Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2166

After being beaten in the face by Yu Qian last time, Jian Yi picked up a group of corrupt and derelict officials.

Then, as soon as the atmosphere at the top and bottom of the official department tightened, the recent efficiency increased greatly, and there were many fewer quarrels.

"Yes, we have to tighten more!"

Jian Yi stood outside the duty room and looked at the outside in order. He couldn\'t help feeling a little bad about Yu Qian.

He opened the door and scattered some "poison gas" from charcoal fire. By the way, he took a breath of fresh air and refreshed himself.

While taking a long breath, a man came in front.

"Adults should come out and walk around."

The visitor was Zuo Shilang Xinjian. He smiled and said, "Sir, your majesty has no objection to the register. My official department is elated."

Many Shandong officials were taken down. The Ministry of officials discussed for a long time. Jian Yi himself was considering candidates even when he slept at night. He sent the roster in the day before yesterday, and everyone was still nervous.

For the officials, the emperor accepted it, which represented trust.

If the emperor calls back and asks him to do it again, he can almost be ready to apologize.

Jian Yi was relaxed in his heart, but he didn\'t show it on his face. He just said kindly, "you\'ve worked hard recently. When things get better, just have a rest for a few days."

Xin Jian is his right-hand man. Naturally, he wants to win over.

Xin Jian said gratefully, "don\'t worry, sir, but I\'m not tired."

"You are getting old. We are all old. How can we not be tired?"

Looking at Xin Jian\'s black hair, Jian Yi, in his sixties, suddenly felt that he was really old.

"I\'m old, but I can\'t bear to see my ancestral laws trampled on. It\'s only left until now, but it won\'t last long after all. It\'s up to you in the future."

Xin Jiannian is rich and powerful. Jian Yi has deliberately trained him recently just to let him take over.

They went in and Xin Jian closed the door behind them.

The charcoal fire was red, and the indoor temperature gradually increased.

"You have something to say?"

Jian Yi is so old and spicy. He just saw Xin Jian\'s look and saw that he was worried. Then he warned: "the more time you wait, the more calm and diligent you will be, but don\'t rise to the top. Take your time. The official department is the majority, and what you need is old and prudent."

Xin Jian said gratefully, "Your Excellency is very kind. I will remember it in my heart, but... My lord... My Lord, I was an officer that year..."

"Who is it?"

Jian Yi asked angrily.

The official department involves official hats. Xin Jian\'s difficulties are mostly such things. If it involves buying and selling officials, Jian Yi will really spit blood.

Your promising successor is actually a man who sells his official position. It is a heavy blow to Jianyi, who is rigorous in his life and values his reputation in his later years.

Xin Jian slowly got up, stood with his hands tied, and said, "my Lord, xinghebo\'s father, Fang Hongjian, the head of the official department in those days..."

Jian Yi closes his eyes. He is recalling his subordinate.

Yes, Fang hung Chien was working under Jian Yi.

But unexpectedly, the son of the old subordinate pressed himself, which was almost suffocating.

After thinking for a long time, he remembered that Fang hung Chien had been taken down because of a so-called conspiracy case.

That case

"I remember that the case was later found to be unsubstantiated. Fang hung Chien was involved only after being reported. Afterwards, he just lost his official position. I still felt a pity at that time... Are you..."

Jian Yi has been a minister of the Ministry of officials for many years and has seen the ugly means of various officials in order to get promoted.

He opened his eyes and stared at Xin Jian indifferently.

Xin Jian said with a wry smile: "my Lord, I took the wrong step in that year..."

Jian Yi asked coldly, "did you report Fang Hongjian?"

Xin Jian nodded and said, "the lower official was obsessed at that time and regretted it afterwards. Later, he anonymously donated to the salaries and supplies hospital..."

This means of seeking sympathy is an urchin\'s trick in front of Jian Yi. He sneered: "how many years have you donated?"

Xin Jiangang opened his mouth and Jian Yi said, "I will check it!"

Xin Jian hung his head, clenched his fists and whispered, "a month..."


Jian Yi gasped slightly. He was very angry, and he was more painful and unwilling to read the wrong person.

Hsin Chien said angrily, "Sir, do you remember Fang hung Chien\'s Secret behavior after he went to the Yamen?"

Jian Yi thought about it. It was really the same thing. He asked, "so you doubt him?"

Xin Jian nodded and said, "I can\'t check it, so I wrote something and asked someone to hand it in..."

This is not a mistake, but there are some suspects who ignore the feelings of their colleagues, which can add points to the general righteousness.

Jian Yi thought of Xin Jian\'s actions over the years and said, "you... Take care of yourself!"

This is a temporary record, but the follow-up depends on whether someone will lead to this matter. At that time, Jian Yi will naturally decide his position according to the situation.

Xin Jian thanked him and left.

After going out, he looked at the blue sky and burst into tears when the cold wind blew.

He bowed his head and knew that his dream of Shangshu might be dashed.

Jian Yi is not vague about this kind of thing. He can\'t recommend a person with moral problems to take over, but

He thought of Guo Yu, the right waiter.

However, Guo Yu was not famous. He was more like an ordinary official.

Such a person has no prestige. How can he master Daming\'s official hat?

He didn\'t regret going to Jian Yi to confess what happened that year, because he was more afraid of Fang Xing\'s revenge.

He thought that the events of that year were perfect, but he was afraid that Fang woke up and had to check the records of that year. Then he went to the royal guards to check the records of that year, so someone could not hide the information reported.

He wrote the report with his left hand, but he forgot one thing: paper.

The paper he used was from his hometown, which can be distinguished by experts.

I was so stupid!

This is also the reason why he confessed to Jian Yi, but Jian Yi\'s attitude disappointed him.

Fang Xing is the great enemy of the Ministry of officials. Even if I did it before, I should be proud!

But Jian Yi\'s principle dashed his hope.

Once people lose motivation, they will be lazy and give birth to decadence that they don\'t want to worry about everything.

So Xin Jian was a little decadent, perfunctory on business, and then just in a daze in the duty room.

He is not afraid of Fang waking up now, but the hopelessness of his official career has become his heart disease.

Until the right waiter Guo Xuan knocked at the door, he sat upright and let him in in a deep voice.

As long as there is a glimmer of hope, don\'t give up your dream.

This is the motto of those officialdom soldiers!

When the door opened, Guo Yu came in. Seeing Xin Jian\'s seriousness, he smiled and said, "just now, my Lord asked me to go. He said it was Lord Xin. You\'re not feeling well here? I just wanted to have a look."

Xin Jian\'s heart fell to the bottom of the valley. He just felt that his body was empty and empty.

This means that Guo Yu wants to take over more affairs!

My Lord, you are too cruel and urgent!