Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2087

Fang Xing sits in Yanzhou Prefecture and watches the parties clean up.

If the two princes in Jinan are the sea god needle, then Fang Xing is a storm.

He sat in the government office, and Yanzhou government was tired from magistrate Tao Li to small officials.

The work of clearing the farmland is carried out in an orderly manner. With the summary of information, a chart is slowly taking shape.

Fang Xing is looking at this form. The data on it is superimposed and constantly improved.

Tao Li felt that he was definitely unlucky, so he attracted Fang Xing, the evil god.

He was a little flustered. After seeing Fang Xing\'s decisive handling of various abnormal situations, he began to panic.

He stood at the bottom of the hall and watched Fang Xing casually order people to take his capable men and pass the sentence to Zhou Wen.

"Don\'t worry about anything. Cleaning up the fields and canceling preferential treatment means cleaning up the officialdom everywhere. Otherwise, how can the tax system be implemented?"

Fang Xing stood in the hall and said calmly.

Tao Li said respectfully, "yes, it\'s just Xinghe Bo. There are many officials around, so it\'s difficult to clarify."

He had accumulated courage for a long time, so he looked at it and woke up.

Fang Xing was slightly surprised by his honesty, nodded and said, "the protection between local officials is very normal. This is not a flood and beast, just human nature. Therefore, cleaning up is one thing. Strict examination into law and strict supervision are the right way."

Tao Li breathed a sigh of relief.

Fang Xing arrived yesterday. Tao Li didn\'t sleep all night last night. He had all kinds of fantasies. What he thought most was that he was locked up in Beijing. The family was locked up in prison. After interrogation, he got on a boat and went to overseas desert islands to stay with the savages.

So he didn\'t like the gentry who made trouble. He thought they were always taking chances and felt that they could escape the blame.

People\'s hearts are always full of luck, and they don\'t cry when they don\'t see the coffin

"Uncle, a small official in Fei County was killed. The murdering gentry took the farmers into the mountain and called themselves king of Chu."

The scouts came in and reported a piece of news that Tao Li thought was bad news.

His face was pale and he said, "Xing Hebo, junior officer... This matter has nothing to do with junior officer. Junior officer is willing to take people to eliminate..."

Fang woke up and stared at him and said seriously, "as long as you fulfill your duties, please believe your majesty. Your majesty will not wrong a competent official and just be yourself."

Deterrence and repression are only one side. Neither the central court nor Zhu Zhanji can only know the cold repression. In that way, although they surrender, the people\'s hearts are scattered.

Daming doesn\'t need a silent officialdom. Zhu Zhanji has some intention, but Fang wakes up and firmly tells him that this is just a strong pressure, which will cause a more fierce rebound in the absence of supervision.

Tao Li arched his hand and said gratefully, "my lower officer must be loyal to his duty and guard the Yanzhou mansion for his majesty."

"Yanzhou mansion..."

Fang woke up dissatisfied and said, "this is Daming, a peaceful, rich and powerful Daming. There is no need to guard!"

Tao Li was so excited that he hurriedly remedied and said, "I must..."

His words were interrupted!

It was interrupted by the sudden coldness on Fang Xing\'s face!

"King of Chu? Interesting!"

Fang woke up coldly and said, "go to a hundred households, Ben Bo will see the head of the king of Chu!"

There was a loud promise outside the door. Soon there was a cry outside, and the sound of horses\' hoofs gradually disappeared.

Tao Li is as silent as a cicada!

"King of Chu... Great Chu Xing, King Chen Sheng..."

Fang Xing stood in the hall, looked at the door and said with a smile, "the government of the Ming Dynasty is impassable and people are at odds, but it\'s still not the end of the Qin Dynasty. Your majesty is in the capital and Ben Bo is in Yanzhou. See who wants to be Chen Sheng!"

Tao Li bowed and said, "Xinghe Bo, I dare to kill thieves with a knife!"

Fang Xing shook his head and walked out of the lobby slowly.

People came and went in the Yamen. The sergeants carried muskets and knife handles and looked at these people with vigilance.

No one is completely innocent!

So, everyone is suspected!

Fang Xing slowly walked out of the lobby and casually ordered: "send orders everywhere immediately. Someone has plotted against the leader of the owl. The family will go overseas and go to places full of miasma..."

"Fang Xing! Dehua!"

Then there was a noise outside, and someone strode in.

"Cheng Guogong?"

Fang woke up to greet him and said, "why did Duke Cheng come to Yanzhou?"

The visitor was Zhu Yong. He glanced at the lobby and said, "the Scout said that you suddenly went deep into Dezhou and rushed all the way to Yanzhou mansion. I just wanted to come and see and help you."


Fang woke up with a look at Zhu Yong and said with a smile, "it\'s not about rushing to attack. It\'s just that wandering outside is a little boring. I just want to come and see the situation here. The result is good. At least there\'s no big problem here."

This is the land of Daming. It\'s just Zhu Yong\'s eager words to fight.

"I saw the cavalry set out just now. What\'s the matter?"

Zhu Yong suddenly asked.

"There is man-made opposition."


The two stood in the middle, and the people on the side hid in the past.

There was something wrong with the atmosphere. Tao Li came over and stopped ten steps away.

He thought it was the center of the storm and could tear himself apart.

Zhu Yong frowned and said, "kill them..."

Fang Xing smiled and said, "that\'s right, so I sent cavalry, a hundred households, enough to clean up the rebels."

Zhu Yong looked at Fang Xing calmly. Fang Xing smiled. They were silent for a moment.

Finally, Zhu Yongxian said, "you said it was a peripheral cruise."

"Yes, but there was a commotion here in Yanzhou Prefecture."

They looked at each other, Fang Xing kept smiling, but Zhu Yong\'s eyes were a little free.

Calm and embarrassment are spreading!

"I... don\'t mean to rob merit or interfere."

Fang Xing finally explained: "I said that in this life, only xinghebo and chengguogong will come. Do you understand?"

He looked straight at Zhu Yong, very calm, without low self-esteem or panic.

Zhu Yong was annoyed in the depths of his eyes and said, "but you are outside, including Ding Guogong and me. This was set by his majesty. As for Yanzhou mansion, three scouts are patrolling all over the country. The news will be reported in two days..."

"You... Even if the credit is not small, you need to respect me and the Duke of Ding..."

Zhu Yong was embarrassed when he said this, but he was irritated. He just said it blandly. For him, he was already suppressing his temper.

Tao Li\'s body was trembling slightly. He regretted coming over.

A duke, a count, if they make any contradiction, he Tao Li is cannon fodder.

And hearing the cannon fodder, the situation will be much worse than unknowingly.

He glanced at Fang Xing and worried that Fang Xing would be angry at Zhu Yong\'s words.

But Fang woke up and smiled, but said calmly, "if I want to, I\'m also a Duke now!"


Tao Li thought he was probably dead, so he hissed, "I didn\'t hear you!"

If you dare to regard the title of the national Dynasty as an ordinary thing, Fang will probably wake up.

But Zhu Yong is there!

If I want to, I am also a Duke now!

This is Fang Xing\'s counterattack!

What are you?

You\'d better attack Jue. It\'s a good reincarnation. You just got a national Duke.

But we just don\'t want to wake up, otherwise I can sit with you Zhu Nengping now!

The most humiliating thing in this is the hint of attacking the Lord!

You are a dandy!

You are a reincarnation!

Humiliating Xun Qi, the most powerful is this hint!

Zhu Yong\'s face was a little blue and his eyes were more fierce.

It doesn\'t matter to me!

Tao Li retreated slowly, just trying to get out of the vortex.

All the people around retreated, leaving only the sergeant of Jubao mountain guard, Fang Xing\'s servants, and the soldiers brought in by Zhu Yong.