Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1956

The summer of Hari is sunny. Samarkand, once a pearl, is now full of ruins caused by war.

A group of cavalry walked slowly in the street. The man on horseback sighed: "I remember how prosperous it was here. Four merchants exchanged goods here and sent them to all parties."

"Now... Fortunately, the caravan is still back."

Also Siya saw the caravan. Those businessmen were squatting on the side of an abandoned building to trade. They looked still cunning.

Several businessmen looked warily and missed their teeth. Then they turned their backs and spoke in a lower voice.

During the Hari civil war, Samarkand changed hands several times and was finally taken by mieergan. In order to raise money and food, even if he didn\'t dare to ensure how long he could keep it, he still couldn\'t wait to promise safety and reconvened the caravan.

With caravans, taxes and materials, the power of meiergan expanded slowly.

All the way to a well preserved palace, after a body search, Siya was taken in.

Outside the ruins, the palace is still luxurious.

When he saw the mieergan, he said respectfully, "brother, I have heard of your reputation in the Ming people. The name of King Hari has aroused fear in the Ming people again."

The man sitting above snorted coldly and said, "also think of teeth. You were a prisoner of the Ming people. At that time, my father wanted to rescue you, but you came back by yourself. Tell me, what does the Ming people want you to do?"

The bodyguards standing on the side held the handle of the knife and glared at their teeth.

This is an elite division killed from chaos. Their number is not as large as that of Lao Wang, but their combat effectiveness

Also Siya was not flustered. He said, "brother, Ming people are not a threat."

Mei\'er stared at him, drank and asked, "have you been a lobbyist of Ming people?!"

He also thought of teeth and said with a bitter smile, "brother, Ming people don\'t need me as a lobbyist."

"Do they want to attack Harley?"

Just after seizing Samarkand, Mier was worried that the Ming people would take the opportunity to go on an expedition. At that time, he was not stable and was afraid that he could only give up this important place.

Also Siya said, "brother, I just came from several other brothers. I told them that Daming has no ambition for Haley. We should live in peace."

There was a sneer from above, and Mier said disdainfully, "you were coaxed and dizzy by the Ming people. How can there be any peace between the two countries since the war? If it weren\'t for the distance, the army of the Ming people would have come long ago."

Also Siya argued: "brother, the Ming people are now looking at the sea. They are debating whether to continue to go to sea and say they want to go far away. As for the grassland, they have built it for several years, and Xinghe city will be built. But the immigrants still pretend to be dissatisfied with the city. What do they do when they attack Harley? Do they build another city? Where do people come from?"

"Are Ming people very rich?"

Mie\'er asked an irrelevant question. She also thought of teeth and subconsciously replied, "it\'s very rich."

Mei\'er nodded, looked kind and said, "what are those people thinking? I guess they must have driven you out. If it weren\'t for your bullying, food and grass wouldn\'t be given to you."

"Yes, brother, they were still fighting there. There was some movement between the two sheep and meat, so they stopped and were watching."

"They are afraid, afraid of the expansion of meat to the East."

Mieergan said contemptuously, "the Ming people built a city in the East, and the two sheep and meat in the West are charming and powerful. Ha lie can only unite to resist those jackals, tigers and leopards. I\'m going to send someone to tell them, either join hands together, or I will launch an attack, reunite ha lie under a banner and fight for his glory!"

Also think of teeth also want to persuade a few words, but Mier Gan shook his head and said, "you go to rest first, have dinner with me later, and tell me about Ming people."

Also Siya was disappointed. He was led out. The only good news is that he can sleep at ease and don\'t worry about the attack of robbers and horse bandits.

The chaos of Hari leads to an increase in thieves. Great forces and cities are the best refuge.

So Samarkand stationed a lot of people, who earned a meager income by working for Mier to maintain the life of their family.

The pedestrians in the street were in rags and hurried.

Also Siya is a guest. After being warned, those pedestrians stay away from him.

"Catch him!"

After a big drink, the two bodyguards hid on the side with yesiya.

After a burst of noise and dodging in front, a man in rags rushed over, closely followed by more than a dozen sergeants.

Also Siya looked at the man who ran away in confusion and clicked in his heart.

This is Ming!

There was a familiar smell of nostalgia on that face, which was often expressed by his guards.

The man was running away. When he ran to the place parallel to yesiya, a man who didn\'t know where it was rushed out and tried to beat it with a stick in his hand.

Also Siya saw that the man stretched out his hand to block it. He even saw that the arm whose bone was broken by the wooden stick hung down, and then the wooden stick hit it again

The man fell to the ground, and the dozen sergeants rushed to control him.

The men who shot smiled and approached, and a sergeant slapped him on the ground.

"This is the spy of the Ming people!"

The two sergeants tied the man\'s hands back and dragged him up. The broken arm bent into a strange shape and howled bitterly. The sergeant said proudly, "they collect information here and assassinate our people. According to his Highness\'s orders, they will execute him immediately!"

It is a human hobby to watch the execution of the same kind. When he learned that the person to be executed was still his nemesis, the atmosphere was almost more lively than the market.

Not far from the palace, there is an open area.

At this time, Samarkand was most in need of labor. With the orders from the palace, a wooden platform soon rose.

Ming people were tied and knelt on the table. Several sergeants stood beside them. One of them waved a whip and said, "whip!"


Ha lie\'s skill in playing with the whip is world-class. After a beautiful whip flower, there is a continuous scream.

Also Siya was watching below. He shook his head and said, "tell brother, don\'t provoke Ming people."

The guard accompanying him said discontentedly, "this is Samarkand. When Ming people are most proud, they can\'t step here."

The Ming man on the stage was grabbed by his hair from the front, and his whole body could only bear the whip tightly. In the scream, he also missed his teeth and saw more cruelty on the painful face.

This is a dead man!

Siya also thought of the two most elite Yamen in Daming.

Royal guards and east hall!

Are you from royal guards?

"Tell me your origin and identity!"

The whipping on the stage stopped for a moment, and an interpreter was drinking to ask the wise man.

The Ming Man\'s hair is pulled, so the head can rotate very little. He gasped, tried to look around, and gradually laughed.

"Ha ha ha!"

The interpreter waved and the whip fell on his back again.


After the scream, the Ming man took advantage of the gap and shouted, "don\'t worry about me! Don\'t worry about me!"

The look of despair made people tremble. Someone had lowered his head and dared not look at the face.

The interpreter stopped the whipping again, then squatted on the side of the Ming Man and said, "tell your partner, we will let you enjoy wine and... Beauty."

Mingren panted. He looked at the crowd greedily. Tears suddenly fell from the corners of his eyes. He shouted, "don\'t worry about me! I can\'t say anything, I can\'t say anything!"

He couldn\'t bear the whipping, but the sharp pain from the broken arm almost drowned his mind.

He gave a loud howl and shouted, "I can stand it!"

The interpreter got up and said coldly, "you are looking for your own death."

"Remember to tell them, I didn\'t say, I didn\'t say..."

The interpreter consulted with the executioner and then announced to the following: "he will be put into a cloth bag and trampled to death."