Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2003

Those businessmen and guys didn\'t dare to move. They watched the array accelerate gradually, and the fire shone on the bayonet, flashing a palpitating cold.

Hundreds of wolves ran through the merchants and ran towards the darkness in the distance.

Wu Yue stopped and said in a fierce voice, "half of the people pursue and half of the people put out the fire! Organize, everyone, all go to put out the fire!"

Good practice immediately split Wu Yue\'s Department into two.

The waiting water truck was pulled out and the water column was sprayed out immediately.

"Fire fighting!"

Those businessmen woke up and didn\'t care about the responsibility behind them. They took their own guys and brought water from other places, regardless of whether they were their own shops or not.

"More than ten are missing!"

Yu Qian looked at the fire and said with regret.

Fortunately, it was cloudy and rainy a few days ago, so these houses were a little wet, so the fire did not spread rapidly.

At this time, those scholars in the distance ran back. Yu Qian was stunned, and then shook his head and said, "I don\'t know how to use the army, but I underestimated the posture of xinghebo\'s famous general."

He still complains that Fang Xing is too cruel.

"This is a state affair. Under the general situation, I have only such a choice."

Fang woke up to the experience of standing firm to the capital against all opinions in history. He must have destroyed many places to resist the vara people. What did he think at that time?

The scholars who were driven back were stopped in the middle of the long street. The arrays on both sides slowed down and squeezed slowly.

Wu Yue lifted his visor and shouted, "kneel down!"

"Kneel down!"

Neat voices echoed in the long street, and the fire was stagnant in response to the situation.

As the array approached, someone shouted, "don\'t kill me! Don\'t kill me!"

Like dominoes, these people are getting shorter.


"Sir, what should I do? The party woke up and was ready. Those people may be more or less unlucky."

Yang Yan didn\'t escape. He came to find the man in royal clothes for the first time.


The man in royal clothes stood in the yard, looked at the sky red by the flame in the distance, and said carelessly, "this is not my idea."

Yang Yan only felt his heart cold into a lump of ice. He knelt on the ground and looked up and said, "Sir, but you know!"

This suddenly familiar scene made the man in royal clothes a little uncomfortable. He stepped back, frowned and said, "I often lose my mind. Who knows what you said at that time."

As soon as his face changed, he suddenly realized, "are you going to frame me? What a big dog courage, come on!"


Two big men came over. The man in royal clothes waved and said, "get out!"


"I\'m like a mouse!"

Standing outside, Yang Yan patted the dirty clothes after falling just now. A fierce look flashed in his eyes and murmured, "you won\'t have good fruit!"

Then he disappeared into the night.

Because of the chaos in Jinan tonight, the night ban is almost empty in some areas.

Yang Yan smoothly touched the Bank of Daming Lake and found the boat

In Daming Lake at night, the gradually weak fire light in the distance swings a faint light on the lake, such as fish scales.

The boat was parked on the shore, quietly, with only a light on it. Bright and dark, it seems particularly weak, but it makes people warm in their hearts.

Yang Yan thought of the bird tongue above. She should be reading the script at the moment.

Silly woman, those words are deceptive!

He went to the boat and a chuckle came from it.

Is it a kitten?

Yang Yan\'s heart was hot, but his wife and children floated through his brain inexplicably.

His wife and children were like small stones he had just accidentally kicked into the lake, and the ripples dissipated immediately.


Someone on board gave a low drink, then a light came on and gradually moved towards the side.

The boatman went to the side of the boat, blocked the breeze with his hand, looked at it, and said in surprise, "young master Yang?"

Yang Yan only felt that the fire in his heart was burning. He shouted, "put on the board."

The boatman disdained to mutter that the children could jump over at such a close distance. However, Yang Yan should pay attention to what kind of elegant demeanor.

Yang Yan went up quietly.

The bedroom door was not closed, and a ray of light came out, illuminating Yang Yan\'s flushed face.

He flung the door open.


The bird tongue leaned against the head of the bed, and her beautiful hair was scattered on her shoulders. She looked up in amazement, and then her smile gradually began to escape from the corners of her mouth.

As soon as her hand was released, the script fell on the quilt.


"Sparrow tongue!"

The two figures hugged each other quietly, the candle flickered, and the sound of breathing spread below.

"It\'s inconvenient for you today, girl!"

The voice of the kitten came. The two people in bed were stiff. Yang Yan turned over and lay on the side, and the gasp gradually subsided.

The face of the bird tongue was red. She climbed up slowly. Yang Yan hugged her and held her in his arms, but Wenxiang nephrite could not make more divine colors in his eyes and looked dull.

The bird tongue pressed on him, and the jade hand slowly touched his face. The affection in his eyes could almost drown a normal man.

"Xiuyu, you have something on your mind..."

A woman who falls in love is always simple. The man in her eyes is good at everything. Even a frown can let her figure it out for a long time.

Yang Yan gave a sound, his eyes moved and said, "freckles, I remember you..."

He was a little ready to talk and stopped. His freckles puffed and laughed like flowers. Then he put his forehead on his forehead and pecked gently on his lips.

"Xiuyu, you told your parents last time..."

Under the candlelight, the shy bird tongue is like a girl in love. Her face is crimson and her eyes are drooping

Yang Yan said carelessly, "I..."

His eyes moved, then hugged the bird\'s tongue, lowered his voice, and had more joy in his eyes. He said, "I\'m going to go back to my hometown tomorrow to tell my parents about us, and then I\'ll marry you right away."


There were many tears in her eyes. She was like a devout believer. She hugged Yang Yan with all her strength.

Yang Yan stroked her back and whispered, "it\'s just that I\'ve been dirty with the government recently. I remember you..."

The bird tongue looked up in panic and explained, "Xiuyu, I\'ve broken up with him since I knew you. Even if I was blackmailed by officials, I haven\'t gone to him..."

"I know, I know..."

Yang Yan kissed her and comforted her: "I know your loyalty, but... I want to leave the city now. I can\'t wait to marry you. I don\'t want to wait a day..."

The bird tongue looked blankly at the head of the bed, where the candle was burning, and a trace of candle tears flowed out.

A flying insect circled around the candle and rushed in. The candle burst and the light flashed.

Yang Yan pulled her back into his arms and said apologetically, "I\'m stunned, no, no..."

The jade hand pressed on his mouth, the bird tongue looked down at him and said firmly, "I\'ll go..."

Yang Yan was moved to hold her and whispered, "we will be fine. We will have several children, and then..."



"The little girl has a night sign."

The bird tongue went into a house in the city all night and stayed for half an hour. When he came out again, he was staggering and had a palm print on his face.

"Get out!"

Behind him, the door closed, the bird tongue turned back, and tears rolled down.


When I came, I got rid of the sedan bearer and the kitten. When I returned, I only had a sparrow tongue.

"Sparrow tongue."

Back at the boat, Yang Yan asked happily, "have you got it?"

Freckles only felt the burning pain on her face. She took out a letter from her arms and said, "Xiuyu, you can take this letter and go out of the city to find the caravan tomorrow. No one... Will check it."

Yang Yan took the letter and looked at it carefully under the candlelight with joy.

The sparrow tongue touched his face and thought of the cat sitting proudly on the man\'s knee just now. He couldn\'t help but be slightly stunned.

"Xiuyu, I didn\'t learn from him..."

She murmured, touching her cheek.

"Oh, good."

Yang Yan read the letter and answered casually.

The candle tears flowed, and the bug was wrapped in it and trickled down slowly