Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 245

Xuanfu town is one of the important towns of the Ming Dynasty and the most important border town, so there are many garrisons, which gradually turned it into a town.

That day, the sergeant guarding the pass saw a long slip of people in the distance and hurriedly summoned the scouts out.

Fang Xing looked at Guancheng not far away and sighed: "the mountains and rivers here are dangerous, easy to defend and difficult to attack. No wonder they will be so valued."

Lin Qun\'an said, "hold the left and right here. If the enemy dares to detour, there is a risk of being pursued by the tail. It will be difficult to attack back and forth at that time!"

Fang Xing smiled and remembered that later, the tile thorn army rushed in and directly came to the capital

Hey! Why did Zhu Zhanji die so early?

Moreover, the civil service system at that time began to suppress military officers, so it was later said that the change of civil castle may be an action carefully planned by the civil service system, in order to catch all the high prestige generals.

"Young master, there are people in the city!"

Fang Xing looked up and saw more than ten horses coming at a gallop.


More than a dozen horses stopped in front of the team. The leader of the small flag officer asked, "who are you waiting for? Is there a survey?"

Fang Xing nodded at Dong PI, and then Dong PI came forward to verify the survey.

After verification, the small flag officer shouted, "the tile stabbing people have reached the Xinghe front line, so no one is allowed to enter the city except the leader!"

This is necessary. Only when we wake up can we understand it, so we let Dong PI go to the city to meet the two princes, listen to further tasks, and ask for food and supplies.

The cold weather in the North was unbearable. Fang woke up and saw the sergeants trembling in the cold wind. He frowned and said, "it\'s estimated that it won\'t be solved for a while and a half. Let\'s camp first."

But before the camp was set up, Dong PI came out with a disheartened face, followed by a line of civilian men and carriages.

"Mr. Fang, the two princes didn\'t see the officials. They just said that the military situation was urgent and asked our department to start immediately after replenishing food and fodder."


Fang Xing kicked hard. When the snowflakes were flying, he scolded: "Zheng Heng of Gou RI, relying on himself as the chief military officer of Xuanfu, is this going to let us fight alone or what?"

Xin Laoqi also said with an iron blue face: "young master, we must find a foothold, otherwise the sergeants won\'t last long in this case!"

Fang Xing clenched his teeth and said, "I know. Take a night off today and drive out of YeHu mountain tomorrow. I don\'t care about his shit military order!"

Lin Qun\'an hesitated, "but Mr. Fang, I\'m afraid the sergeants will be frozen!"

Even Meng Jiao, who claimed that he could kill a tiger, was listless, let alone ordinary sergeants.

Fang Xing sneered and said, "those two may have been asked by Zheng Heng, but they don\'t know where we come from. Don\'t go deep. But you don\'t have to worry."

After setting up the camp, Fang Xing took several thousand generals to the baggage camp.

Almost all the baggage camps were mules and horses, which was only obtained by Liu Sheng\'s face.

Casually uncovering the tarpaulin on a carriage, Fang Xing pointed to the big jars and said, "it\'s full of wine, and it\'s strong wine."

Then he walked along. Fang Xing opened the tarpaulin of a car again and said with a smile: "dried meat, dried vegetables, boiled into meat porridge or pimple soup, and add some pepper to ensure that you sweat all over."

For this northern expedition, Fang Xing found a lot of things in the warehouse, but now he just needs to guard against the wind.

So in the evening, everyone ate meat fragrance and spicy pimple soup. The fatigue of the day dissipated and went to sleep one after another.

But Fang Xing got into the warehouse and had a headache looking at those clothes.

If these cotton padded clothes are taken out, how to explain them becomes a problem.

"Although the Lord can be empty handed, very good pen and morale, if it comes out, will we be confessed as a statue?"

When he thought that he had been killed, he asked someone to paint his body with gold powder, and then he kept burning incense every day. Fang woke up and shivered.

Finally, Fang Xing still targeted the plastic film for which he didn\'t know what purpose it was.

Early the next morning, Fang woke up and called more than 100 people. Then he began to decompose the film according to the shape of the human body.

Fang Xing tried it himself. After the film wrapped around him, he would still be close to his body automatically.

It\'s really a good thing!

But when all the people were wrapped in this film, they woke up and found that they felt something wrong last night.

Isn\'t this a beggar?

Early in the morning, the sergeants guarding the town saw a wonder

"What clothes are they wearing? They look so thin!"

"And you see, their morale is good. It\'s really rare!"

Fighting in winter is a test of the logistics supply of both sides. Once the supply is interrupted, the collapse of the whole army is not fun.

So when the people on the city wall saw that Fang Xingbu\'s baggage camp was so vast that they couldn\'t see the end, they didn\'t feel anything unusual.

"They\'re still going north! It\'s not far from the border!"

"I seem to have heard that these people go to Xinghe."

"What? Xinghe? If these people and horses meet the tile thorn cavalry in the wild, it is estimated that they will die face to face."

"Who sent them to die? It\'s too immoral!"

"No matter how much baggage there is, in that place, only those who go out and don\'t go in will be consumed sooner or later."

"Hey! Look, Wang he is out!"

"Looking at his direction, was he not sent to the army in front as a supervisor?"

"Tut tut! Another unlucky guy!"


Fang Xingzheng felt that after wrapping the film, the cold wind had less impact on him, so he heard Lin Qun\'an shouting behind the hall.

"Mr. Fang, someone said he came to supervise the army..."

With the sound of the cold wind, a thin horse came slowly with a white man on its back.

The man\'s skin is very white, but the sparse beard on his chin looks a little funny.

"Wang He, who is the leader?"

Is he a eunuch?

In the Ming Dynasty, it was not uncommon for eunuchs to supervise the army, but Fang woke up and looked at the whiskers on Wang he\'s jaw. He couldn\'t help feeling a little dizzy.

Isn\'t it clean?

When Fang woke up in a daze, Dong PI had to come up and read Wang he\'s document. After reading Wang he\'s document, he said respectfully, "Wang Jianjun, lower officer Dong PI, this is Mr. Fang, the unified officer ordered by his majesty."

Fang Xing arched his hands and said, "Wang Jianjun, wake up." after that, he shouted, "move on."

After a moment of stupidity, Wang he muttered and followed up.

In the cold wind, Wang he shivered, and then saw that the people around him were wrapped in a layer of unknown things. He couldn\'t help shouting, "Mr. Fang, why didn\'t I?"

Fang woke up, frowned and said, "it\'s a little pickled. It\'s a noble supervisor. I\'d better not."

It\'s strange that Fang woke up and paid attention to him.

Wang he\'s lips wriggled in the cold wind. Finally, he wanted to keep his reputation of supervising the army and didn\'t say soft words.

In the snow, thousands of people set foot on the unknown road alone.

More than a dozen horses rushed out of Xuanfu Town, but there were only a few knights on them. They were all three riders.

The Knights made a big turn from the left, avoided Fang Xingsuo and rushed further north.