Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2004

In the chief secretary\'s Yamen, Chang Yu and Qian Hui have been waiting.

When he saw Fang wake up, Chang Yu went up and asked, "Xinghe Bo, can you hold it down?"

Fang woke up and nodded. After sitting down, he drank a cup of tea and then said the situation at that time.


Qian Hui was furious. "This is your Majesty\'s will, the meaning of the court. The man\'s suicide has nothing to do with the people. Are those people crazy?"

Fang Xing rubbed the sour corners of his eyes and said, "the man who committed suicide was an affair between his wife and his servant. The man scolded heaven and earth after drinking. His wife and servant took the opportunity to suffocate him, and then pretended to hang..."

Chang Yu shook his head and sighed helplessly and said, "this is... Self sin!"

"Xing Hebo, what about those people?"

"Those who make trouble are currently locked up in the camp. Report to the capital immediately and wait for the news from Chaozhong."

Chang Yu asked tentatively, "those businessmen..."

Qian Hui also stared at Fang Xing.

Fang Xing yawned and said, "self defense."

Two pairs of eyes immediately stared wide. I can\'t believe Fang Xing would say so.


Chang Yu blinked and said, "only deal with those scholars. It will be unfair outside. It will be another storm when it reaches the capital."

Qian Hui also felt something wrong and said, "Xing Hebo, those scholars have been beaten badly enough. At least we have to deal with some people to calm down the material discussions outside..."

"Benber said it was a defense in a critical moment."

Fang woke up coldly and said, "their shops are being smashed and burned. They are being chased and beaten with broken heads and blood... Should we ask them to stop resisting and let those dregs rage?"

Chang Yu and Qian Hui were speechless and even smiled bitterly.

In their view, businessmen are just tools, and tools can naturally be used.

If you win a group of businessmen directly, you can buckle the crazy hats of readers tonight. Why not?

"Scholars, farmers, industry and commerce, now scholars are afraid to temporarily stand on the opposite of Daming. As for agriculture, we should continue to implement benevolent policies and reduce the burden of farmers in the future. This is the possession of wealth to the people!"


Should Shi stand on the opposite side of Daming?

Well, we admit that most scholars will complain for a while, but they stand on the opposite side... Is this a bit exaggerated?

"You only see a few people, only yourself."

Fang Xing simply explained: "we moved their granary, and their greed is probably the most bottomless of the four people. Therefore, we should lift farmers, businessmen, craftsmen, and even military households, lift these people to suppress them, at least suppress them, and don\'t let the situation get out of control."

"Businessmen must find gentry as backstage, otherwise their business will be embezzled and suppressed. Is this normal? It\'s not normal, but they dare not resist. Tonight they resist. That\'s what I want."

Fang Xing didn\'t shy away from his own ideas. He said, "so the businessmen are defending tonight, justifiable defense and innocent. Ben Bo will comfort him at dawn."

There was a silence.

"Go and have a rest."

The night was deep and gradually cold.

Fang woke up and took a nap wrapped in a cloak. When it was light, he washed with well water, and then took people to the place last night.


The long street was devastated. In the burned shops on the right, some people were looking for valuable things. They could hear shouting and swearing from time to time.

Seeing Fang Xing coming with people, those onlookers dispersed silently.

"All stop."

Fang woke up and waved. When the crowd gathered and looked at himself nervously, he said sadly, "what happened last night was resentful. Fortunately, there was no human life."

People didn\'t know his purpose, so they kept silent.

"Heavy losses!"

Fang Xing pointed to the ruins on the side and said, "this is an impeccable disaster."


you \'re right!

The sensitivity of the businessman made everyone a little happy.

Fang Xing was aware of these little joys, so he gave a big joy.

"To pay! They must pay!"

Fang Xing was impassioned and filled with righteous indignation: "before coming, your majesty told you to be stable and not to be in turmoil, so as not to cause losses to the people..."

The merchants immediately choked with sobs, but the cry of long live your Majesty was powerless.

Fang Xing\'s anger gradually converged, so the cry of long live your majesty immediately rang through the long street, and many people rushed over.

Fang Xing nodded with satisfaction and continued: "remember your Majesty\'s kindness. Benbo will let people communicate. How much is lost and how much is compensated."

"Long live your majesty!"

"Long live your majesty!"

In the cry, Fang woke up, arched his hands, and then led people out of the crowd.

The loyalty of businessmen is the least valued. It changes day and night, just like the grass on the wall.

However, Fang Xing needs a form to nail the abolition of gentry preferential treatment step by step.

The cry behind him gradually went away. Shen Shitou hurried to him and whispered, "Deng FA and He Shan were caught. Yang Yan wanted to leave the city in the morning. As a result, the investigation at the city gate was very strict and he retreated."

"He begged the family last night, but he was driven out. Later, he went to the painting boat and somehow moved the bird tongue to plead with the old lady..."


Yu Qian feels that these people are really a shame for men!

"Go and see the scenery of Daming Lake."

When they arrived at Daming Lake, Fang, who didn\'t have breakfast, woke up hungry, asked someone to get a bowl of noodles and squatted not far from the boat.

One person eats noodles and people are standing around. This strange scene makes passers-by avoid one after another.

"If you can build a yard by the lake, go fishing and take a walk every day, you\'ll feel relaxed and happy!"

Fang Xing put down the bowl, got up and looked at a head sticking out of the boat. It was still a woman.

"Sir, it\'s a bird tongue."

Yang Yan refused to take the lead, which made Fang wake up a little disrespectful.


"Xiuyu, there are people outside, many with knives."

Yang Yan sat by the bed with a burden on the side. The letter was thrown on the ground with more footprints.

He looked up blankly, didn\'t look at his tongue, got up and went out quietly.

Freckles looked sadly at him sneaking close to the window, looked out quickly, and then sat on the deck trembling.

"Yang Yan, you are the principal criminal. You don\'t want to escape from heaven and earth!"

Yang Yan\'s body was shocked when he shouted outside. He slowly looked up and begged to look at the bird tongue.

Freckles only felt a pain in her heart. She walked lightly with her skirt and squatted down.

"Xiuyu, it\'s xinghebo. He\'s coming."

Yang Yan said with a bitter smile, "yes! He won\'t let me go."

The bird tongue looked at him and said seriously, "Xiuyu, I will follow you. No matter where you are exiled, I will follow you."

Yang Yan reached out and touched her tender and smooth face and said, "OK."

As soon as the bird\'s tongue was relieved, he got up and went to the window and said, "Xiuyu, don\'t worry, I have a lot of savings. We won\'t be short of money when we go to Jiaozhi or Myanmar, and then we\'ll live a good life there, when we have children... Xiuyu!"

The bird tongue full of longing turned back, and tears immediately filled his eyes.

Yang Yan is taking out an oil paper bag from his bag and putting it into his arms. He looks up and says affectionately, "freckles, you help me hold them. When I settle down, I will come to you."

With that, he got up and prepared to go down the stairs. He didn\'t even want to say goodbye to freckles.

The bird tongue hurried to hold him and said sadly, "Xiuyu, that\'s Xinghe Bo, that\'s a famous general. You can\'t escape. Listen to me, take the initiative to go out and exile. I\'ll accompany you..."

The sparrow tongue loosened her hand. She looked at her left arm, where blood gradually gushed out, and then began to gush

She looked up and looked at Yang Yan with a pale face. Her lips were trembling and asked, "Xiuyu, why..."

Yang Yan held a short knife and said fiercely, "you bitch, you bitch riding thousands of people, do you really think I\'ll like you?"

With that, he turned and went down the stairs. His footsteps were hurried and he had no nostalgia.


Yang Yan couldn\'t help hating when he heard the cry. In the boatman\'s surprised eyes, he ran to the side of the ship without hesitation, and didn\'t forget to turn back and threaten: "don\'t say!"

The boatman nodded subconsciously, and then saw the sparrow tongue covering his left arm chasing after him.
