visitor thought about his words and said, "he said that his Chuang Tzu was attacked by a group of people, many people were injured and most of his property was lost."

"Raise people? Who is so bold?"

Zhu gaochi had some interest. A person dared to attack Chuang Tzu, the governor of Shuntian mansion. He was so brave!

The visitor bowed his head and said with a smile, "it\'s Fang Xing at the foot of Jubao mountain. This person is Shuntian mansion..."

The visitor was saying with full expectation, but he didn\'t see a smile on the faces of the prince and the princess. Even the little princess Wan Wan looked at her black eyes.

"... then Li Mao wants you to decide for him."

The visitor looked up and was amazed to see that the atmosphere in the hall seemed good.

Liang Zhong covered his face and thought, did Fang wake up and get angry again? Then he hurried out and found the eunuch who collected information.

"Dezhong, do you know that?"

As the crown prince, Zhu gaochi will certainly not be inundated by all kinds of intelligence and information. He has to rely on these people to analyze and then hand over the valuable information to him for inspection.

Dezhong looked through a stack of paper and soon found Fang Xing\'s place. He coughed: "Your Highness, I\'ve just received this. I haven\'t had time to see it yet."

Zhu gaochi waved his hand and said, "let\'s talk about it."

Dezhong quickly scanned the information, and then briefly said, "at the end of today, the people of Li family village dug up the canal in Mr. Fang\'s house, and then Mr. Fang commanded the farmer to fight back, and also dug up the other party\'s canal."

It\'s probably clear that it\'s the Li family\'s fault.

The crown princess said angrily, "these people are really capable of drilling camp, but they have lost our face in doing things!"

Zhu gaochi also sighed slightly and felt that the audit of investment officials should be strengthened in the future.

Where they can\'t see, Wan Wan has clenched her small fist.

The man who came to beg was a little silly when he heard this. He hated in his heart: paralyzed Li Mao, how dare your baby lie to me?

At that time, Li Mao vowed that his family had been bullied and even himself had been driven out of the villa, so he dared to come to the prince.

But Dezhong smiled and said, "later, the Li family called the farmer and the servant to attack Mr. Fang\'s house."



After two exclamations, the princess looked at her baby daughter and asked, "what\'s the matter with Mr. Fang?"

Dezhong glanced at the guy who came to ask for help, sneered in his heart, and then said, "Mr. Fang had only ten servants at that time, but he was facing more than 100 farmers. Really..."

This guy knew that Fang Xing had a good relationship with the crown prince\'s family, so he also published an exclamatory private goods, and then said:

"Mr. Fang, fearless in the face of danger, commanded the servants to fight back and immediately beat the Li family and ran around."

"OK, that\'s good!"

The Crown Princess caressed her chest and breathed a sigh of relief. Then she became white. She was looking at her crown prince in surprise.

"Later, the farmers of fangjiazhuang also came spontaneously."

Dezhong said as if he had seen it with his own eyes: "the scene was really exciting! According to the information, they were all worried that these angry farmers would turn the Li family into a pile of powder. Fortunately, Mr. Fang stopped it in time."

Dezhong shook his head and made a summary: "it can be seen how popular Mr. Fang is!"

Hearing this, the man who came to beg the prince had knelt on the ground.

"Your Highness, I don\'t know about this! I just believe the one-sided words of Li Mao. I\'m guilty..."