Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2086

Fang Xing sits in Hejian mansion, and Jubao mountain guard is divided into parts and cruises around.

They are not only nearby, but also gradually, sometimes even deep into Yanzhou Prefecture.

For a moment, all over Shandong was in a state of panic, and the news that the evil god was carrying a knife to cut people spread everywhere.

Most of the people are happy. Even those who invest in it, with the propaganda of the royal guards and the East Hall, have a vision for a tax system.

So it\'s just the gentry who are sad!

Angels galloped on the land of Shandong. Under the protection of cavalry, everyone bowed down wherever they went.

This is an exception!

As a rule, you only need to go to Jinan mansion to send a message, but this time, you let angels run back and forth in each mansion. The purpose is very simple.

"... Shandong was completely abolished, and those who disobeyed the order were exiled by the whole family..."

The angel\'s face was red with the sun, and some places were peeling, but when those murderous words came out, there was a silence at the gate.

Yanzhou Prefecture!

I didn\'t go to the government office!

The angel was at the gate of the city and finished reading the will in full view of the public. Then he looked around. Although he was tired, he said brightly: "Your Majesty is thinking about you waiting. Your majesty is worried that you can\'t eat enough and wear warm. After working hard all year round, you are still in rags..."

The most people inside and outside the city gate are the people, followed by several gentry. They can\'t hide their anger and despair

The angel saw those anger and despair, so his eyes were sharp and said, "now Duke Ding and Duke Cheng are sitting in Shandong, and xinghebo is cruising outside. It can be seen that your majesty hates this matter. You should be bold. Who dares to hide or bully you, go to the Yamen to report!"

The atmosphere gradually boils, and the numb faces in the crowd are more red, like being drunk.

An old man with a basket on his back blinked and shouted, "my Lord, three mu of land has been occupied in my small home."

Before the angel set out, Zhu Zhanji told the people to feel the unwavering care from the emperor.

So he drank without hesitation: "go to the government office to complain!"

The wrinkled face floated gloomily. The angel\'s heart moved and shouted, "Your Majesty\'s will is here. Who dares to disobey? Who!?"

A rush of hoofs came, and a sergeant went out to have a look.

Under the scorching sun, more than 100 horses are galloping.

When the DPRK and China put pressure on Shandong, this cavalry was nothing.

But the slender barrel on the cavalry\'s back surprised the sergeant, and he couldn\'t help shouting: "it\'s Jubao mountain guard..."

The horse galloped, and the sound of the horse\'s hooves suddenly became urgent, which made the heart beat faster.

This is an illusion!

This is the illusion brought by the name of Jubao mountain guard, who has made great achievements in war.

Those people could not help but make way for the smiling angels.

The more than 100 riders flew to the gate of the city, and then reined in their horses to slow down.

The head of the Baihu official bowed his hands on his horse and said, "my lower official gathered Baoshan to guard Baihu Qiu Jian. I was ordered by uncle to patrol everywhere. If there were any officials, they would be innocent to kill!"

The horse was panting and shaking its head gently.

The angel nodded and said, "some people in Yanzhou Prefecture don\'t dare to speak. Now go to the Yamen. You wait for the pressure array. If there are no ministers, kill the innocent!"

The old man blinked and said in panic, "adults, small ones don\'t dare, small ones don\'t dare!"

Qiu Jian is just one of the teams sent by Fang Xing.

——There is only one thing for you to go down: shock! Decisive deterrence!

"Go to the government office!"

Qiu Jian pulled out the long sword and his subordinates pulled out the sword together. Suddenly, the sword light in front of the city gate shone in people\'s eyes.

"Take him!"

The angel pointed to the old man. Someone took him on the horse, and then they went to the government office.

When he arrived at the government office, although the horse speed was very slow, the old man couldn\'t move his legs when he was supported down. Finally, he was carried in by two sergeants.

Someone informed the government office when the angel arrived. The magistrate and others went to the city gate. As a result, before they reached the city gate, they saw the angel entering the city with a brigade of cavalry.

When the magistrate and others ran back to the government office in sweat, the angel had drunk cold water and asked the old man about his grievances.

"Lord Tao is so powerful!"

The angel\'s words softened Tao Li\'s subconscious legs. Then he remembered that this is not the Forbidden City. Then he stood firm and pleaded: "I don\'t know..."

The angel was not a eunuch. He said in a negative way: "exploit and rule the people. The people have no way to appeal. Lord Tao, this is Yanzhou mansion?"

Tao Li said sadly and angrily, "Sir, the lower official asked himself that there was no such crime..."

"Qian bo..."

The angel slowly said a name. Tao Li patted the outside of his thigh and said, "Sir, Qian Bo is not an official!"

The angel sneered and said, "how long has it been since Jinan? Yanzhou government doesn\'t know the lesson and still indulges the officials below. Lord Tao, do it yourself!"

The angel got up and shouted, "take the money, Bo Lai!"

A sergeant promised loudly, but everyone didn\'t know where the money wave was.

The angel is ready to take advantage of this, so we can\'t hesitate.

Tao Li watched his words and expressions and immediately shouted, "come and take them!"

Officials had already come out and took a team of sergeants to catch Qian Bo.

The old man couldn\'t stand steadily. When the angel asked Tao Li coldly about the progress of cleaning up the fields, he had to sit on the wall.

Tao Li saw the sweat on his forehead and said, "my Lord, the gentry in Yanzhou Prefecture are difficult to deal with. The lower officials are not slack. They have sent people to count the fields everywhere. Some petty officials were beaten the day before yesterday..."

The angel was furious and asked, "how did you deal with it?"

"Here comes Xinghe..."

At this time, there was a cry outside, and then the words "Xing and Bo" were constantly said, getting closer and closer.

Tao Li was standing. When he heard that Fang woke up, he shook his body a few times.

The angel immediately got up and turned to the door.

Fang Xing strode in, arched his hands at the angel, and then asked, "Benbo patrolled all the way. How about Yanzhou Prefecture?"

His eyes swept through the room. The angel didn\'t dare to be conceited. He hurried to say, "Xing Hebo, the officials here are a little scattered."


Fang Xing stared at Tao Li and asked faintly, "tell me, Lord Tao, how many people? How many people should be convicted?"

The officials outside were fighting two battles. Tao Li faced the pressure of Fang Xing, and his mouth was dry and almost wanted to collapse.

He stammered: "xinghebo, lower official... Lower official has... Has..."

"What is it?"

Fang woke up and saw Li Jia. He nodded slightly and snorted coldly.

Tao Li was almost scared to kneel by the cold hum. He hurried to say, "I have a roster..."

"Tiger head and snake tail, how can you entrust an important task when you act so afraid of hands and feet?"

Fang Xing frowned and said, "take out the roster and take it down immediately!"

After Tao Li brought the list, Fang woke up and immediately sent someone to catch it.

"Unless it\'s armed resistance, keep it. Overseas people are in urgent need of manpower!"

Fang woke up and sat in the lobby of the government office. The angel had left, and he had to go to the next place.

Tao Li was restless and looked outside from time to time.

At first, he thought it was appropriate for him to hold the booklet, but the sudden arrival of Fang woke up broke his plan.

It\'s useless!

If this comment gets out, he won\'t want to take another step up in the future.

So he looked at Fang Xing from time to time and wanted to see some clues related to his future from his look.


He only got this.