Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2290

"Kill the enemy!"

Liu Pu tried his best to cut down a Thai westerner. He gasped and looked around.

The long gunmen have been surrounded in the middle of the deck. The Taixi people outside continue to throw heavy weapons such as hammers into it. It is difficult for the long gunmen to continue.


Liu Pu looked up and sighed silently.

The armor on the body became heavier and heavier, and the long knife in the hand waved more and more slowly.

Lin Zheng has joined the regiment. He and the deputy general are blocked in the bow and are already working hard.


Liu Pu was surrounded again. He was stabbed in the waist and his armor was cut.

A long sword stabbed him. After Liu Pu blocked him hard, he waved the long knife and got stuck in his opponent\'s neck.

The two fell down and fought together. When Liu Pu pulled out his long knife and got up, he saw that the fighting on the deck had stopped.

Everyone is looking into the distance.


Liu Pu was panting violently.

He saw Lin Zheng and the deputy general, and they were staring at the front.

What\'s there?



The feeling of being detonated suddenly spread to Smith.

He said with a pale face, "what\'s that?"

"Whose boat is it?"

The lookout post shouted madly, "it\'s the Ming army! My God! I can\'t see the fleet on the side..."

Inside and outside the huge encirclement, whether they are Taixi or Ming, they are looking at the north.

Smith rushed to the bow. He wished he could suddenly double his height.

Countless sails stood, and from those gaps, he saw black spots.

Flash away!

What\'s that?

The Lisbon general surrounded by the right wing is at the extreme edge of the north of the encirclement, so he can see it best.

Countless black spots gradually become larger, and countless sails cover the sea

He remembered a sentence that Hong Bao had said when he was sent to Tessie.

——When Daming is angry, the fleet that can cover the whole Strait will appear in tessi and use anger to regain Daming\'s dignity!

The Ming army appeared, just as they wiped out the small boat team of the Ming army, they appeared in time.

"No... it\'s a trap! It\'s a damn trap! We\'ve been fooled!"

Only then did the ecstatic mood fall to the bottom of the valley, and only then did the complacency of completely annihilating the Ming army turn into panic.

Smith stumbled forward, but the bow was so big that he was already standing at the highest point.

The sun was shining brightly, and the sails in the distance became clear.

They\'re coming at full speed!

"Who else here can have such a large fleet?"

Smith lost his temper.

His rocky cheeks were shaking. He held the handle of the knife tightly, but did not pull out the long knife.

"Who is it?"

He hissed, "who\'s there?"

And the most forward Lisbon general is going crazy.

The unique shape of Ming warships was impressive. He counted more than ten.

And this is just a warship. More ships are sailing.

"This is their main force..."


"Uncle, Lin Zhengbu is under siege."

The news of the lookout post reached Fang Xing long ago.

He put down his telescope and just flashed his concerns about Liu Pu\'s safety. Then he turned back and said, "are you ready?"

He was smiling, but his eyes were full of anger.

Those who know him well know that the war is at hand.

Fu Xian stood in front, and the deck behind him was full of arrays.

He shouted, "uncle, ready."

The fleet was moving at full speed. The officers and men of Jubaoshan guard came to the deck and began to check their equipment; On the side of countless warships, the gun windows had been opened, and the deep muzzle was shining in the sun.

"This is the tessi fleet!"

Fang woke up with his back to the battlefield and said loudly, "the Taixi people are unwilling. They want to provoke Daming. What you see now is killing. They kill against the Daming Navy."

Hong Bao looked at Fang Xing with complicated eyes. He didn\'t believe that Fang Xing didn\'t know the ferocity of the Tibetans, but he still asked Lin Zheng to go out with a fleet of three warships.

Is this bait?

Hong Bao saw the tragedy ahead. The ships of the Ming army were heavily besieged. The smoke of gunpowder was very weak, indicating that the firearms had lost their function.

Cold weapon

Hong Bao can\'t and doesn\'t want to imagine the bloody ships of the Ming army at the moment.

He just looked at Fang and woke up. His eyes were not good.

"We came with the mission, and we\'re going to take them home. We have great sincerity, but..."

Fang woke up angrily and said, "but what did these goodwill get?"

His words were transmitted layer by layer, including the cabin under the deck.

"... we were sincere, but in exchange..."

The interpreter is translating with the voice outside.

"... they broke in from the jungle. They found it peaceful and rich, so they wanted to rob!"

Inside the warehouse, Doc murmured, "what\'s the matter? Abel, what\'s the matter?"

Abel is also sluggish.

"I heard the roar and countless shouts. What\'s that?"

Henry shouted in the cabin next door, "war is going on! Those fools are going to war!"

Doc smiled, "yes! Those fools, they don\'t know Daming\'s power. Do they think they can defeat Daming\'s navy in one fell swoop? Stupid!"

"Can you win?"

Someone asked in the dark, timid, which made doc angry, but he didn\'t want to admit defeat.

"Yes! We can win!"

"... what are we going to do?"

The interpreter is still translating.

"What are we going to do?"

Fang woke up and roared.

The enemy in front was already in a panic, and the name of the demon God, the side effect of the return of the Frankish mission, resounded through the sky.

"Let\'s... Wipe out thousands of troops!"

Fang Xing waved his fist and roared.

"Wipe out thousands of troops!"

Countless fists are waving and countless faces are red.

"Wipe out thousands of troops!"

The crowd cheered, and the sound overshadowed all the sounds on the warship at the moment, and overshadowed the sound of the waves hitting the ship.

The voice spread all over the battlefield. Liu Pu\'s body seemed to be injected with energy again. He waved a long knife and cut, shouting, "kill the enemy! Kill the enemy!"

"Reinforcements come and kill the enemy!"

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Just then, the artillery under the deck began to roar.

In the smoke of gunpowder, countless iron bullets were smashed out.

The tessi warships on both sides trembled like little flowers in the strong wind, and then began to tilt gradually.

"Fight back!"

Liu Pu rushed up first.

His long knife is full of power, and it is easy for those who are in power.

The surviving Ming army launched a counterattack, and the remaining long gunmen regrouped and started again.

The mentality of the tessi people was completely chaotic. They saw the fleet coming quickly over there.

The fleet is not terrible, because they also have more than 300 ships.

The fleet of Keming people has at least more than 100 ships, and more than 10 of them are as huge as a hill, which reminds them of the treasure ships that were angry before.

It doesn\'t mean that there are many warships with firearms in the army. Just those more than ten large ships can give people a headache.

"Smith, we need to retreat!"


Smith had calmed down. He said, "our grain boat can\'t run away from them, so fight. Whatever means, let\'s fight."

Frank\'s general was stunned and murmured, "without food, we will starve to death..."

The Ming army was fierce. If they abandoned the grain boat and ran away, most people would starve all the way.

Or infighting, killing most people!

There is no choice!

"Attack! Let\'s attack for the kingdom!"

So the Taixi fleet bravely met the Ming army.

"What shall we do? What shall we do?"

After seeing the scale of the Ming army\'s reinforcements, countless Taixi people were at a loss.

Morale disappeared, but their fear of the Ming people made them choose to follow the orders of the upper official and launch an attack.

They hope to scare Ming people with crazy attacks!

"Don\'t worry, we can win!"

"Those wise people are just cowards. They will fear our blood. Yes, let\'s bleed!"

"Climbing up, they are powerless. We can take one as ten. As long as we can climb up, the wise man can only admit defeat."

In these roars, many people were on the deck of the Ming fleet.

Countless sergeants began to dress on the deck.

They quickly shrouded themselves in steel and then lined up.