Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1939

There was a warm greeting outside the yard, which surprised the officials.

Who says who? Am I the son of heaven?

After seeing Bastian\'s ugly face, the little official\'s complacency was thrown away.

As long as people don\'t die, it\'s hard to die!

So when Fang woke up and came in, the little official greeted him and said, "I\'ve seen uncle. Just now the messenger said that Daming had only one person to discuss things."

"That\'s right!"

Fang Xing casually arched his hand and said, "in the Ming Dynasty, only your majesty is the last master. I don\'t know if your envoy is willing to discuss major events between the two countries with your majesty?"

This sounds good, but Bastian knew he didn\'t have the qualification, so he lowered his posture and said, "I\'ve been away from farak for a long time. I can\'t sleep because of my missing for my family, so I\'m anxious."

"Don\'t worry!"

Fang Xing said with a smile: "Benbo is worried now. What if someone does something bad? There will be a misunderstanding between the two countries, and Daming\'s anger will burn all the way to frank, so... The etiquette department is going to send people to learn Frank\'s language and words. Do you have any objection?"

Bastian certainly had objections, but he couldn\'t say it. He said with a strong smile: "of course there is no problem. I\'m afraid the time is too short to learn well!"

"That\'s not your job."

With his consent, Fang Xinggong arched his hands and prepared to go back. Bastian said discontentedly, "Your Excellency, can our people learn Daming dialect and words?"

Fang woke up and said, "no problem. When you appoint someone to study, the etiquette department will naturally send a gentleman to ensure that you do your best."

Well, wake up, Fang. It\'s not fooling.

But the difficulty of Daming dialect and words

Fang Xing said with a smile: "this is a good decision. Both your country and our country will benefit from it. I think our cooperation will be all-round in the future and become each other\'s strongest allies."

Bastian thought he had taken advantage of it, so he excitedly selected three people from the mission to study Daming culture.

As an equivalent, the Ministry of rites of the Ming Dynasty also sent three people.

When the person who brought three students to the Mission Station met the interpreter, the interpreter\'s face became pale. After the three bowed to salute, he went to the man and whispered, "that\'s the last time. You said that you won\'t appear in front of me again. You broke the agreement, damn it! Do you think I\'m a weak person?"

The visitor smiled, but his eyes glittered with dangerous light, and whispered: "teach them with all your heart, they won\'t, then our adults will think you\'re playing tricks, and the consequences... You\'re ready to stay in Daming."

"You devils!" the interpreter\'s face turned blue. "Bastian won\'t promise!"

"If we are the devil, then you are the devil\'s partner."

The visitor said coldly, "our adults, as long as you do your best, understand? If you don\'t understand, you are not qualified to live in this world."

"How do you know Bastian will make me unhappy?" the interpreter said gnashing his teeth

The visitor smiled and said, "it\'s not my race, its heart must be different."

"Well, devil, you won!" the interpreter whispered, "but I want benefits. If not, I\'d rather be hung outside the door by Bastian to dry."

"You are born businessmen, which is good. Everything can be exchanged."

Someone nodded and said, "it will satisfy you."

The negotiation went well here, and frank students were also very satisfied because the teacher was very strict.

Strict teachers make excellent disciples, which is a common principle at all times and in all countries.

In a simple class, three students sat below and stood a little old man with a straight face.

"Cough! Heaven and earth are dark and yellow, and the universe is desolate. These two words mean..."

"Cough! Confucius said, learn from time to time..."


Both sides began to study at the same time. Two days later, the students of the etiquette department were thoughtful. Then they will work hard every night and memorize by rote. When they come back, they will communicate and compare with each other.

And the Frank mission was covered with dark clouds.

"Not easy to learn!"

A student\'s neck shook with the rhythm when he spoke. "The words and language of Ming people are broad and profound. A word used in different places means different meanings. Bastian, it\'s difficult."

Another student specializing in language said dejectedly, "it\'s not easy to learn. My tongue is almost knotted, but I still can\'t read the accurate pronunciation."

"Can you understand?"

Bastian asked with last hope.

The student shook his head and said helplessly, "I don\'t understand."


"The old man\'s speech is unclear."

Fang Xingxiao was out of breath. The royal guards hundred families who came to the news also said with a smile: "that man is a teacher, but his words really made the students despair. Later, most of them ran away. Finally, he mixed up a job of copying documents in the etiquette department. Well, it is said that his writing was excellent."

"Shenyang is doing a great job. As long as the interpreter doesn\'t reveal it, the Franks have nothing to say."

"Uncle, those people still want books."

Fang woke up and his face changed. He said coldly, "the etiquette Department agreed?"

The hundred family officials shook their heads and said, "Hu Chen said he would report it to his majesty."

"Don\'t give it! I\'ll go into the palace and talk about it later."

Fang wakes up and enters the palace. Zhu Zhanji is waiting for the news of the imperial doctor, looking particularly anxious.

"What did the imperial doctor say?"

Most of these words only Fang Xing dared and could ask. Zhu Zhanji didn\'t think he was disobedient and said casually, "it\'s just these days. The Queen\'s health is good, and it shouldn\'t be a problem."

Just then, a royal doctor came. Fang woke up and went out. When it was finished, he went in and told Zhu Zhanji about it.

"... if they want books, then Confucian classics. As for other books, I think..."

Fang Xing was a little murderous and said, "who dares to sell... No, no one will sell books to foreigners, so the people of the etiquette department should watch. Who dares to eat inside and kill him!"

Zhu Zhanji nodded and said, "who should go..."

"Chen Mo?"

"Chen Mo!"

They almost spoke in unison, and then smiled at each other. They smiled very


Chen Mo took office as a new official, but he didn\'t dare to light a fire.

On his first day in office, Hu Peng summoned him.

Still a simple and honest smile, but this smile made Hu Chen numb in his heart.

——The reputation of the Ministry of rites will not be destroyed in this person\'s hands, will it?

Chen Mo was staring so numb that he smiled and said, "Sir, what are you doing in the etiquette department?"

Hu Hu covered his forehead and said, "here\'s something big. Can you guarantee to do it well?"

"No problem, my Lord!"

Chen Moxuan immediately showed Hu Fei his determination to break a big stone in his chest - "Sir, if you can\'t do it well, you\'ll jump off the roof of the etiquette department!"

Jump off the roof of the etiquette department?

Hu Zhen bet that the worst result of jumping down is just breaking his leg, and this statement is equivalent to perfunctory officials.

He held down the sound of rolling, gently waved his hand and said, "go, Frank mission. As for failure... If you fail, don\'t think about jumping on the roof. Anlun of East Hall will be waiting for you!"

Ellen\'s abnormal torture ability makes all officials pale at the news, but Chen Mo doesn\'t know!

So he confidently went to the mission station.


Chen Mo\'s first impression on Bastian was simple and honest, so that when he learned that Chen Mo was the head of the etiquette department responsible for negotiating the alliance between the two countries with himself, he automatically ignored the fact that Chen Mo\'s official rank was equivalent to humiliating himself.

Simple and honest!

Simple and honest people don\'t ask too much!