Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2006

"The rebel is dead!"

In a family, a man was dressing a yamen whose arm was cut. When he saw his son staring at him, he couldn\'t help scolding.

"He Ma Liang is just a green skin. He dares to rebel. Lord Xiao, when can the army arrive?"

The injured man\'s name was Xiao Zhi. He sat on a low stool, bared his teeth, looked at the wound and said, "what are you afraid of? Xinghebo is in Jinan\'s mansion! The warriors under his old man can reach Changshan in one day at most. At that time, Ma Liang and the rebels didn\'t run away."

Xiao Zhi was just a yamen servant. When Ma Liang made a riot, the county magistrate saw that the other party was large and powerful, so he decisively fled with the officials.

Only Xiao Zhi, who was one step late, was chased and killed. Fortunately, the target of the rebels was the warehouse, so after killing a traitor, he climbed over the wall and entered the Wei family.

Wei Xue helped Xiao Zhi deal with his wound. His daughter-in-law trotted in from the gate, still weighing her feet and being careful.

"Husband, Lord Xiao, Ma Lianggang just took people to the county government."

Xiao Zhi moved his left arm, quietly went to the gate, looked out, and came back and said, "don\'t worry. Xinghe Bo uses his arms like a God. Ma Liang and other green skins estimated that Xinghe Bo was hacked to death before he saw him."


"Can Ma Liang succeed?"

In a house in Changshan, seven men in green shirts were sitting in their study discussing business.

"That\'s a green skin. What can he do? As soon as Fang wakes up, he will definitely run. Then we\'ll meet inside and outside. What\'s this?"

A proud middle-aged man looked at everyone and said proudly, "this is meritorious service! We have made meritorious service, but who caused the rebellion of Changshan?"

He pointed to the crowd and said, "it\'s the party who woke up!"

Everyone looked at each other and smiled slowly.

"Ha ha ha!"


"Ha ha ha!"

In the county government office, Ma Liang looked at several boxes of treasure bills and gold and silver and laughed proudly.


"Xinghebo, there is a lot of cultivated land here, and Jinan government relies heavily on taxes, but mergers are rising. The recovery of a large number of cultivated land this time has hurt the muscles and bones of the gentry!"

In a farm ten miles away from Changshan City, Fang Xing was convening a meeting.

The introduction of Yu Qian\'s mending of Changshan before he came was orderly.

"Can green skin rebel?"

Wu Yue shook his head and felt incredible.

Fang Xing is eating yam and dipping it in sugar. This is one of the few foods he is willing to eat sweets.

Yu Qian looked at Fang Xing with some dissatisfaction, savoring the yam of Changshan mountain, and said, "Xinghe Bo, the ancestral temple of fan Wenzheng is by the Xiaogan river!"

Fang Xing put down the yam and bowed his hands towards the outside.

Regardless of success or failure, Fang Xing always holds a respectful attitude towards such figures as fan wenzhenggong.

Yu Qian\'s face became better and said, "the green skin is called Ma Liang. We have found out the situation before. Ma Liang originally had more than ten people. With his relatives and men, there will not be more than 50 people, so this rebellion is worth pondering."

Seeing that he was domineering, Xin Laoqi said, "just say that the gentry are playing tricks. What are you thinking about?"

Yu Qian lived in fangjiazhuang for a long time, and Xin Laoqi was familiar with him, so Yu Qian didn\'t think he was disobedient. He said shyly, "I\'m used to talking like this and offended."

The people present saw that he was not surprised that Xin Laoqi claimed to be an officer.

If he is willing to leave the Fang family, according to his ability, he must be at least a commander now.

Fang woke up and ate the yam. He said, "remember to let the people who go home take a few kilograms back."

Xin Laoqi should.

Fang Xing clapped his hands and his eyes were sharp and sharp.

The marshal has been promoted!


Fang Wu arched his hands and said, "master, there are more than 500 rebellious people, mostly farmers. The backbone is green leather and the weapons are messy. At present, the rebellious people are guarding Changshan city."

Fang Xing closed his eyes and decided the plan in an instant.

"March now and make a big fuss!"

Fang woke up. He opened his arms and Xin Laoqi came with his armor.

"Three hundred cavalry immediately bypass Changshan city and cruise in the front, ready to intercept the fleeing enemy at any time."

Plate armor is not difficult to wear, but the tightness of the tie should be well controlled, otherwise it will be uncomfortable for a long time.

Xin Laoqi gave Fang Xing armor many times. Naturally, he knew the strength.

Finally, the visor!

A Fang Xing shrouded in steel appeared.

Outside came the sound of cavalry leaving. Fang woke up, moved his neck and said, "attack!"

When the order came outside, the sergeants mounted one after another.


Wu Yue pulled out his long knife and shouted.


The main force poured out, leaving more than 100 people waiting for Fang to wake up.

Fang woke up and mounted the horse. He said to Qian, "the way of literature and martial arts has never been a barrier. What you should pay attention to is the details."

Yu Qian\'s posture of getting on the horse was not free and easy. He arched his hands shyly.

"Let\'s go!"

Fang Xing rushed out first. Yu Qian thought it was a good opportunity to learn, so he followed him closely.

"The implementation of any strategy cannot leave the understanding of details, otherwise one person can break a big war."

There was arable land all around, but after the news that the county was broken by rebels came, no one could be seen again.

The main force in front has disappeared in sight. Yu Qian asked, "xinghebo, why not make a surprise attack?"

Fang woke up and looked around and said, "that\'s a traitor, traitor. What are we?"

"We are officers and soldiers!"

Yu Qian was a little disillusioned and said, "you want to defeat the rebels openly and let the people of Changshan remember... The faces of those gentry."

"No, it\'s the whole Daming!"


Ten miles away, if the cavalry spared no horsepower, it wouldn\'t take much time.

Less than five miles from the city, between a field, more than a dozen thieves with long knives and wooden guns heard the sound of horses\' hoofs.

They were sitting on the roadside, gradually stood up and stared at the distance.

There is dust in the distance.

When more than a hundred horses appeared, some of the thieves screamed. Then Ma Liang\'s previous orders were forgotten, and everyone began to flee.

——If you find the officers and soldiers, you will repay them immediately and give them a heavy reward!

Everything is expected to be very good, but Ma Liang overestimates these men who are not even as good as the rogue bandits.

The natural fear of officers and soldiers and the fear of the other party waking up the demon God made them lose the best chance to escape.

The cavalry roared in, and the thieves with only two horses immediately scattered.

"Abandon the knife, kneel down and don\'t kill!"

The sound of horses\' hoofs was getting closer and closer. These thieves didn\'t know the impact of the cavalry and were still running wildly.

The field after harvest is boundless and desperate.

When the first scream came, everyone stopped, threw away their weapons, turned back slowly and raised their hands.

"Kneel down! Kneel down!"

There is a thief lying in the field, still struggling.

Beside him, a cavalry\'s long knife tilted, and blood slowly trickled down the blade to the barren field.

Further away, the two thieves who fled on horseback were gradually narrowed by the pursuers.

Horses are a rarity for thieves. Those who can ride horses are naturally Ma Liang\'s confidants.

"Get off the horse with ten interest, or there will be no amnesty for killing!"

The guard of Jubao mountain is a war horse, while the thief rides a better and shorter horse.

The voice was behind him, but the two thieves only ran for their lives and ignored it.


The small flag officer shouted, "one on the left... Shoot!"

The crossbow and arrow broke through the air. The thief on the left screamed too late to send it out, so he fell off his horse.

The little flag officer pointed to the left and the two riders rushed over to check.

Then add a crossbow.


"The little one is down!"

The main force has arrived and stopped, searching for the left and right.

Shielding the battlefield has always been the first priority. The biggest purpose is to make the opponent blind, so he can\'t make correct judgment and response.

Fang Xing came with people. He rode to the prisoner and said, "I want a confession right away. Benbo wants the specific situation of the city."

"Who is this?"

Fang Xing was wrapped in the same armor as the soldiers, which made people unable to identify.

When the wind blew in late autumn, the prisoners were timid, but they were startled by the sentence Ben Bo.


After a moment of silence, the cry broke out suddenly.

"Little wish to say..."

Fang Xing turned around and frowned, "what is a soldier? Blood is the first, and an army without blood is waste! These people can\'t be called an army. Get ready, Ben Bo will go down to Changshan city!"

Yu Qian felt that Fang Xinggao looked at the traitor and said, "bloody... The lower official has seen a lot of people from top to bottom. To tell the truth, bloody is rare."

Fang woke up and looked to the north and said, "the north is bitter and cold, fighting endlessly, so he tempered a wild warrior. Daming doesn\'t need wildness, but blood is indispensable!"

Yu Qian stood on his side and said, "North! At present, there are only ha lie..."