Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2291

"Uncle, the enemy counterattacks!"

"They\'re lighting a fire! There\'s a fire boat!"

More than ten fireboats with sharp spears at the front were set on fire, and then the wind helped the fire and the fire helped the wind.

Once pierced into the hull by a spear, it is the maggot of tarsal bone, which will not stop until it is burned clean.

"No one on board!"

Fu Xian\'s words made people feel funny.

Where are the people from the fire ship? Big roast?

"Treasure boat forward!"

This is Fu Xian\'s original intention.

The unmanned fire ship will not turn. The treasure ship with steel in the bow is not afraid of spears and flames at all.

So more than ten treasure ships rushed to the front, and their huge bodies were the natural defense line.


When he saw that the treasure ship easily rolled the fire ship into the sea, Fang woke up and hit his left heart with his right fist.

All the fire boats were helpless like children in front of the treasure boat. They were knocked away one by one and then crushed down.

"Their boat is too small."

Hong Bao has deep feelings for the treasure ship. Even if the main force of the battle has become a warship, he still doesn\'t want the treasure ship to withdraw from the front line.

"Failed, Smith! Failed!"

Frank general shouted hysterically. Smith looked at him coldly and said, "that\'s just a little trouble for them!"

"So what can we do?"

"Win with blood!"

"Attack! We attack!"

The soldiers on the warship are gathering and the longbowmen are gathering. They will give the Ming people a baptism of arrows.

The two sides were approaching quickly, but the treasure ship began to slow down.

No, Smith murmured, "they didn\'t slow down, but the warship was faster!"

More than ten warships of the Ming army were like hounds, which came out of the gap between treasure ships and rushed fiercely.

"They are bigger!"

The Lisbon general in the front suddenly took a few steps back on the ship, then turned back and shouted, "step back! Let\'s step back!"

There was no objection, and the warship began to slow down.

"Damn it! That\'s a bigger warship. Ming people have been waiting for us, that fool Smith. It\'s a trap."

Lisbon\'s general\'s face was burning red, as if he had just had a fight with his lover.

"Their big ships don\'t need to attack. As long as they are crushed, most of our ships can become garbage. And their warships... Terrible warships..."

"They turned!"

Countless warships gathered together, as if this could dissipate the fear.

When a scream came, everyone saw the turn.

The more than ten warships of the Ming army drew a beautiful arc and were preparing to aim at them on the side.

In the back, the tangled Lin Zheng fleet has begun to evacuate.

"We should attack them!"

Liu Pu\'s body was full of blood and broken meat. His eyes were red, like a beast that had just eaten a piece of human flesh. He didn\'t feel full.

Lin Zheng is not much better. There are several more scars on his body.

The deputy general was commanding the fleet to assemble under the attack, and Lin Zheng was able to breathe.

"The overall situation has been decided. There is no need for us to attack. They will lose!"

"Then why don\'t we attack!"

Lin Zheng looked at Liu Pu, who was furious, and said, "this is neither land nor grassland. Our department has suffered heavy losses. If it is attacked, it is likely to lead to the enemy\'s flight. That is the sinner."

He felt that Liu Pu could only be regarded as a strong general, but he lacked strategy.

"Uncle wants to give the Taixi people a heavy blow, so he doesn\'t let us attack. He just wants to kill more Taixi ships and make them dare not peep in the East after the war. That\'s uncle\'s purpose!"

After mentioning Fang\'s awakening, Liu Pu obviously calmed down, and then took people to clean up those corpses.

The corpses on the deck are piled up like mountains, and the arrows are inserted into the corpses and the deck. It looks like a dealer.

The sea breeze blew over the \'crops\' and gradually brought sobs.

Lin Zheng saw several sergeants sobbing and pulling in the corpses. He took a deep breath and asked, "are the guns ready?"

The deputy general\'s leg was injured. He held a long gun and asked. He came back and said, "the artillery team lost a lot, but he can fire again soon."

Three scarred warships are protecting treasure ships and other ships from the battlefield, while more than ten Taixi warships are pestering and harassing like fleas.

Under the deck, the corpses of their colleagues were stacked in the corner.

The wounded gunner wrapped up, but refused to rest.

A gunner with an injured left hand aimed and then moved against the sandbag with his right hand and knee.

A sergeant with a shoulder injury also came. They struggled to adjust the angle of the artillery, and then waited for the order.

Those entangled tessi warships gradually approached - this was the courage given to them by the artillery pause for a long time.


"Boom, boom, boom!"

More than ten warships fired a wave of iron bullets together, which formed a barrage and rushed into the middle of the dense enemy ships.

The sound of iron bullets breaking through the wood one after another, the blood and limbs on the deck are flying together, and the chain bullets roar through the middle of the sail

"Kill the enemy!"

The enemy troops on the left and right wings have approached. Fang Xing\'s treasure ship is in the front line behind the warship. You can see the looks of those Taixi people.

Countless longbowmen are drawing bows and arrows, which is their response to Daming firearms.

The front battlefield is now in a mess. More than a dozen Taixi warships are miserable under the attack of artillery. When the Taixi people think that the Ming people want to turn to the other side to fire, the artillery starts again.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The half firing strategy allows one sideboard to perform two strike missions.

The tessi warships who rushed up happily were unlucky. The second blow directly sank five warships.

"It\'s hard to fight. You have to aim near the waterline."

Fu Xian was watching the war, while Fang Xing was looking at the flank.

Enemies swarmed to the flank, while treasure ships and old warships were protecting the flank.

This is the opportunity Smith identified.

"They don\'t have many warships with firearms and can\'t cover the whole fleet. We just need to break through from the flank and sweep over. That\'s a big victory, a victory that is very important to us!"

He saw the Lisbon general who had fled in a panic, but he just smiled coldly.

"After the great victory, we can take advantage of the situation to attack the Ming people directly, destroy their shipyards and plunder their craftsmen for our use in only five years!"

Smith said firmly, "in only five years, we can compete with the recovered Ming people, okay? What we want is the time to learn their technology!"

"What\'s that?"

Then someone in front asked.

Smith went over and took a look, but only one look, his face was frozen.

"Steady! Steady the treasure boat!"

"Line up! Musketeers line up!"

A series of orders were issued, and the treasure ship was stabilized.

Suddenly there were more than ten "hills" on the flank, and the Taixi warships collided with each other.

The guns on the treasure ship started to fire, and then without aiming, they hit the dense part of the ship.

But this is just a drop in the bucket. Seeing that these are the only attack means of the treasure ship, those Thai Westerners were overjoyed and leaned over in a hurry.


The spearmen and sword shield soldiers raised their shields, while the Musketeers just lowered their heads slightly.

The arrow arrived as scheduled, like a dark cloud on the top.

Ding Ding!

Because the enemy ship is too small, the longbow can only shoot from the bottom, and its penetration is insufficient.

The arrow failed on the plate armor. The grapple had been hung on the side, but no one cut it off.