Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1979

"Your Highness, Lord Fugu went to yilibaoli from the meat fan, fought with the demon God of the Ming Dynasty with his highness Wuen, and finally defeated the demon God, but... The casualties were heavy."

Mier Gan stood high on it, looked coldly at the messenger and asked, "why did servant Gu go to Yili? Did he want to try to find out the man? Or did he want to lead the man over?"

The messenger was a man of Fugu. He said humbly, "Your Highness, master Fugu came at the king\'s command to keep the Ming out of Yili."

"Why? Is the meat fan king suddenly kind?"

Mei\'er said with disdain, and the ministers below laughed.

The messenger said calmly, "Your Highness, no matter how powerful the meat fan is, he and Haley have a common enemy, that is the Ming people."

Mei\'er asked impatiently, "what does servant Gu want?"

He only asked fugu, but not his brother Wuen. The meaning is worth pondering.

Of course, the messenger knew what he meant, so his smile was even more prosperous.

"Your Highness, the Ming people have built Xinghe City, and immigrants are pouring in. Lord Fugu judges that after accumulating enough strength, the Ming people will attack yilibaoli, and then start building the city, and then attack Haley."

Meier Gan touched his beautiful beard and said, "the Ming people can\'t go on such a long expedition. The first king saved a few years to send out the army. The Ming people won\'t be willing to pay such a high price."

"Don\'t try to deceive me. I have a teacher. He said that the history of the Ming people before, even if they launched an expedition, they would return after the war. They don\'t like the Great Wall because it\'s bitter and cold..."

The messenger nodded and said, "yes, your highness, but now it\'s different. The Ming people built a city outside the Great Wall. Who could have thought of it before? They also built a city in the so-called nuergandu department, as well as the Japanese... They beat down the place across the sea. Your highness, the Ming people now are different from before."

Meiergan said, "yesiya also said that, but what he said was to get along well with Daming."

The messenger smiled and said, "a powerful Ming Dynasty is peaceful without war, but... Are you willing to bow down to the Ming people? Please note, your highness, the Ming people are now more and more strict in the management of their vassal countries. There are no more things like paying tribute and bringing back countless benefits."

Mier said dryly, "how many people are there over there? My poor brother, Wuen, what else can he control now?"

The emissary said, "the Allied forces fought with the demon God last time, and suffered heavy casualties. Most of the losses under Lord Fugu\'s command. At present, there are more than 10000 troops in the Allied forces."

"Demon God... Is it very powerful?"

Meiergan tried to keep a decent look. He didn\'t want meat charming to see any negativity.

"Very powerful."

The messenger recalled the war at that time and said, "the demon God is cunning, even more cunning than the most powerful businessman. He can bear it, even more than Populus euphratica in the desert. During the decisive battle, he always forbear. Lord Fugu personally led the army to attack, and still didn\'t retreat after breaking his arm. Seeing that he was about to win, the demon God began to fight back..."

The messenger\'s eyes flashed with horror and said in a dreamy tone: "he has been hiding heavy soldiers in Xinghe Castle until the last minute. His purpose is only to chase and kill us. Your highness, such a demon God makes people powerless... Will have nightmares..."

"No, it\'s just that you\'re too weak."

Meier Gan got up, opened his arms, looked at the dome of the palace and said confidently: "Ha lie is immortal. We stand up again, just like the old king in those years. We stand up from the ruins, then break the meat fan and face the Ming people in the East. It\'s a pity that he died half way, otherwise today\'s ha lie will be boundless..."

The messenger bowed and said, "yes, your highness, I believe that under your leadership, Haley will return to strength..."


"Go away!"

The horse whip sounded in the air, and a team of cavalry escorted several messengers galloping through the city.

Those bullock carts and carriages gave way to the side one after another, and the pedestrians who were not in a hurry were howled by the horse whip, but the cavalry skillfully controlled the horses around.

"This riding skill, this is the most elite cavalry around your highness."

If the pedestrians, vehicles and horses on the street are water, then the cavalry is a ship, which is easy to go away.

"My Lord, it\'s in the direction of Haley."

"How many people?"

Zhao Chun was a little excited.

This is a major discovery, which will provide the most important basis for the decision-making of the DPRK and China.

Meritorious service!

Zhao Chun and Miao Xi were walking in a messy street, with just the right color of fear on their faces, just like the people who had just escaped a disaster.

Miao Xi avoided a stone on the ground, staggered and said in a low voice, "my Lord, I also think teeth are to persuade Haley and Daming to live in peace, the messenger of Fugu and Wuen..."

Zhao Chun gave him a hand and said, "Meier is ambitious. If he wants to submit to Daming, his messenger should go to Daming instead of his brothers."

They bowed their heads and quickly passed through this chaotic area. Miao Xi said, "Sir, we have to find out what Meier wants to do."

"He did nothing, or now the servant\'s messenger had hung his head outside the gate."

They returned to their residence. Soon, Chen Hui and Guan Qisheng also came back.

"My Lord, the cavalry brought by the servant solid messenger outside the city have been lifted from house arrest. Just now they even drank with the harites."

There was a silence, and all four looked happy.

This is a discovery that can finalize Mier\'s decision.

This is a discovery that can determine Haley\'s new direction!


A group of sergeants swam through the alley, knocking on the door from time to time, and then went in to search and inquire.

The leading officer had sharp eyes. He stood in the middle of the alley, his legs separated, and said coldly, "I feel not far from them."


"If you just become a minister and send a mission every few years as before, I don\'t think it\'s a problem."

Mei\'er is explaining his decision to his ministers.

He casually played with a knife and even looked disdainful.

"But they are building a city in Xinghe. This is the beginning of the outside world. In the next step, they will launch an attack on yilibaoli. There is no doubt that they want to control the main points of the East and West and make the damn great wall completely safe."

The ministers nodded one after another. Daming\'s move to build the city in Xinghe made them feel a crisis and even couldn\'t sleep at night.

Think about it. When those silent troops suddenly appeared outside Samarkand, who dared to defend the city?

Meiergan took the faces of these ministers into his eyes and said, "the meat is charming. He is actively strengthening himself. The strong army of Ming people has no opponents. Looking around, they find that they have stood at the top, just like a hungry beast trying to find new food, and we..."

"I\'m sorry, their south is the sea, so their opponent is only us."

A general said, "Your Highness, the Allied forces in yilibaoli can\'t stop the steps of Ming people."

Mier nodded admiringly and said, "yes, Fugu and Wuen can\'t do anything about it, so they sent messengers."

"Your Highness, the meat is charming and has no good intention. They must want to consume us and let us lose with the Ming people, and then they can clean up the mess calmly."

"That\'s right."

The smile on Mier Gan\'s face became more prosperous. He liked the atmosphere, which made him feel that his command was full of talents.

"Meat charming won\'t fear Daming for the time being, but they want to use us to drag Ming people and weaken Ming people. Their ambition... Is endless."

That damned enemy, speaking of the hatred between HA lie and meat fans, if there is a chance, meat charming will not hesitate to wipe out ha lie.

Of course, for the same reason, mieergan wanted to send his troops to the west, hold the Lord of his country to the tomb of the old king, and announce the rise of HA lie again.

However, under the traction of geopolitics, the Hari people can only forget the hatred of both sides and serve the strategy of meat fans.

It feels bad.

Meier Gan is ready to accept this uncomfortable feeling