Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 246

It was only more than ten kilometers from Xuanfu town. Wang he was frozen into a dead dog. The reserve and shelf of the supervisor were gone.

"Mr. Fang... Fang... Ah!"

Wang he wiped his nose. His red nose looked very funny.

"Mr. Fang, can you... Oh!"

Seeing Wang he\'s pathetic appearance, Fang woke up and was given a film to him.

With a thin film, at least the heat exchange speed should be slower.

Wang he felt that one layer was not enough and wrapped another layer. The whole person looked like a bloated zongzi.

"Tut tut! Mr. Fang, these gloves are not very good!"

Wang he also got a pair of labor protection gloves, which was not close enough.

Fang Xing squinted at him and said, "these gloves are also used by ordinary sergeants. If the supervisor dislikes them, take them off."

Wang he was awakened by Fang for several times. He was not happy. He sniffed and raised his head: "we met your Majesty in the palace. Once his majesty patted our shoulder... Alas! The past can\'t be looked back!"

Fang woke up speechless and looked up at the sky. He thought that many eunuchs and maids in the palace had seen the emperor. As for the emperor patting you on the shoulder

"Wang Jianjun, are you sure your majesty didn\'t slip?"

"What! Your majesty saw our ability, so he praised our family."

Wang he explained as if he had been whipped by a whip. His body was still grinding on the horse\'s back.

You\'re bragging!

Fang Xing\'s mouth turned up and thought that with Zhu Di\'s virtue, even if he thought you were good, it would be great to praise you. He patted his shoulder?

Your baby is not afraid of being slapped to death!

Wang he proudly pointed to the front and said, "our family came to this ghost place to serve your Majesty\'s longen. Mr. Fang, you are really ordered by your majesty?"

This is to wake up.

Fang Xing lowered his head to avoid a gust of wind, looked at Wang he and said, "what about Wang Jianjun? Did you take the initiative to come to Xuanfu and serve your majesty?"

This made Wang he\'s complacency subside, but he still said, "of course, if you scholars can join the army, don\'t you allow us to fight?"

This man must have been shot by cannon fodder in the struggle in the palace, and he was not a big leader, so he was sent to the Xuanfu house.

Fang Xing arched his hands and said, "I admire the servants in the palace, such as Zheng He, Zheng Gong, Wang Jinghong and Hou Xian. Their achievements make me sigh and feel ashamed."

Wang he looked at Fang Xing suspiciously and thought he was dealing with it casually.

But Fang Xing really admires these people, especially Zheng He. He can lead troops to war on the horse and cross the world on the ship. It\'s really good.

"Zheng Gong will remain famous in history!"

Fang woke up and said firmly, "I have no doubt about it!"

Wang he relaxed his face and said with envy: "eunuch Zheng, they followed his majesty from the Qiandi, and invited great Confucianism to teach. They are both literate and martial arts!"

"There are many disciples from the great Confucianism, but how many can compare with Zheng Gong? I see, this is..."


He walked hard all the way. When he reached Wanquan, the guard general met Dong PI at least. However, because of Zheng Heng\'s military order, they could only give them supplementary supplies, and then sent some medicinal materials.

Walking out of the Great Wall, Fang woke up and looked at the snow shrouded wall, gritted his teeth and asked, "can our army be repaired?"

Dong PI said melancholy, "the military order requires us to be on the front line of prosperity, so wanquanshou generals dare not neglect."

Fang Xing looked at the sergeants in the wind and snow, resisted the impulse to yell and ordered, "in that case, we\'ll start right away and try to set up camp on the front line of Xinghe."

At this time, Lin Qun\'an said with a worried face, "but Mr. Fang, what about our more than 100 frostbitten brothers? Do you want to go with us?"

Along the way, even if Fang Xing came up with various tricks and even used frostbite cream, he still lost more than 100 people.

Fang Xing\'s cheeks were rattling, his legs were pinched, and his spirit was a little depressed. The big white horse roared and rushed to the city.

Xin Laoqi shouted quickly and followed up with his servants.

Meng Jiao scolded: "Maddy! Zheng Heng\'s son is not a fart. Yan\'s immoral goods. I curse him to be a pimp in his next life!"

Lin Qun\'an looked sadly at Fang Xing\'s back and didn\'t respond to Meng Jiao\'s scolding.

Along the way, Fang Xingsuo scolded Zheng Heng most. If the curse was useful, the Zheng Heng family estimated that they would have to enter the animal way for generations to come.

Fang woke up and rushed to the gate. The small flag guarding the gate said impatiently, "I\'ve given you all the food and fodder. Why are you still here?"

Fang Xing glanced at him coldly, and then entered the city.

"Oh! It\'s quite arrogant! It\'s a pity. It\'s almost the new year. You still have to go to Xinghe."

Xin Laoqi, who followed up, sneered, "are you proud of this? I bah!"

After everyone rushed in, the little flag said angrily, "if it\'s not for their sake that they\'re going to die, I have to let them know what a local snake is today!"

The sergeant on the side put his hands in his sleeves, sniffed and said, "Sir, who wants them to die?"

The little flag sighed, "they must have offended the big people, otherwise who will march in this weather?"

"Who are they looking for? Is it Lord Ding?"

The little flag sighed, "we adults Ding dare not disobey orders, so it\'s useless for them to go."

Wanquan is an earth city with a small area, but its location is extremely important. It is known as "the danger of directly controlling the secluded swallow".

Fang Xing rushed to the garrison yamen, turned over and dismounted, stretched out his hand and opened the hands of the two guard sergeants.

"Stop! Or I\'ll cut you down!"

Fang Xing\'s steps were stifled and waved to stop Xin Laoqi\'s knife drawing. He looked at the scolding Sergeant coldly and said, "if I didn\'t like to turn my face, do you think your guard\'s head can still be protected?"

Without waiting for the other party\'s reaction, Fang woke up, brushed his sleeve and strode in.

When the two sergeants looked at each other, Xin Laoqi had rushed in with his servants.

"Hey! What are you doing?"

Fang Xing strode into the main hall. Seeing no one above, he opened the curtain and rushed into the back.

It\'s cold, but it\'s as warm as spring. A man in plain clothes was sitting on a recliner with a teapot in his hand and closed his eyes.

Fang Xing looked around for a week and saw several charcoal pots placed. He couldn\'t help but feel evil to the side of the gallbladder and flew out with one foot.


The charcoal basin flew and sparks splashed.


The man was burned to his face by Mars. He quickly opened his eyes and stroked his face in a hurry.

After feeling that his face was not scalded, the man looked at Fang and woke up.


The man supported the armrest with his hands, and with a backward somersault, he stood behind the recliner, looking around for weapons.

Unfortunately, the latest long Dao is five meters away, but Fang Xing\'s Tang Dao can be pulled out in an instant.

The man opened his eyes and shouted angrily, "my official Ding Feng, who are you?"

At this time, there was a hurried sound of footsteps outside. Ding Feng smiled on his face and said proudly: "hold your hands and catch, I can give you a decent, otherwise..."