Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1949

The next morning, the congratulatory watch poured into the palace like a torrential rain. At this time, no one dared to stir up the emperor\'s mood. Even the toughest censor went on the congratulatory watch to congratulate the Queen\'s son.

Hu Shanxiang\'s brother Juan has been congratulated many times.

The position of the central palace is unstable. This matter has long been rumored outside. Juan, who originally followed Zhu Zhanji, has also been silent for a long time.

Now Hu Shanxiang once gave birth, and it is said that he opened his eyes when giving birth, which shocked people all over the capital.

This is proud!

Juan\'s guests didn\'t stop after the news came out. The gifts piled up like a mountain. He woke up from joy.

The Queen\'s brother is domineering!

Juan thought of this possibility, immediately found out all the gifts, sorted them out, and then sent them home in person. He just said he didn\'t dare to accept them, otherwise the empress in the palace would break the relationship.

Isn\'t the queen weak? Why are you so cruel to your brother?

Someone thought it was interesting and spread it.

"The Queen\'s family are all understanding people and honest people. They can\'t live without stability in the future."

Xie Jin was in a good mood, so he called Fang Xing and Huang Zhong to drink. The next dish was buffalo jerky.

Fang Xing really didn\'t like it was all meat, so he asked someone to get some vegetables to dip in sauce.

Fang Xing took a few vegetable leaves into his mouth and chewed them. He said, "that\'s the case. If he doesn\'t know what to do, his majesty will have to beat him with a heavy hand."

Xie Jin glanced sideways at him and said, "I\'m not afraid of your majesty beating him. I\'m afraid you\'ll hurt him in private."

Fang woke up and laughed, then raised his glass and said, "this glass of wine is for the future prince."

Xie Jin was stunned, then raised his glass with Huang Zhong laughing. The three drank the wine happily.

"Uncle, with the prince, the queen is stable."

Huang Zhong wiped the wine stains from the corners of his mouth and learned to eat with vegetables dipped in sauce. He was so hot that he couldn\'t stop.

"It\'s not stable enough."

When Fang woke up and saw youyou come in to deliver vegetables, he joked: "Youyou, your grandfather gave you a look at your daughter-in-law."

Youyou calmly put down a bowl of cold dishes, and then arched his hands and said, "I forgot the vegetables before. My mother asked the boy to apologize. Take your time and drink less."

Fang Xing held his cheek in his hand and watched youyou go out slowly. He praised: "if there is really a gentleman\'s style, Mr. Xie has good guidance! Unlike the two boys in my family, they jump up and down all day. How many times can\'t help but want to clean them up."

Xie Jin said proudly, "you are taught by me, but the two boys in your family are smart and flexible. This is what you call stocking?"

Fang Xing said modestly, "it\'s not stocking. I just pay close attention to it secretly. If I find something wrong, I will imperceptibly eliminate the hidden dangers, and try my best to make the children feel that they are not bound. I think this is my purpose as a father."

Xie Jin changed the subject and said, "the Queen\'s Prince, who will teach him in the future, this is a big problem no less than the decisive battle with Haley. Dehua, you\'d better talk to your majesty first."

Huang Zhong hesitated and said, "Mr. Xie, it\'s hard to say now. It\'s too early to say. I think... It\'s better to influence through my wife."

If the queen is closest to anyone\'s family, it\'s probably only Zhang Shuhui.

Xie Jin\'s brain circuit today is probably completely deviated. He casually said: "there is a pregnant woman in the palace. Who knows what she will give birth to."

Fang Xing said with a smile, "even if she has a son, can heaven and earth respond?"

Xie Jin couldn\'t help laughing and said, "it\'s the right time! It can be seen that God still cares for Daming. Now the people\'s heart is more stable."

Huang Zhong also said happily, "especially the eye of heaven. There has never been a record in this historical book. It can be seen that the destiny is in my Daming!"

Then he drank three cups in a row and shouted happily.

Fang Xing smiled and raised his glass to invite him.

While he was enjoying his pleasure, Zhu Zhanji had gone to sun\'s place.

They are relatively silent, not pulse.

There are only two of them in the room. No one dares to be at the door for fear of hearing something killed.

Zhu Zhanji didn\'t know what to say. After the child was born, he couldn\'t help it.

He didn\'t even know how he came here, but he knew he had to go back as soon as possible.

Sun Shi was a little numb. She raised her head and said with a smile, "don\'t worry, your majesty. My concubine felt that this child couldn\'t compare with others, but she must be strong."

Zhu Zhanji was silent. Sun took his hand and whispered, "Your Majesty... I\'m very satisfied with your care."

Zhu Zhanji felt a little sad. He looked at sun\'s big belly and said, "it\'s good to have a baby. The Tai hospital will stare here. I\'m also waiting for the child to be born."

After leaving the sun family, Zhu Zhanji wandered aimlessly in the palace.

The sun is a little big. People who bask in it can only squint.

Zhu Zhanji unknowingly went to the Empress Dowager\'s side. A palace maid wanted to report. Zhu Zhanji shook his head and walked in slowly.

The Empress Dowager was too happy last night. She laughed with Duanduan and didn\'t go to bed until very late. Zhu Zhanji didn\'t want to disturb them.

Xiao Hei rushed out, stood on the steps, tilted his head and looked at Zhu Zhanji.

Zhu Zhanji squatted down and waved to Xiao Hei.

Zhu Zhanji came here almost every day, so Xiao Hei ran over without hesitation, wagged his tail, and even stretched out his tongue to lick Zhu Zhanji.

Zhu Zhanji held both sides of his face with his hands, and Xiao Hei shook his head from side to side, which made him laugh.

"Do you have trouble?"

Xiao Hei looked at Zhu Zhanji in confusion, and then tried to stick out his tongue.

Zhu Zhanji smiled and whispered, "who is the most loyal to you?"

Xiao Hei struggled to get rid of Zhu Zhanji\'s control and turned around and ran back.

"Your Majesty..."

Li Bin came out and saw Zhu Zhanji squatting on the ground. He immediately lowered his head. At the moment of lowering his head, he looked around and saw that everyone was lowering his head, which was satisfactory.

Zhu Zhanji got up, clapped his hands, and then asked, "did your mother sleep well last night?"

Li Bin didn\'t know why Zhu Zhanji didn\'t go in, so he respectfully replied: "Your Majesty, my mother laughed with the princess last night. Later, I slept together. My mother has got up and the princess is still..."

Zhu Zhanji couldn\'t help laughing at the speech: "Duanduan is still sleeping?"

Li Bin looked less respectful and more kind. He said, "the princess said to her mother for half the night last night and shouted that she would go to see her brother. It\'s been a long time."

Zhu Zhanji shook his head and laughed. Then he thought about it and said, "go and tell the empress mother."

This is going in, Li Bin smiled.

The Empress Dowager was dozing off. When Li Bin told her, she smiled and said, "what kind of demon is he doing? Let him in."

Zhu Zhanji came in to salute. Seeing that the Empress Dowager was tired, he said, "the Empress Dowager should have more rest. Things in the Palace should be put aside temporarily. No one dares to make a mistake."

The Empress Dowager covered her mouth, yawned and said, "it used to be okay to stay up all night. It\'s just happy. Have you seen the child? You have to think of a name quickly. Yes, think of a nickname first."

Seeing the Empress Dowager in high spirits, Zhu Zhanji answered and said he wanted to look back.

"Grandma Huang..."

At this time, a confused voice came from behind. The Empress Dowager was happy and said, "who said last night that she would get up early to see her brother today? Now the sun can come in!"