Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2153

Most of the people outside the door have gone, and the rest are guys who have nothing to do and can only sit idly at home.

When they saw the carriage go in, these people followed, trying to see what was on it.

Naturally, it is impossible for the carriage to drive to the backyard, so it is directly unloaded in the front yard.

No staple food, all meat and supplements.

There are more than ten pieces of pickled and fresh meat, and there are pigs, sheep and cattle.

"Is that a cow?"

Such a big appearance can\'t hide from the onlookers.

It\'s not illegal to eat beef now. At least you can eat beef bought in officially licensed shops. You can barbecue, stew and fry.

You can use beef to make bacon

"Waste! It\'s good to bake and fry!"

Yes, beef will shrink a lot if it is made into bacon.

But this is the dried meat in Zhu gaoxu\'s style!

"What\'s that?"

Someone saw some bags.

This is an exquisite bag, about 20 jin in size.

The unloading servants were very careful, because they were all fine granulated sugar, which were high-grade goods in the capital.

The cloth is unloaded in bundles. According to the population of the Fang family, it is estimated that it will take decades. If Fang Zhuo\'s grandchildren can\'t do it well, they will have to continue to use it.

The servants carried a jar of wine in one hand, just like those who practiced arm strength, and easily carried it in.

"Wake up, brother..."

Zhu was a little surprised.

No, I was surprised and shocked.

So many things, regardless of how much they are worth, are suspicious of Xin Laoqi\'s gang of powerful servants.

Not everyone can support a housekeeper these days. Even wealthy businessmen dare not show off like this, otherwise they will bring disaster to themselves.

Fang Xing wore a green shirt and couldn\'t see his identity.

His eyebrows were calm and there was no reserve.

He even smiled, very simply, like his neighbors.

"What are you worried about?"

Fang woke up and looked at the sky and said, "it\'s a good weather. It can be seen that God gives face. What else are you afraid of?"

Those people outside are still watching the excitement. No, they are envious and sigh from time to time.

This is a dangerous mood. After fermentation, both black and white will probably know that there is a rich relative in the Fang family.

Zhu felt that since Fang Xing could earn such wealth, at least basic judgment would not be missing. The only possibility was that he came from a small place.

So she scruples about Fang Xing\'s face and asks, "where did you come from?"


Fang Xing also saw the envy outside. He even saw several big men whispering, and then he smiled.

Very happy!

Zhu was stunned, and then asked tentatively, "wake up, brother, is Chuang Tzu still at home?"


Fang Xing was surprised and said, "that\'s ancestral property. How can it not be here."

Zhu\'s heart relaxed and felt that the dark cloud covering the Fang family\'s head had finally dispersed.

From the time Fang hung Chien had an accident to the time Yang Er came back to report, the whole Fang family was in a whirlpool. Fang Hongzhong didn\'t have much courage. He thought Fang woke up and was finished, so the whole family was trembling and waited for a team of officials to take the whole family one day.

Then you can live recklessly in the future?

Zhu wanted to ask, but the government... Her fear of the government all the time made her a little confused, and then she saw a small official.

Outside the door, those idle men consciously separated a path, and small officials came from the middle.

He frowned at the servant unloading the goods and coughed, but no one paid attention to him.

Fang woke up laughing. He had a wonderful feeling.

After arriving in this world, he felt that he should be lonely. In addition to his wife and concubine, of course, there were more children behind him.

At least in blood, he is lonely.

That kind of loneliness is similar to the feeling of being left behind, independent and unaccompanied.

But now there are two more uncles and two families of sons.

And they\'re still cowards!

This discovery did not disappoint Fang Xing, but he was very happy.

Inexplicably happy!

You have to vent your unhappiness and your happiness, so Fang woke up and was more happy when he saw the petty officials.

The little official came in, looked at the carriages that unloaded half of the goods, and coughed, "where did you come from?"


Fang Xing replied, there was no fear.

He is waiting for the petty officials to get angry. I think it will be more interesting.

But the petty official looked at him with some confusion in his eyes, and then he was slightly afraid.


Xiao Li went out with a sound. Zhu and Fang Zhuo were relieved.

"It seems that this man is honest..."

Fang Zhuo\'s words made Fang awake a little speechless, and even Zhu felt ashamed.

"Husband, that\'s afraid. He doesn\'t know the details of waking up his brother. He\'s afraid."

Fang Zhuo gave a cry, then suddenly became nervous and said, "wake up, brother, white can\'t do it. If they don\'t do it well, they\'ll call Qingpi to test."

"Green skin?"

Fang Xing pointed to the servants and said, "it\'s okay to have them."

Fang Zhuo was thin skinned after all. Seeing so many gifts, he urged Zhu to cook quickly.

He himself went to help unload the goods, but Fang woke up and asked him to go back.

"Brother, go back and have a rest. I\'ll look at these old houses and think about my father\'s days here."

This is the old house of the Fang family. Fang hung Chien was born, grew up and finally became an official.

"Well, you\'ve been here many times. I\'m afraid you\'ve forgotten it. Have a good look."

When Fang woke up, he remembered this stubble. He nodded and looked at the dilapidated houses with a sense of intimacy.

When Fang Zhuo left, there was only one person outside, and no one stopped him.

Fang woke up with a sigh and said, "I just came to visit relatives and take a vacation!"

The visitor was Shen Shitou. He arched his hands and said, "Xing Hebo, your majesty asked Ding Guogong to return to Beijing."

"That\'s a good thing! Everyone is happy when Shandong is calm."

Xu Jingchang was urged by bad luck. Zhu Yong was banned. He must be no better.

Shen Shitou whispered, "the recent atmosphere in the north is not right. Those people are worried that your majesty will continue to clean up..."

"I\'m just north."

Fang Xing doesn\'t think there\'s a big problem in the north. After all, it\'s vast and sparsely populated. If you really want to get land, you can do whatever you want outside the Great Wall.

"There\'s nothing to do in the north, just dignitaries."

Shen Shitou smiled awkwardly and said, "there was a burst of shouting and beating in the court. Duke Ding played a memorial to apologize, your majesty..."

"Won\'t you ban your feet? That\'s a little too much."

Lao Xu\'s family and Lao Zhu\'s family are in laws and have a strong relationship, but every emperor likes to take Xu Jingchang out, beat him, toss around, and then warn Xun Qi.

Xu Jingchang naturally bowed his head and became a minister, but many times, we can\'t bear to look at it!

Shen Shitou said with a wry smile, "Your Majesty asked Ding Guogong to check his own contribution..."


Fang woke up a little speechless and felt that Zhu Zhanji was still beating Xu Jingchang.

He didn\'t go to find out the reason, but wondered, "is dingguogong so unpopular with the royal family?"