Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1955

Fang woke up and looked at Wang Xu and Fan Ying standing outside. He said faintly, "uncle is just visiting here. Is this not allowed in your county?"

At this point, he did not need to hide his identity, and even took some pride.

Wang Xu bowed and said, "I\'ve seen Xinghe Bo. When Xinghe Bo came to Huanxian, people in Huanxian were very happy."

At this time, Wang Xu and Fan Ying didn\'t know Fang Xing\'s identity. They just saw him sitting with the old farmer chatting and didn\'t dare to get close.

Fang Xinggong arched his hand and said, "two adults, why are you here?"

Wang Xu only felt hot on his face, but he was not shy, but nervous. He said, "Xing Hebo, my lower officer went to the inn last night. He just wanted to ask Jiao Qiren about it."

Fang woke up and nodded, glanced at Fan Ying, who was as gray as death, and said: "Ben Bo went to Yan\'an mansion to work. He came by to see Jiao qieren. Seeing that he was going back, he asked. He was a little surprised. He wanted to ask your county. It was a rich Xu Yuan to mobilize immigrants. Whose idea was it? Fair? And he was only allowed to mobilize in Xu Yuan, not others. Why?"

Wang Xu turned back and pointed to Fan Ying and said, "this man is the county\'s master bookkeeper, Fan Ying. On the way here, he has pleaded guilty to the lower official. He said it was too much work, and the lower official was also angry..."

Fan Ying\'s cheeks are a little red, and she can see palm prints.

Fang Xing said noncommittally, "Benbo doesn\'t care about this. It\'s your right."

Looking back, Fang Xing asked Jiao qieren, "do you want to go back or stay?"

Jiao Qiren thought of what happened during this period, nodded and said, "the mountain is long, and the students want to stay."

Fang Xing said with appreciation, "where you fall, get up from where you fall. You have some toughness. Well, stay."

Fang Xing believed that Jiao qieren, who had experienced attempted suicide, would no longer be weak. He arched his hands to the old man and said, "I\'ll go back now. Think it out for yourself. You can get a good field or a good animal early."

Then he turned and left. The old man had long been stunned by the name of xinghebo. He took the lead in kneeling, and then the whole village knelt.

"Uncle, you are willing to emigrate!"

"Yes, yes, everyone in our village is willing to emigrate."

Fang woke up and said, "decide for yourself."

When he took people back to the city, Wang Xu and Fan Ying couldn\'t help but breathe a sigh of relief. Wang Xu explained, "you can\'t make it difficult for Jiao to take benevolence in the future, and you have to make up for it."

Fan Ying only nodded at the moment. He didn\'t expect Fang Xing to arrive at Huan County in person. He was already chanting Buddha before Fang Xing cleaned up.

Fang Xing returned to the city, had lunch with Jiao Qiren, and finally explained: "we should dare to make suggestions before things come out. For example, if you pointed out that Xu Yuan is a rich place at the beginning, they have to find another way to pressure you, otherwise I can deal with them at any time."

Jiao qieren nodded and said, "the students are still young, so now I often think of the teachings of teachers in the academy and feel that I didn\'t learn well at the beginning."

"The so-called learning is to learn when you come out to do things, and constantly blend with the knowledge you have learned in the Academy. Don\'t be discouraged. Work hard. If you change people here, you also remember to observe more, so as not to be trapped again."


Jiao Qiren was a little confused.

Fang Xing smiled and said, "it\'s their right to suppress and embarrass you, but since I know it, it\'s also my right to retaliate back."

Jiao qieren was so excited that he choked. Fang woke up and said with a smile, "it\'s not just for you. Many students in the academy have been suppressed too much, but I have many things to do, so I chose Huanxian to warn them."

With Fang Xing\'s departure, Jiao Qiren continued to stay in Huan County. Fan Ying, who had been worried for a long time, was finally relieved. He was even thinking about how to mention the matter in his letter, so that those people could know that they had given science a sniper.

The days go on, the boredom goes on.


"Before they make mistakes, Benbo comes to the official department to report. Does Mr. Jian feel that he should be ignored?"

Fang woke up and hurried back to the capital. Without returning home, he went to the official department and faced Jian Yi directly.

Jian Yi said faintly, "where is the evidence? I can\'t rely on your one-sided words of xinghebo..."

A pamphlet was thrown on the table. Fang woke up and said, "you said to suppress it everywhere, but are those people sure they are not afraid of Benbo\'s revenge?"

Others will probably scold Fang Xing\'s domineering, but Jian Yi knows that Fang Xing is replacing Zhu Zhanji\'s domineering.

Where are you going to put me when you attack the students of the academy?

"Even Ben Bo can\'t persuade those people to go to Xuyuan himself. They let a small official, a small official who has just arrived in Huanxian County, persuade them. What does that mean? Mr. Jian, consider it for himself."

After Fang woke up and left, Jian Yi picked up the book, looked carefully, and then meditated for a long time.

"Just hold it down. You have to force it away. How did such a stupid man be arranged to be a county magistrate in Huan county?"

Jian Yi wrote a memorial with a bitter smile and sent it to the palace.

Then the Palace door opened and a team of cavalry rushed out.

"It\'s from east hall!"

The East Hall under the command of Anlun is famous for its ruthlessness. Once you get conclusive evidence, no matter what official position you are, you can\'t escape.

Huan county was still lazy until one day, that is, Fang woke up and left. "It mainly means emigrating overseas. After a long time, it will become a foreign invasion of Daming."

Yang Rong\'s temperament became more and more coagulated. The previously alert and lively Yang Rong disappeared and was replaced by a calm Daming chief assistant.

"Lord Yang, are you here to be lazy?"

They walked in Chuang Tzu, followed by worry free with two big dogs.

Yang Rong nodded and said, "you brought back a lot of gold, silver and spices from overseas this time. The Chaozhong was dumb when they went out of Haydn, so they just found an excuse this time."

"Sumatra belongs to the old port. According to my understanding, you should be planning manraga and not firmly control the Strait in the hands of Daming. You must not give up."

"Of course not."

Fang Xing looked back and said, "that Strait is the lifeline of Daming. If it falls into the hands of others, I will have trouble sleeping and eating."

"I\'ve seen the chart. The Strait is really very important. After it is sealed, the Daming sea will be as solid as gold. You can attack and defend when you enter and retreat, but... First, you have to garrison the army, and you have to keep the navy in the Strait all the year round. Second, immigration. Without immigration, the garrison can\'t be stable."

Yang Rong Fuxu said, "Your Majesty\'s move is shocking, but I know that this is just the beginning of overseas immigration!"