Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1978


A long sigh sounded in a corner of Samarkand.


The scorching sun hung high in the sky, and the sound of shouting livestock came from time to time.

This is rebuilding Samarkand.

Meiergan was ambitious to establish an empire in Samarkand and kill all the other brothers.

To this end, he convened those businessmen and promised to use the future commercial tax to offset the loan, so the reconstruction funds were in place.

Countless people came to Samarkand to live. They worked hard to build in exchange for the meager reward.

The more people there are, the tighter the guard will be.

Zhao Chun sighed and asked, "how long have Miao Xi and Chen Hui gone?"

Shut up the student, look at the sun and say, "it\'s been more than two hours."

The sun has gradually shifted to the west, and the yard is still white. Those stones seem to turn into powder under the high temperature.

Everything is in the sun.

Including the people from the East factory.

Guan Qisheng was also worried, so he went to the back and noodles. At night, it was the old rule to add water to dead noodles.

Zhao Chun walked to the gate and listened to the movement outside.

According to the plan, Miao Xi and Chen Hui should have come back an hour ago. They were so late, unless there was an accident.

Zhao Chun began to be restless. He circled in the yard. Whenever he passed the gate, he would listen for a while, and then circled again.

Half an hour passed.

An hour has passed

"I\'m going to have a look. If you stay at home and don\'t come back for an hour, you\'ll find a place to hide immediately, then find an opportunity to escape back, go to the side wall and tell them what we\'ve learned during our trip..."

Guan Qisheng, who was ready to start pancake baking, said blankly, "Sir, when we came, there were five! When Wang Shi went, he was relieved, but... Every day I felt that this would be the last day of my life. I would have nightmares at night and cry when I woke up, because I mostly dreamed of my family... Sir, when shall we go back?"

"Daming... Needs us to do our duty."

Zhao Chun patted him on the shoulder and said, "think about those soldiers. They face the enemy without fear. Well, hold on. Remember to go back and see Xinghe Bo. It is said that Wang Shi\'s wish before his death is to let his son enter the Academy of knowledge and practice."

He tidied up his clothes and slapped himself in the face.

At present, the sergeant who oversees the work likes slapping in the face most.

Because they used to like to use whips, which often caused labor attrition.

Touching his swollen face, Zhao Chun bared his teeth and said, "remember, an hour!"

Shut up Sheng, nodded silently, groped under the sole of his shoes, and finally found a small hook.

The hook was not big. I didn\'t know what pigment was used in the sharp part. It looked insignificant with ash.

"Sir, this is a small life-saving one. You... Take it with you."

Zhao chunleng for a moment, then smiled and said, "you underestimated my official. I\'ve never lacked the means to protect my life. I\'m leaving."

Zhao Chun quietly went out of the yard, shut up Sheng and silently began to bake cakes.

The stove emits heat, and sweat drips down from time to time.

They didn\'t use chopsticks, so they closed the raw food and turned the cake with their hands.



Close your nose and turn the cake over.

He squatted on the edge of the stove, tears falling in the ash in front of the stove.

He choked silently.

He wants to go home.

He has never felt so kind in his hometown.

He never felt that his numb wife was worth missing.

He baked more than ten pieces of cakes, and then put them all in his baggage without waiting for the cold.

The water bag was full, and then put on an extra dress inside. Some bloated shut up and prepared to go out.


It\'s a sign of guilty conscience to lock up students and not take the alley.

Samarkand is like a big construction site now, with a lot of people going in and out, so as long as he is careful, he won\'t be caught in the city.

As for how to get out of town, he has no way yet.

Walking in the street, people come and go, through the gray void, close life and slowly look around.

He wants to find Zhao Chun and them.

Loneliness was like poison, which made him feel extremely weak.

A group of children were pulling a car, hard and shut up, and passed by.

The children were panting. They were naked, and the rope cut deep purple marks on their shoulders, which was the color after scarring.

Wheezing suddenly sounded behind him. Guan Qisheng immediately raised his right hand and was ready to hit with one elbow.

"Don\'t move."

After hearing the sound, Guan Qi\'s body stiffened, and then walked slowly towards the alley on the right.

In the gray sight, the two sergeants glanced here. Immediately, the cars pulled by the children suddenly toppled, and the two sergeants rushed over swearing.

The two sergeants were kicking and beating the children, but they didn\'t cry. They just knelt on the ground and couldn\'t stop kowtowing.

The people on the side looked at the scene numbly, and then dispersed separately.

In the alley, Guan Qisheng looked at the three people in front of him with tears in his eyes.

"My Lord, I thought you..."

Zhao Chun smiled. The palm print on his face was already purple, which reminded Guan Qisheng of the Le marks on the children\'s shoulders just now.

Miao Xi and Chen Hui giggled behind. Miao Xi held a jar in his hand. Looking at his cautious appearance, it was mostly good.

The four returned to their residence again, shut up the students, took out the pancakes in the baggage and boiled water for everyone.

"Pa! PA!"

Zhao Chun\'s face was so blue that he slapped him in the face.

"My Lord, the little one is guilty."

Miao Xi and Chen Hui knelt on the ground. Miao Xi looked up and said, "Sir, their messenger has arrived."

"Why don\'t you come back in time?"

Zhao Chunhe asked. When he heard the sound, Guan Qisheng shook his head slightly and felt that Miao Xi had gone too far this time.

Miao Xi bowed his head and said nothing. Zhao Hui pointed to the jar and said, "Sir, that\'s... The ashes of brother Wang Shi..."

"Whose idea?"

Zhao Chun picked up the small jar, opened it, took a look, sniffed it, and said, "it was burned with firewood, but it wasn\'t well burned."

Miao Xi dropped his head and said, "Sir, today we went out to inquire about the arrival of the messengers of pugu and Wuen, but the guard outside is very strict and can\'t find out further. The little one said to see the... Remains of brother Wang Shi."

"My Lord, for a long time, those squatting Haley people didn\'t take care of it. The small ones restrained the remains with bags and ran all the way to burn them."

Zhao Chun closed his eyes and asked, "how did you get into the city?"

Miao Xi said: "today, a motorcade entered the city. Those who unloaded goods went to grab business, and the two young people mixed in."

Zhao Chun\'s cheeks rose and fell from time to time. He sighed deeply: "the remains will be found missing. Just inquire about the purpose of Fugu and the messenger of Wu en earlier. Let\'s go back immediately."

Miao Xi bowed his head and said, "my Lord, I know I\'m impulsive today. If there\'s anything, I\'m willing..."

"Get up!"

Zhao Chun didn\'t want to hear such frustrated words. He spread a piece of cloth on the ground, then poured out the large and small bones and rammed them with a piece of wood.

"Brother Wang Shi, don\'t blame us. Don\'t smash the bones. It\'s not easy to take them with you at that time, and they\'re easy to be found by those Hari people..."

The three took turns smashing the bones together, and then Zhao Chun wrapped the ashes with several layers of cloth.

Then eat.

Everyone forgot to wash their hands and ate cookies in silence.

This is a foreign land. The people in East Hall don\'t have much experience, so they need to figure everything out by themselves.

The price of failure is... Life!