Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1938

"Fang Xing must have sent someone to buy the interpreter!"

Jin Youzi said firmly: "think about it. When he said the Canary flower, the messenger\'s face changed greatly. It\'s clear that Fang Xing hit the soft rib!"

Yang Pu said expressionless, "so what?"

Jin Youzi sighed, "this man is decisive. If it were me, who would think of sending someone to buy the interpreter?"

Huang Huai coughed, "don\'t say anything about buying or not buying what\'s good for the country. If he hadn\'t pointed out Frank\'s weakness, we would have thought it was a powerful country, and the messenger must have been caught off guard by him, so the predetermined means can\'t be used. Only then can we directly get his details. That\'s a good thing."


Royal guards have done meritorious service.

After the East Hall decisively sent someone to ha lie, the royal guards fell into an unprecedented embarrassment.

East Hall was originally mainly responsible for internal supervision and cleaning up. Its incidental duty was to keep an eye on the royal guards.

But Sun Xiang played such a trick of "East Hall sharing worries for the country", and the royal guards were forced into a corner.

The royal guards will probably disappear if they shrink internally and are robbed by the East Hall.

As the new leader of the royal guards, Shenyang must come up with means to fight back, otherwise he can\'t convince the public.

When Yu Jia came, the royal guards were in a panic. Only Shenyang calmly brought people to meet the order.

Without a will, Yu Jia brought the emperor\'s oral praise.

"The royal guards are diligent. I\'m very pleased. I hope you can make persistent efforts."

The emperor\'s words were very short. Except for a few people who participated in this event, others were full of fog and didn\'t know why.

Yu Jia said and was ready to go. A thousand households muttered, "what\'s the credit for not having a reward?"

Shenyang sent Yu Jia out. When he came back, he stared at the thousand households and said, "what reward do you want?"

Qianhu hey said with a smile: "adults, joking, joking."

Shenyang said coldly, "Your Majesty, can you joke too? Go and get ten whip yourself!"

This is an example. Taking advantage of the emperor\'s praise, Shenyang gave the royal guards a beautiful warning.


"Who bought you?"

Back at the station, Bastian called the interpreter alone into the room and asked, playing with a beautiful short blade in his hand.

His beard had been trimmed, but his hair was tied behind his head with a cloth band. It looked strange.

The interpreter\'s eyes turned and said sincerely, "Lord Bastian, I\'m not that kind of person."

Bastian sneered, "what\'s the matter with the Canary flower? Don\'t say that the Ming people know it, their emperor won\'t have this attitude today. Fool! Do you know that if the Ming people know the details of frank, it means that we have lost the initiative."

Lord Bastian, I just scolded the canary when I was drinking last night. You know, without the canary, my business would not end badly. Of course, I am willing to work for frank, but Frank\'s biggest enemy is the canary. Shouldn\'t I hate them

"You have nothing to fear!"

Bastian cut his fingernails with a short blade and said faintly, "because no one in Daming can speak frank language, you are confident!"

Shaking his head, Bastian said disgustedly, "you are natural businessmen. No, you are natural speculators, but Ming people will not provide you with a stable life. They will use you and throw you into the cesspit and finally associate with feces."

"It\'s hard to find an interpreter. I promise I won\'t say anything that can be used by Ming people in the future."

After the royal guards found him and took out a flower inlaid glass that could be called a treasure, he was completely occupied.

In Frank\'s country, one who can understand Daming dialect is now a translator, so he has the capital to make profits for himself.

He was secretly proud that he would not return to that chaotic country if his wife and children were not still Frank.

"Cut off one of his ears!"

Just when he was proud, Bastian got up and went out, and commanded at the door.


The interpreter turned back and shouted, "Bastian, you can\'t do this!"

Before long, a scream came from the house!


"Translated into an ear?"

"Yes, uncle."

Shenyang replied respectfully.

Fang woke up and said, "don\'t call me uncle, will you? Now you are the boss of royal guards. We can\'t collude."

Shenyang nodded. When Fang Xing was pleased, he said, "uncle, the title is just a title. Ji Gang made love with many people in those years. That title makes people feel that they are brothers, but once they were destroyed, there were no brothers."

Fang woke up, covered his forehead and said helplessly, "it\'s up to you. Is Bastian angry? Or is frank unable to find a second interpreter proficient in Daming dialect?"

"It\'s hard to find."

Shenyang was well prepared, which made Fang Xing a little afraid.

"The interpreter is a natural person. If Frank had a way, he would only let his own people take the post of interpreter. Therefore, the officer thought that Daming should find a way to let people learn Frank\'s language and characters, which will be of great benefit in the future."

"That\'s a good idea."

Fang Xing praised, and then said meaningfully, "if you can focus on state affairs, Ji Gang will be far away from you. Remember, start and finish well."

When Fang woke up, he went to see Hu, who was also very interested in this proposal.

"Will they?"

Yan Dajian carefully raised questions.

Fang Xing is in high spirits. If he dares to disturb his interest, with the understanding of the other party, he will probably have endless small shoes in the future.

Hu Chen said modestly, "this is good for both countries. Why not? If not, the alliance will be dishonest. Naturally, I will suggest to your majesty to put the matter aside."

Fang Xing raised his eyebrows and said, "Lord Hu\'s words are just what Fang means. If he refuses, he will come and go immediately. Daming\'s food won\'t feed outsiders."

Two people who don\'t know how to do things!

Yan Dajian boasts that the city government is deep and changeable, and he will never be rash.

But today, when I saw what Fang Xing and Hu zhe meant, it was clear that he wanted to bow hard!

"I\'m going to search for the candidates now. I\'m sure to learn a general idea before they leave. As for the mission, Xinghe Bo is biased?"

Fang woke up and said, "it\'s my duty. Fang is going to talk to the Bastian about the weather."


The weather in Peiping is good, sunny and charming.

But Bastian was in a bad mood because Daming\'s official in charge of negotiating the treaty between the two countries was on vacation.

"Is this a joke?"

Bastian almost wanted to roar out the little official who came to report, but he could only bear it.

The petty official said helplessly, "that adult has just returned from his mission. Your majesty has given him leave. Your envoy should wait."

Bastian couldn\'t help but irony: "is there only such an official in your country who can discuss things with other countries?"

Small officials who can deal with foreign vassal people must know where the bottom line is!

The petty official\'s face was cold and said proudly, "if your envoy is eager, Xinghe Bo must be willing to sit down and talk with you."

"I\'ve seen xinghebo!"