Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2154

Xu Jingchang has bad luck again!

Fang Xing wanted to sympathize, but he felt a little worried.

Not to mention anything else, if his family is really poor, they just need to sit in front of the imperial city. According to Xu Jingchang, if I sit in front of the Imperial City dressed in rags, will the royal face be better?

So as long as the Zhu family does not fall, the Xu family will never worry about wealth.

So whenever there is a big event, the royal family always likes to bring the Xu family out to the public and make an example of others. This is the price for the Xu family to remain rich and noble forever.

But it\'s a little embarrassing to check your own investment.

All the dignitaries in the north are staring at Xu Jingchang, aren\'t they?

In fact, the biggest resistance to the clean-up in the north is the dignitaries. Xu Jingchang made another chicken and estimated that he really wanted to fight with Zhu Zhanji.

This is killing two birds with one stone!

It is not only regarded as the disposal of Xu Jingchang, but also an outpost for the cleaning up of the capital in the future.

Fang Xing shook his head and felt that Zhu Zhanji was still in a hurry.


Fang Xing thought that Shen Shitou was sent by Zhu Zhanji to ask for advice, so he said, "go back and tell your majesty that it\'s earlier. It\'s no fun to scare the snake. After all, there are heavy troops in the north. What are you afraid of? Just do it together at that time."

After that, he saw that Shen Shitou didn\'t go yet, so he asked, "what else do you have?"

Shen Shitou said with a dry smile, "Xing Hebo, I\'ll stay two more days. I can help you if you have anything."

Fang woke up and looked at him, thought about it, and suddenly asked, "I\'m afraid I won\'t go back?"

Shen Shitou continued to laugh, neither admitting nor denying it.

When Fang woke up, there was a battle brewing between the DPRK and China over "the ownership of the navy".

Before the battle started, Fang woke up and asked for a leave to look for relatives.

Zhu Zhanji was probably worried that he would run away and find a place to go on vacation.

"The child is still in Peiping! I can\'t stay long."

Fang Xing\'s words made Shen Shitou smile, "yes! Xinghebo, you dote on your children. It\'s famous in the capital... Er, no, it\'s doting."

"Spoil, spoil, what spoil!"

Fang Xing never taboo being said to dote on his children. He squinted at the people watching the excitement outside the door and ordered, "close the door."

Shen Shitou said, "xinghebo, I\'d better go back and eat..."

Fang Xing looked at him carefully and wanted to study whether the man was really stupid or fake. Finally, he thought it was fake stupid, so he said, "let your majesty settle your food expenses later."

After entering the backyard, Fang Hongzhong has come out and looks good.

"Wake up, don\'t be afraid of those. As long as we don\'t have the name of the case, none of us are afraid."

Fang Xing said with a smile, "I\'m not afraid."

Fang Hongzhong thought he was echoing, so he said positively, "our Fang family is a scholar family in Zhuozhou. Someone has been promoted since your great grandfather\'s generation, so when you go out and others ask about your origin, you must remember that we are the Fang family in Zhuozhou. We are the one who gives Jinshi for two generations and raises people for three generations."

"What about brother\'s generation?"

Fang woke up and regretted.

Fang Hongzhong sighed: "your eldest brother was a scholar. After that, I stopped them from taking the exam. Now the second brother still complains about me from time to time, saying that he bumped into me at any rate..."

"Second uncle."

"Grandpa, the second uncle is here."

Fang Mu\'s voice came from outside. Then Zhuzhu ran in and said happily, "Grandpa, second uncle gave Zhuzhu sugar."

She stretched out her little hand with a piece of caramel in her palm.

"Grandpa, you eat."

She handed over the caramel. While Fang Hongzhong was kind, he refused and said, "Zhuzhu eats it himself. Grandpa\'s teeth are bad, but he doesn\'t dare to eat sugar."

Zhu Zhu woke up to Fang with maltose. She was a little timid, but curious.


"Uncle doesn\'t eat."

Fang woke up with a smile, and then a tall and thin man came in.

"Big brother... Are you..."

The man frowned, looked at Fang Xing, gradually loosened his eyebrows and said with a smile, "are you Xiaoxing?"

The powerful gene made Fang Xing\'s appearance recognized by the man at a glance.

Fang Xing smiled and bowed: "I\'ve seen my second uncle."

This man is Fang Hongwei, Fang Xing\'s second uncle.

Fang Hongwei\'s eyebrow beat a heartbeat, looked at Fang Xing carefully, and sighed: "you were smart and known as a prodigy, but now you seem to be stupid, but it\'s better to make money. When the next generation lets them study, you\'ll lose these. Just teach them at ease."

As soon as the man met without greeting, he directly woke up Fang\'s ideas for the rest of his life and looked very familiar.

"Your father was also a genius, but he was a little arrogant, and finally he was bad at this arrogance!"

Fang Xing quickly nodded in agreement. He also wanted to know what kind of person Fang hung Chien was.

After Fang Hongwei sat down, he smiled and picked up the beads and put them on his lap. Then he said, "the third year was arrogant and refused to find a backer. He was lucky to get a main job by grinding slowly. But he didn\'t have a backer. If others moved, he couldn\'t stand steady immediately..."

Fang Hongzhong shook his head and motioned him not to talk about the sad things of that year, but Fang Hongwei didn\'t seem to see it. He continued, "he is arrogant and has no official position... It\'s hard to bear his temper, but the second Yang is hateful. If he knew that the third was all right, how could his family enlighten him."

I don\'t know how many times I mentioned Yang er. Fang Hongwei was still gnashing his teeth.

Xiaodao has gone out. Fang wakes up and listens to Fang Hongwei talking about the past. Gradually, he begins to reveal something.

"My nephew\'s life is OK. I just want to tell my two uncles that the matter of the Fang family has long been over and there is no future trouble."

Fang Xing needs to consider. He has sent someone to investigate the situation of the two uncles to see if there are signs of being interfered by outsiders.

The three were talking. Zhuzhu felt bored and ran out.

For a moment, she lay down outside the door and made faces at the inside. For a moment, she ran outside. Laughter kept coming in, which made Fang Hongzhong feel some emotion.

"Wronged these children!"

Fang Xing\'s heart moved, but he knew that this was the disaster Fang hung Chien had brought to the two families.

The so-called big case naturally needs to worry about whether it will involve the three ethnic groups. After receiving orders, the local officials will also watch these people, so they become street mice.


Fang Xing suddenly hated the registered residence policy now. You can\'t think of a long distance without a road.

"How delicious! My mother made delicious food!"

Outside came the shouts of Zhu Zhu\'s joy. Fang Xing\'s heart gradually calmed down and slowly felt the breath of Fang\'s family in Zhuozhou.

"..... it\'s a pity that the third is old, and wake up, otherwise he must be at least one armour..."

The two old people were sobbing, without any intention of complaining about being implicated in that year.

Fang Xing smiled. He thought he liked the atmosphere.

In his previous life, he had neurasthenia, let alone nagging. A little cumbersome things, a louder voice can make him explode.

But now he just listens to these with a smile, and even his childhood embarrassment.

The two old people also gradually laughed and sang.

"Pay back!"

"Fang mouse, pay back the money!"