Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1948

Congratulations for the son of the queen and Daming. The two chapters are merged into one chapter. Thank you for your support!


Hu Shanxiang just felt like she had a nightmare. The hard work of production made her only have time to look at the child and fall asleep, but her right hand had been holding the grapefruit carved by Tian Huangshi.

"He\'s a handsome boy!"

In a daze, Hu Shanxiang hardly opened his eyes and saw the Empress Dowager holding her swaddling clothes. His smiling eyes were gone.

When she woke up, the Queen Mother tilted her swaddling clothes and said with a smile, "you have a son. You look very strong and rest assured. Things outside are blocked by the palace."

Hu Shanxiang looked at the child greedily, and then nodded tired. He only felt that he had completed the biggest thing in his life and had no regrets.

The Empress Dowager quietly went out and said to Zhu Zhanji, "with the prince, the whole Ming Dynasty will be relaxed. Let\'s spread the news."

Zhu Zhanji nodded, and Yu Jia immediately ordered people to spread the news.


Sun is recuperating and the room is quiet.

Dechun stood on the side. Mammy Zhou couldn\'t stand the suffering, so she quietly went out and was ready to inquire about the news.

As soon as she went out, she saw Wang Zhen running in in panic. The footsteps were heavy, so she shouted, "don\'t be surprised to your mother."

Wang Zhen slowed down. When mammy Zhou saw his ugly face, she clicked in her heart, and then asked, "but out?"

Wang Zhen nodded and was about to speak when a cheer came from outside.

"The birth of the prince is celebrated all over the world. Thanks to the grace of your majesty and the empress dowager, everyone in the palace will be rewarded with five treasure notes and three meals..."

"Long live your majesty! Long live your majesty! Long live your majesty!"

The cheers gradually spread, and except for this palace, the whole palace was cheering.

They are not only cheering for the reward, but also cheering for the birth of Daming\'s successor.

Wang Zhen breathed a sigh of relief and cheered to tell sun that it was the best.

Mother Zhou\'s face was stiff and her body was about to fall. Wang Zhen held her and whispered, "don\'t worry, my mother hasn\'t given birth yet!"

Mother Zhou said blankly, "what did someone shout just now? What\'s going on?"

Wang Zhen said with a wry smile, "before the prince was born, suddenly a green light came straight down from the sky. Looking at the direction, it should be outside the imperial city."

Mother Zhou took a long breath, then turned and went in.

Sun\'s eyes were faint. He was just indifferent to see Wang Zhen and mammy Zhou come in.

Wang zhenchui first said, "madam, the queen has just given birth to a prince."

Sun Shi said and asked Dechun to help him up.

The woman in labor is really not beautiful or ugly. Sun\'s stomach is not small, and her movements are slow and careful.

Mother Zhou helped sun out of bed.

Wang Zhen stood quietly on the side and inadvertently looked at sun\'s look.

"That\'s a good thing."

The sun family was held by the two men and walked slowly around the room. He smiled and said, "Your Majesty has a prince. Sooner or later, we should be happy about it. When we look back, remember those who reward us. Be happy and don\'t be bitter."

Wang zhenzan said, "my mother is wise. It should be so."

Mother Zhou said with a strong smile, "madam, it\'s said that the heavenly eye is watching. After the children come out, there will be golden light shining in the capital."

Wang Zhen frowned and said, "that\'s nonsense, mother Zhou. Don\'t say such words in front of her mother."

Sun Shi only felt that her lower abdomen was pumping. She pinched the palm of her hand hard to suppress the panic in her heart, and then said, "you can\'t talk nonsense about this. Your majesty is... Help me to see outside."


Hubu, Xia Yuanji stared at Ma Su and asked, "where\'s Xinghe Bo?"

Masu sat on the side and said awkwardly, "Sir, the teacher said he had diarrhea."

Xia Yuanji angrily said, "I came to see my official half an hour ago and said something important. As a result, I ran away without saying a few words. Who had diarrhea for half an hour?"

Ma Su fidgeted and said, "Sir, I guess it\'s... I\'ve had a bad stomach."

Xia Yuanji sneered: "I\'m afraid he is..."


Just then, Fang woke up and limped in with an ugly face.

Ma Su hurried over to hold him. Xia Yuanji sucked his nose and frowned, "are you falling into a cesspit?"

Fang woke up and moved his feet. He said, "after squatting for a long time, his feet are numb. Lord Xia, Fang felt that his stomach began to churn again. He had to go to see a doctor and leave."

Xia Yuanji said in amazement, "don\'t you have something important to discuss?"

Fang Xing was helped out by Ma Su and said casually, "just squatting in the pit and thinking about it, I still have to do it myself, so I won\'t give you any trouble."

Xia Yuanji looked suspiciously at Fang waking up and said to himself, "this guy is not like this on weekdays. What can be done by others will never be done by himself. What\'s the matter today?"

"Long live your majesty!"

At this time, a burst of cheers came from outside. Xia Yuanji was surprised and hurried out.

He caught up with Fang Xing all the way. Seeing that Fang Xing and Ma Su were moving slowly, he surpassed him.

He didn\'t know the reason for the cheers until he was in front of the house.

"My Lord, according to the news from the palace, Daming has another prince."

Xia Yuanji\'s heart was happy, and then he remembered the previous celestial phenomena. He immediately said happily, "happy events should be celebrated together."

"Long live your majesty!"

Fang Xing was helped out by Ma Su and smiled: "good thing! Daming has a prince."

Xia Yuanji Fuxu said with a smile, "yes! Even if it\'s still small now, it must be sealed after the age of ten."

"That\'s for sure."

Fang Xing was also very happy, and then bowed his hands and left alone.

Xia Yuanji blinked and saw his vigorous steps. He couldn\'t help asking, "is xinghebo\'s feet ready?"

But all human beings must have the experience of squatting for a long time. The feeling of numbness in both legs is very uncomfortable, and the recovery is very slow.

But why did Fang wake up so soon?

Xia Yuanji was confused before he had time to think deeply.

"My Lord, it\'s time for a congratulatory watch."

Xia Yuanji nodded and went back to write a congratulatory table.

He is not the only one. The six books of history are all writing congratulatory tables, and all officials are writing congratulatory tables.

Fang woke up and went all the way home.

The people along the way looked at the happy, and there were even businessmen shouting on the street.

"The birth of the prince is a great joy for the country. Our store is 60% off today. Pray for your highness!"

"Congratulations to your highness, eat one bowl and send another bowl!"

Most of the people went out of their homes and looked at the direction of the Imperial City in twos and threes. They only felt that one heart had finally landed.

The emperor of Daming is good, at least so far.

Zhu Yuanzhang expelled the tartar prisoners and restored the Central Plains.

Zhu Di swept the grassland and spread his power on the sea, laying the foundation for the prosperity of the Ming Dynasty.

Although Zhu gaochi has not been in office for a long time, one word of benevolence shows his temperament.

Today\'s emperors also feel good. Although there are no big moves, everyone\'s life is getting better and better.

This is the golden age!

We don\'t support the old Zhu family. Who do we support?

"The news of the birth of the crown prince was amazing! It was like a solar eclipse, which frightened everyone, but later... They said that the heavenly eye was watching, and finally gave golden light."

"Yes! A Taoist said that people who have been illuminated by the golden light will be invincible."

"Oh! I don\'t know?"

"It\'s all right. It\'s said that there is another imperial concubine in the palace to give birth. I\'m not sure there will be any more at that time!"

"This is a blessing from heaven. Except for the future prince, who has this blessing? Alas! I missed the benefits!"


Fang woke up to these absurd words and asked casually, "have you put everything away?"

Xin Laoqi said in the back, "it\'s all taken away. Wait a few days, and take it back after the limelight."

Fang Xing stood in the middle of the street. The flow of people on both sides passed by wrongly. Countless people looked up at the sky from time to time, their eyes full of longing.

"Daming has an heir, ha ha!"

"Go home and have a drink. I hope it\'s a good sign..."

Fang Xing slightly lowered his head and felt that his eyes were hot.

Civil castle, that damn thing won\'t happen again, it can\'t happen!

Memorial tablets of civil Castle Martyrs

——Wang Zuo, Minister of household, granted Shaobao with the posthumous title of Zhongjian!

——Kuang ye, Minister of the Ministry of war, granted Shaobao with the posthumous title of Zhongsu!


——Zhang Fu, grand master, Duke of England, posthumously granted the title of King Dingxing, posthumous title of martyr!

——Zhu Yong, Taishi, Taibao, Cheng Guogong, pursue the Pingyin king!


That string of names, that countless souls, can they get peace in another world?

"The family and country are safe and prosperous!"

In a burst of cheers, Fang woke up and looked at the jubilant scene and said, "send a signal!"

Xin Laoqi whispered, "Sir, your majesty doesn\'t know if it will..."

Fang Xing shook his head with tears in his eyes. "He knows what I mean, he knows."


Three fireworks burst into the sky and exploded.

The adults looked at the sky in amazement, and the children clapped and cheered one after another.

"Poof poof!"

Three low sounds came from outside the city again.


"Father, father!"

Zhu Zhanji was holding his swaddling clothes. He was stunned. When he heard the sound, he turned his head and saw Wan Wan walking with her.

When Duan Duan saw the swaddling clothes, his eyes were bright. He broke away and Wan Wan rushed over and stood in front of Zhu Zhanji.

"Father, I want to see my brother! I want to see my brother!"

"Congratulations, brother."

Everyone is happy!

Zhu Zhanji squatted down, gathered together side by side, carefully stretched out his hand and touched the small, not very beautiful, wrinkled face.

"Brother, I\'ll take you back."

Duanduan\'s happy little face seemed to be shining. Zhu Zhanji sighed in his heart and said, "your brother should grow up slowly..."

Duan Duan said seriously, "father, I will wait for my brother to grow up. I will wait all the time."

Zhu Zhanji trembled in his heart and said with a strong smile, "OK, grow up with his brother."

Wan Wan looked at the child on the side and suddenly asked, "brother Huang, who will teach him?"

The Empress Dowager was smiling and chanting on the side. When she heard this, her face changed slightly.

The birth of the prince, or the eldest son, is a heavy chip.

But the emperor\'s attitude is very important. If Zhu Zhanji ignores it, what will the child look like in the future?

Zhu Zhanji got up and looked at the delivery room. His face was strange and said, "Xing Hebo... Said... As long as he is the Queen\'s child, he is willing to remove his title and jubaoshanwei and concentrate on Teaching..."

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Then there was a roar outside, and the sound was far away.

The Empress Dowager looked cold and said, "the queen gave birth to the prince. Is someone going to jump over the wall?"

Zhu Zhanji shook his head. From Hu Shanxiang\'s production to now, he finally smiled.

"Empress mother, this is xinghebo demonstrating to his son\'s ministers. By the way, find a mistake for himself and let his son\'s ministers just unload his title..."

The Empress Dowager was surprised, and then said with laughter: "when he saw the queen for you, he recognized that Hu\'s ability to mother the world. Now he is willing to do so, but the palace feels that he is celebrating this little one!"

The Empress Dowager is waking up for Fang!

Zhu Zhanji felt that he was a little lonely. He smiled bitterly and said, "he wants Daming to be stable. Why don\'t I think so... Just call someone and say I know and talk about it later."


"Boom, boom, boom!"

The gunfire rumbled and the officials changed color. When he knew where he came from, Yang Rong said helplessly, "xinghebo is congratulating the prince! I just don\'t know whether his majesty will step down."

When the prince was born, everyone was happy. Even Jin Youzi said with a smile: "it\'s a great joy! There\'s no news. I think the future Prince has been oppressed. Xinghebo\'s move is just right, ha ha!"

Yang Shiqi blushed and said, "Daming has an heir. This is the way to prosperity!"


Huang Huai\'s health is getting worse and worse. He thinks he can\'t last long, so he cherishes every advance of Daming more and more.

And his biggest regret is the national capital, so he said with tears: "there is no regret in death! There is no regret!"

Yang Rong looked back at him and comforted him: "Lord Huang, keep a good life. Daming\'s road is still far away. Let\'s go well and go together!"

Huang Huai nodded, coughed violently and said, "OK, let\'s go and see the bright and bright light together!"

Yang Pu didn\'t speak all the time. At this moment, he suddenly looked up and said, "gentlemen, this is Xinghe Bo and jubaoshanwei who are loyal to the prince!"

Yang Rong frowned and said, "what loyalty? That\'s the foundation of the country!"

He waved and got up and went out.

"I\'m happy and go out for a walk..."


"Boom, boom, boom!"

The seventh round of shelling began.

Yu Jia found Fang Xing very smoothly, and Fang Xing stood in the middle of the road, as if he knew someone would come to him.

"Xing Hebo, your majesty said, we\'ll talk about it later."

Fang woke up, nodded and murmured, "do you finally know that love can\'t be compared with Daming?"

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The roar of the eighth round of shelling came.

"Xing Hebo, are you... Crying?"

Yang Rong came over and saw Fang Xing\'s appearance. He couldn\'t help but arch his hands and said, "my official is also in a difficult mood. It\'s hard to calm down!"

Fang Xing said with mixed feelings: "yes, we are all in a difficult mood. I hope this child can..."

"Emperor Wen?"

Yang Rong felt that at this moment he and Fang were interlinked.

Fang woke up and nodded, "hope, for this reason... I hope you can make less nonsense and let him know more about the national economy and the people\'s livelihood and foreign situations."

Yang Rong was stunned and said, "this is..."

He wanted to say that this was a required course for the emperor, but a big man rushed from the oblique thorn, slapped Fang Xing on the shoulder and said happily, "xinghebo, go into the palace, go to congratulate!"

This man is Zhu Yong. At the moment, Zhu Yong is smiling and even dressed in military uniform.

Fang woke up and looked at him. He was determined. He looked at Zhu Yong and said with a smile, "yes! Congratulations, congratulations for Daming and everyone!"

He said silently in his heart: Congratulations too!

Let that damn Pingyin king go to hell!

"Congratulations for Daming!"

Zhu Yong gave a big drink and took people to the palace.

There were more and more pedestrians in the street, as if everyone had come out.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The ninth round of shelling

Everyone has a smile on his face and is full of joy.

"Congratulations for Daming!"

Fang Xing gradually integrated into the crowd and shouted with everyone.

"Congratulations for Daming!"