Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2007

In the north, in late autumn, the vegetation in the north gradually withered and yellow.

When the cold wind blew, more than 100 war horses roared in, and the withered and yellow grass was splashed everywhere by horse hoofs.

There are more than ten people in a line, but there are ten times as many war horses.

"The front is Suzhou Wei!"

Feng Ji led the royal guards. Although they kept getting rid of the pursuers by relying on the advantages of Maduo, his subordinates lost five people in order to protect the two people in the East Hall.

All the people covered their faces with cloth and were refreshed at the smell of the speech.

No wonder the pursuers stopped appearing the day before yesterday. It turned out that they were approaching Daming!

Zhao Chun touched the burden on his back and murmured, "brother Wang Shi, we\'re going to Daming soon."

"There are cavalry!"

The royal guards in front suddenly stood up on horseback, then slid down, turned back and shouted, "Sir, it\'s our scouts!"

A group of cavalry appeared on the opposite side, with a number of more than 300, which is a proof of the strength of Daming at present.

There is no need to hide. When you meet the enemy, you can start shooting!

When the scouts saw the group, they were stunned at first. They immediately separated and surrounded them from the left and right.

This is a posture of encirclement and killing.

Feng Ji rushed to the front and shouted, "Feng Ji, a hundred families of royal guards, is here!"

The cavalry over there turned a deaf ear and continued to encircle.

Zhao Chun shouted, "don\'t draw a knife, stop the horse!"

They slowly reined in the war horse, and then Feng Ji walked slowly towards the Deputy Qianhu in the front.

"My official, Feng Ji, a hundred families of royal guards."

Deputy Qianhu verified his identity and said solemnly, "my official Yu Lian, brother of royal guards, has worked hard."

People of the royal guards often pretend to be businessmen and horse thieves, and then go deep into the grassland to inquire about news. Therefore, the soldiers on the side wall have no aversion to the royal guards.

Feng Ji drove his horse to the side and said solemnly, "it\'s not hard for me to serve as an official. This time I\'m taking the brothers from the East Hall back. They..."

"East factory?"

There was a look of disgust on Yu Lian\'s face.

At present, East Hall focuses more on civil servants, but it\'s really not difficult to bring down a vice thousand households.

The two people in the East Hall came slowly. Zhao Chun looked at the Ming army and said with mixed feelings: "it\'s like a lifetime to escape from death."

Yu Lian is waiting for them to report their identity. He hates Dongchang, but he can only vent his anger by this means.

"Dongjishi factory... Stall head... Zhao Chun."

Zhao Chun touched out the sign, handed it over and choked: "back to Daming... Brothers, we\'re home. I\'ll take you home..."

Yu Lian looked at Feng Ji in amazement, and Feng Ji nodded solemnly.

From the beginning of the Ming Dynasty until now, the people in the East Hall have always been under pressure. Once they return, they don\'t feel relieved.

But mixed feelings!

Zhao Chun dismounted, took off the burden and opened it.


Yu Lian was surprised. Feng Ji whispered, "they have been asking for information in Samarkand. Three brothers died. They are... Very... Brave."

Zhao Chun suddenly looked up and shouted, "brother Wang Shi, brother Miao Xi and brother Chen Hui, we\'re home and the soul is back!"

"Come back..."

Shut up and cry vaguely. He carries Chen Hui\'s ashes on his back, but Miao Xi

Feng Ji hung his head, and five of his men died in the war. All of them were cut off... They were dismembered by the pursuers.

"Brothers, soul... Come back."

The remains of the royal guards who died in the war have been submerged by the pursuers and cannot be retrieved. So looking at the scene in front of her, Feng Ji\'s eyes were sour.

The sound of the long knife coming out of its sheath was nearby. Feng Ji looked up and saw Yu Lian pull out the long knife. He nodded slightly at the two bags of ashes and shouted, "Daming Wansheng!"

The cavalry who surrounded them drew their swords one after another and shouted solemnly, "the great Ming Dynasty wins!"


In Suzhou City, the general who had received the news stood outside the city gate, looking at the distance with complex eyes.

"Here you are, my Lord."

The dust was flying in the distance, and a large group of cavalry swarmed in.

The guard general\'s look became more and more serious.

The side wall is dangerous. The bitter cold is only one layer. What I fear most is being raided.

The enemy\'s favorite thing on the grassland is to attack. Once the news is cut off, the defenders will become blind. God knows what will happen when they are caught off guard.

So the treatment of scouts is the best in the army. They can eat the best food and choose the best horses and weapons.

And the spies who go deep behind the enemy to inquire about the news are good men who can make the frontier fortresses respect!

Such people deserve respect!

"It\'s from the East Hall. They went to Harley to inquire about the news!"

In a word, everyone stood up straight.

The news passed in all the way, and those people silently walked out of their homes and stood on both sides of the street.


Water bags, packages filled with food, and horse material bags are in the hands of those sergeants, waiting to be replenished for the royal guards and East Hall.

Outside the city gate, two rows of arrays were in place and watched the brigade of cavalry gallop.

Yu Lian led his men around from left to right, and the East Hall and royal guards team of more than ten people were exposed in the eyes of these frontier fortress soldiers.

East Hall!

It is said that the Middle East factory does all kinds of evil. They are all scum with pus on the soles of their feet.

But the frontier fortresses do not judge others by rumors. In a difficult environment, they prefer to see a person\'s actions.

Feng Ji rushed into the long array channel. He will lead his subordinates and escort the two people from the east hall all the way back to the capital.

The two opponents actually cooperated, and they were behind the enemy. People can\'t help but sigh and sigh that things are changeable.

Zhao Chun followed. He reined in his horse. Then the sergeants on both sides put water, food and forage on the horse\'s back, checked their firmness, and took the opportunity to feed the war horse some horse material mixed with beans.

The war horse ate happily, shaking his head and hissing from time to time.

Along the way, they have lost more than 30 war horses, all of which are tired or left behind.

Zhao Chun dismounted and took advantage of this opportunity to bring hot noodles to everyone.

Zhao Chun devoured it. It was their first meal of noodles after escaping from Samarkand, which made him and Guan Qisheng almost cry.

The general asked Yu Lian in a low voice and nodded frequently.

"They are all good men who serve their country!"

The general went to Zhao Chun, who was squatting on the ground to eat noodles, and said, "you\'ve worked hard. I can send the best scouts to the capital to deliver messages. You can rest here."

Zhao Chun looked like a beggar in front of him. His face was full of holes - wrapped in cloth was useless.

The hands looked full of cracks, most of them turned to both sides, red and black

It\'s not like a hand!

Zhao Chun raised his head, shook his head, pointed to his head with his right hand holding chopsticks and said, "many things are here. I can only go back, or I will fail those brothers..."

After eating noodles, Zhao Chun got up and arched his hands and said, "thank you, sir. I\'m leaving now."

The general stepped back and said, "have a nice trip!"

Zhao Chun nodded, mounted his horse and said, "sure!"

The general finally said, "don\'t be sad. Daming\'s military boots will break through Samarkand. We... Are invincible!"

Zhao Chun blinked and said, "it is for this reason that the lower official went to Samarkand. If Daming can be invincible, it will be... Worth it!"

With the sound of horses\' hooves, the cavalry team rushed into the city.

Zhao Chunhe and Guan Qisheng have replaced the burden on their back with a wooden box.

They rushed into the city all the way. The people on both sides watched silently and followed them.

They passed the bell and Drum Tower and rushed into changxiangzi street.

"Good man!"

The fear of East Hall disappeared, and someone couldn\'t help praising it.

"Good man!"

This is a tribute from the army and people of the frontier fortress!

"Daming wins!"

If the news goes back, Daming will surely kill those enemies!

At this time, the people of Daming believed it.

They are sure that Daming will be invincible!

The cheers gradually spread. Zhao Chun thought about the hardships along the way, and suddenly a heroic rush came to his heart.

Is it worth the cheers for our sacrifice?

He gradually raised his head, waved his fist and shouted, "Daming wins!"

These cheers gathered together, which is what Fang Xing has been pursuing.



No matter whether it is the enemy\'s fall or the rise, when these concepts are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, China will never yield and dare to draw a knife to meet the enemy.