Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2167

Many people were taken from the capital. Zhu gaoxu couldn\'t hold back as soon as he heard it. He immediately went into the palace to find Zhu Zhanji\'s trouble.

He has been going crazy at home recently, practicing his son all day.

Unable to practice tactics in the city, he took the bodyguard and a group of sons to practice outside the city.

The imperial censor has been staring at him. Of course he will follow when he sees it. He wants to impeach when he sees the trampling of mintian.

But Zhu gaoxu took a group of people to practice in the Jubao mountain guard.

Yes, it\'s smart now.

Jubao mountain guard transferred a thousand families to the imperial city for rotation, so there was more than enough space for his family to practice.

The censor felt that Zhu gaoxu was suspected of conspiracy, so he wanted to sneak in. As a result, he was caught by the sergeant on patrol and directly tortured for questioning, which made Liu Guan furious and furious.

Check the court... At least Liu Guan and Fang Xing are allies. The Allies go to check the allies. Isn\'t this a fight in the nest?

Liu Guan has returned. The emperor praised him and rewarded him with many things.

This sycophant!

Liu Guan had a bad impression in everyone\'s mind. He was mostly greedy.

When he turned to the emperor, he suddenly became greedy and cunning, and his character immediately fell.

It would be a disaster for the officials if the imperial court was completely controlled by the emperor.

At that time, when the Emperor sees who is not pleasing to the eye, a hint goes on, and naturally the imperial historian rushes up and bites.

So when Zhu gaoxu came out of the palace swearing, the imperial governors didn\'t know, and no one wanted to play a chapter.

"Drag! I know how to calculate carefully all day. It\'s like an emperor. It\'s purely a merchant!"

Only Zhu gaoxu dared to scold the emperor. When he left the Imperial City, the sergeant guarding the gate pretended not to hear his scolding just now, hoping that the plague God would leave early.

"Xing Hebo is back!"

Someone shouted in the distance. Zhu gaoxu scolded, "that beast cheated the king with the emperor. Where is he?"

A bodyguard went to ask, came back and said, "Your Highness, xinghebo has gone home."

what the fuck!

The flesh on Zhu gaoxu\'s face was tangled and scolded, "are you afraid of meeting the king? Go and go to his house!"

The sergeant who guarded the gate was happy and shouted, "Your Highness, go quickly. At least catch xinghebo when he doesn\'t know the news."

Jubao mountain guards are on duty in the city, which is naturally a little estranged from the former imperial city guards, so if you can see the excitement below, these people will naturally advocate it.

At this time, a memorial quietly entered the imperial city and reached Zhu Zhanji\'s hand.

He read the memorial and said, "xinghebo\'s trip was interesting, but it disrupted some of my plans. It\'s OK. It\'s a good thing."



When Fang wakes up, Zhang Shuhui waits in the inner courtyard with the children. When she sees Fang wakes up, worry free can\'t wait to rush over.

When she was halfway there, she stopped again, looked at the girl led by Fang Xing and said wrongfully, "Dad..."

This sound of dad contains grievances, which makes Fang wake up secretly funny.

Zhang Shuhui and others who had received the news in advance welcomed them and were rare.

"This is a bead. Look at this round face. It\'s approachable!"

This is Fang\'s relatives\' "Fang Xing" after many years

At this time, a loud cry came from outside. Fang woke up and said helplessly, "it\'s the king of Han. He\'s suffocated. He has to find something to do."

"Your Highness is here."

The servant outside shouted. Fang woke up and greeted Huang Zhong.