Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2132

"Brother, give me more money."

"Elder brother, I can work as many as I can. You can give me more money. I\'ll push the work of Zhangjia restaurant later."

"Elder brother, do you think it\'s ok? Today I\'m alone, from opening the door to making fire to kneading noodles... Finally I clean up and close the door. Elder brother, I did all this alone! Do you think it\'s worth two people\'s wages?"

"Not worth it? Will that one and a half work?"

"Shut up!"

In the evening, it was quiet all around. Occasionally, you could hear the sound of grinding teeth and farting from the shop next door.

In such an environment, a woman is constantly muttering. Who would be afraid of

The key is that she is not a beautiful woman and her voice is not pleasant. She is a strong woman.

Who doesn\'t bother?

So Mu Qi was annoyed and threatened: "talk again and drive you out tomorrow."

Then he was quiet.

He gradually fell asleep.

The shop was not big, but the woman called big sister lived in. Of course, Mu Qi was not happy. Even if he was down again, he was not interested in such vulgar women.

But he couldn\'t stand that the woman would be wordy. He directly made it his biggest mistake in his life to recruit this woman to help.

Then they can be regarded as "living together and flying together".

It\'s just that Muqi is inside and big sister is outside.

This shameless woman actually moved her mind to him.

You deserve it, too?

Mu Qi vaguely thought about these bad things, and then gradually fell asleep.

"Chen Erba, come out!"

Just as he was asleep, a low drink came from outside.

Low drinking is nothing, and Chen Erba\'s green skin is nothing, but why is there a strong sound of a torch?

There are people who break the ban at any time. There is only one kind of person who dares to light a fire.

People in the government!

In an instant, Mu Qi\'s sleep ran away. He opened his eyes in the dark and slowly tightened his breath, thin and silent.

"Come out!"

"Who? Ah! What does that mean? Little..."

"Shut up and ask you something!"

"Have you seen a scholar these days?"

"My Lord, there are a lot of scholars... Every day! The little one hit one yesterday... Er... The little one..."

"That man\'s name is Mu Qi. He shouldn\'t call this now. He has a sparse beard and a lower front tooth in his mouth. He is tall..."

In the dark, Mu Qi trembled, and then subconsciously closed his mouth.

At the moment, what he regrets most is that he didn\'t fill his teeth.

Even dog teeth!

Then he began to rejoice that he never laughed with outsiders. Even if he spoke, he was quiet and didn\'t show his teeth.

He smiled and thought it was really bad. He thought of himself very stupid.

He began to relax, and then gradually blurred.

Vaguely, a voice that annoyed him came again.

"Big brother... Do you want a raise?"

"Don\'t rise, get out!"

Mu Qi\'s sleep was interrupted twice, and his anger almost gushed out.

Sure enough, the outside world stopped again.

In the dark, there were more sounds outside, rustling, like wearing clothes

In the dark, the confused Muqi suddenly shook all over, and the cold sweat immediately covered him

He also made some noise, and the voice outside stopped.

"Big sister, it\'s easy to say about the salary. I\'ll be there tomorrow, big brother..."

"OK, big brother, sleep."

Big sister\'s voice came from the outside, and Mu Qi\'s eyes were cold and fierce.

He slowly touched under the pillow and found a short blade.

He began to grind slowly to the bedside, expressionless!

It was quiet outside, and Mu Qi\'s face became more and more calm.

When he got out of bed with his body tilted, he turned back and took the thin quilt.

If you use a knife, the smell of blood is too heavy. I\'m afraid it will be smelled.

It\'s easy to suffocate with a quilt.

He stood firm and moved slowly out.

A curtain is a gap. Muqi is confident that it will become the gap between yin and Yang.

So he quietly lifted the curtain, and then his eyes were cold, and he looked at the \'bed\' made of two tables outside.

His eyesight was good, so he could see the bed clearly

No one in bed!

As soon as his heart contracted, his body was ready to retreat.

The shadow flashed, and then his fist hit Mu Qi\'s chin.



Autumn leaves fall and Fang wakes up to eat hot pot in the cold wind. This is not the first time that Fang wakes up. In his previous life, he and his friends tremble and drink together. That feeling has been lost.

No one sat beside Fang Xing. He ate and drank slowly alone.

The steam on the hot pot blown by the wind scattered everywhere, and the aroma was pungent.

"Remember to ask for some dried vegetables and go home."

In the hot pot is dry stewed pork ribs, which has a strong aroma. Fang Xing feels that it will be welcomed by his family.

Xin Laoqi answered. At this time, the sound of horses\' hoofs in front gradually came, very hurried.

Fang Xing threw away his chopsticks and looked coldly at the front.

Three horses, two scouts holding the middle horse.

Before and after that, someone went over and untied the man tied to the horse and brought him to Fang Xing\'s body.

"Uncle, this man is Mu Qi!"

A scout rudely broke off Mu Qi\'s lower lip. Someone approached with a torch. Suddenly, there was no hiding place where he lacked teeth.

"Uncle Ye, the registered residence of this person is false, and there are several road references nearby, not the capital or Jinling."

Mu Qi listened in despair. The scouts said his suspicions, and then the eldest sister followed.

After the salute, the eldest sister looked at Mu Qi in disgust and said, "uncle, he has only been here for five days. He has taken over other people\'s shop. His craft depends on people\'s women alone. He just pretends to knead noodles and make cakes..."

Fang woke up and nodded. Wang he shrieked, "here\'s your luck. Give her a 200 yuan reward."

The eldest sister trembled with excitement. Wang he said, "our family has forgotten. What should we do if someone covets your money?"

The eldest sister thought Wang he was going to repent and blurted out: "how many people\'s women can play! Then Mu Qi was knocked unconscious by people\'s women."

Wang he gave her the treasure note and asked someone to take her back.

The eldest sister kowtowed with gratitude, and then ran away. The sergeant who wanted to send him couldn\'t catch up.

"Who is the mastermind?"

Fang woke up and asked someone to remove the hot pot, and then interrogated in the street.

Mu Qi raised his head and said with a tragic smile, "uncle, why do you ask more? If you die, you will die..."


Mu Qi\'s body suddenly fell forward heavily.


Fang Xing got up angrily, then kicked over the chair, turned and left.

If it\'s so heavy, it\'s crippled even if it doesn\'t die.

The key is the decisive attitude, which makes Fang Xing angry.

He got on his horse and went away. Behind him, two sergeants knelt down to apologize. The knife had passed, turned Mu Qi over, checked it, and shook his head at Xin Laoqi.

"Seven elder brothers, I\'m afraid the brains are scattered."

"This is suicide! Go and get his family!"

Wang he\'s shrill voice echoed in the night sky, and the night in Jinan was silent. Only a dog who didn\'t know which family kept barking and had a sad voice.