Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2133

We should be serious in doing things. This is what many older people have explained to their younger generation and earnestly taught them over and over again, generation after generation.

Some people regret that they were too frivolous before, while others feel that they are still not serious enough

When a person, or a group, starts to take it seriously, there is almost nothing that can embarrass them.

Fang Xing knew this well, so he decided to go back.

"Xing Hebo, don\'t worry. I\'m not afraid of them now. If I dare to come, these workers will teach them a lesson."

Nowadays, there are more and more people under the Ming Pao newspaper. Not to mention those who play with words, these printing and transportation men are enough for those scholars to drink a pot.

There was some darkness in the printing room, and more than a dozen men stood with their hands tied in embarrassment.

"Do a good job."

Fang Xing felt that he was more and more arrogant. He nodded slightly. When these big men looked excited, he and Wang Shang turned and went out.

Wang Chang looked so young, with a bright face and full of spirit.

So people have to do something, and most people who do nothing are decadent.

"Xinghebo, when can this newspaper be spread abroad?"

Fang woke up stunned and said, "it\'s impossible outside... At present."

Are you fooling me?

Outside the territory, regardless of whether there is any suspicion of divulging the internal information of Daming, long-distance transportation alone can make the value of newspapers equal to gold.

Wang Chang is sophisticated. He knows what he is thinking when he sees his look.

"Xinghebo, many people inside Confucianism like to spread Confucianism, especially outside China."

Fang Xing stopped and turned back and said, "Sir, at present, we focus on the interior of the Ming Dynasty and write more about what the people like to see and what they need, whether it\'s farming or some cognitive errors. At present, when most farmers are still ignorant, it\'s the right time."

To get rid of ignorance, what they need is education, and it comes from the authoritative education they deeply believe in.

Daming also has public knowledge, but these public knowledge are busy guiding the country, but they are not diligent and do not divide grain, so they can only be regarded as waste.

And Wang Chang is half a well-known.

The first half of his life was a battle with Confucianism.

And now he\'s back, making a comeback, stronger.

Fang Xing arched his hand and said solemnly, "Daming needs a clear sky. Please try your best."

Whether right or wrong, it is always right to whitewash one\'s own side as the representative of justice.


Fang Xing\'s trip to Shandong soon ended.

The memorial first went to Peiping. Zhu Zhanji was silent when he saw it.

Then the news spread.

Cheng Guogong, when Fang woke up and saw Zhu Yong, he was still waiting.

"Your Majesty is very angry."


Zhu Yong felt that he had made no mistake, but that the emperor needed a shield to block the impact of the matter on cleaning up the gentry\'s preferential treatment.

"I came to you before I went home..."

Fang Xing pointed to his gray face and said, "it was intentional, but the last person killed himself, so he couldn\'t find it..."

"Someone must have ordered it!"

Zhu Yong was livid. He felt some bad breath.

"Yes, I think so, too."

Fang Xing said helplessly, "but after all, you have a problem first. It\'s certain that you don\'t manage the army strictly. Then... This is not the first hand of Xu Xin\'s department. Cheng Guogong, you shouldn\'t send Liang Ping. He is indecisive and will only delay things."

Zhu Yong was dazed, then excited, and finally said dejectedly, "this is unknown. Does your majesty know?"

If only you knew!

For handsome people, the most taboo is to know people unknown, light is wrong for themselves, heavy is wrong for the country.

Fang woke up and nodded. Zhu Yong breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I forgot. How could you hide it from your majesty."

"Emperor Wen said I was too impetuous to use without polishing. I was unconvinced, so I didn\'t hesitate to die when following Emperor Wen on the northern expedition, but I didn\'t make any contribution..."

Zhu Yong attacked Jue on the 16th. Only in his thirties did he get the opportunity to follow Zhu Di. He is not a veteran.

His resume is highly representative. After Zhu Di, Wu Xun has declined.

Just for a moment, Fang Xing\'s face looked unbearable, but Zhu Yong saw it.

His body loosened and said with a bitter smile, "Your Majesty still has to balance the government..."

Fang woke up, nodded, and then said, "after all, we can\'t help dealing with it. Cheng Guogong, let\'s have a good life and teach our children."

Zhu Yong asked with a pale face, "why? Your majesty doesn\'t know that someone has caused trouble in this matter?"

Fang Xing stepped back and nodded: "Your Majesty knows, but you made a mistake first, so..."

"The noise outside is terrible?"

Zhu Yong was finally desperate because Fang woke up.

"It\'s the right way to be clear about reward and punishment, so Cheng Guogong, let\'s be quiet for a while."


After leaving the Chengguo mansion, Fang woke up and looked at the clear sky. Later, he said to ye Luoxue, "you have witnessed this all the way. Then you can tell your majesty that I am tired and go home to have a rest."

This was the first time ye Luoxue entered the palace after emperor Ren\'s death. As soon as the beautiful face appeared, it immediately aroused many exclamations.

"He\'s not dead!"

A tearful mammy looked over her companion\'s shoulder and choked.

Those eunuchs looked at the leaves falling snow in white clothes and leisurely steps, and felt that they had become insects in the mud, insignificant and smelly.

He is the cinnabar mole in the hearts of women in the palace and the main role in countless guesses.

But in fact, he is just an expert with excellent martial arts, which is admired by Shen Shitou and others.

Jia was not envious. At least he felt that he was not envious, so he calmly looked at ye Luoxue walking up the steps and said, "it\'s hard all the way."

Ye Luoxue said coldly, "it\'s nothing."

Jia Quan was so angry that he whispered, "can you still kill the enemy?"

At the beginning, ye Luoxue blocked many rebellions alone. This credit can really be knighted. Therefore, most people thought that he was killed in battle, otherwise the emperor would not treat meritorious officials unfairly.

Therefore, Jia Quan suspected that the emperor would send ye Luoxue into the army as a confidant and slowly control a guard station.

Ye Luoxue glanced at him, his eyes were cold, and then said, "of course."

Jia Quan smiled and felt that the man was too arrogant, so he slapped him quickly.

Ye Luoxue didn\'t move. Just as Jia Quan\'s palm was about to hit his shoulder, he bent his fingers and knocked.

Jia Quan tried hard to stop, and he did accept half. Then ye Luoxue didn\'t change his move, but beat it in the middle of his index finger with his finger joints.

At this time, the eunuch who went in to report came out and said, "Your Majesty summoned."

Ye Luoxue nodded slightly, and then turned sideways into the hall.

The eunuch looked at Jia Quan curiously, received his right hand behind him, and then asked, "Lord Jia, but he is ill?"

Half of Jia Quan\'s body was numb, so he was uncoordinated. His body was trembling slightly. It looked like he had typhoid fever.

He shook his head and said with a strong smile, "nothing. It\'s cold. Shake it."

The eunuch understood: "yes! Our hometown used to be poor. In winter, we can only rely on shaking..."

The man was too wordy. When he went in, Jia Quan ran away quickly in the smiling look of the two bodyguards.

As he ran, he shook his hands and scolded, "what a special! Underestimate the enemy!"

In the hall, ye Luoxue is reporting the situation of this trip.

"... Liang Ping was in a daze, but the soldiers were forbidden..."

"... Muqi committed suicide decisively, and xinghebo gave up tracking..."

Ye Luoxue retreats to one side after reporting. Yu Jia looks at him curiously and feels that he may have a bright future in the future.