Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1922

There were only three women among the natives in the fleet, and the others were hungry men.

Huangjinlu and Linzheng had issued strict orders not to harass the three native women. The violators were directly castrated and lost in the sea.

Chen Mo\'s heart is itchy, but he is frightened by the cold eyes of huangjinlu. He just glances at them from time to time and has an eye addiction.

The fleet slowly began to sail to the left. With the passage of time, the mood of the crew began to get excited.

"Lao Huang, can your boy still remember what you look like?"

Chen Mo is the most active member of the fleet. According to the golden foot, this man is a monkey and can\'t sit still naturally.

Huangjinlu is eating sashimi. The fleet will often search for the trace of the fish, and then go down the net to salvage it.

When the sashimi is dipped in chili noodles, Chen Mo doesn\'t dare to compliment the taste, but huangjinlu eats it with relish. He put down his chopsticks, looked like a memory, and said, "there is no shortage of money and food at home. My boy can study well. He will provide for the elderly when he goes back this time, which can also be regarded as making up for his debt to his wife and children."

"And you?"

Huangjinlu thinks Chen Mo is a heartless guy, but his luck is amazing.

Chen Mo said proudly, "we can get an official at that time. Lao Huang, it\'s still early to provide for the elderly! We have to go out often. Maybe there will be your and my names in the history books."

Huangjinlu looked at him and said, "it\'s useless to keep a name in history books. It\'s true to live well in this life."

Chen Mo\'s whole body was red. He rubbed the deck with the soles of his calloused feet and said longingly, "the women in my family are not convinced of me. When I go back this time, I\'ll wear official clothes and let them pose in 18 positions!"

Liu Ming said contemptuously, "you think about those things all day. Even if you make great contributions, history books dare not take you in."

Chen Mo said proudly, "who doesn\'t want to talk about men and women? Liu Ming, I found out about you and that woman last time and hid in the woods. If I hadn\'t watched for you, those people would have watched..."

Liu Ming said with a red face and red ears: "that\'s... That\'s..."

"There\'s a fleet!"

Just as Liu Ming was waiting for Ai Ai, the lookout post shouted on it, and the voice was full of joy.

It has entered the South China Sea. Only Daming\'s fleet is legal, and the others are invaders.

The invaders... No one dares to attack Daming by sea these days.

Huangjinlu immediately ran to the bow of the boat and raised his telescope to search carefully.

"Fleet found in front left!"

The lookout post is constantly updating the news.

"My Lord, there is a treasure ship, which is our fleet! Ha ha!"

Lin Zheng put down his telescope and shouted, "come out and play the flag right away!"

"Who is it?"

Huangjinlu looked for a long time and wondered, "Duke Zheng\'s fleet is much larger than this."

At this time, the fleet over there also found them, and soon a clipper came out, with constant flags on the clipper.

The two sides were getting closer and closer. When the sergeant on the express saw the two broken ships, he couldn\'t help taking a breath.

"Are they in a storm?"

The flag proved that everyone came from Daming. Soon the two sides drew close. The sergeant on the express looked up and said loudly, "this is the Daming navy fleet. Who are you waiting for?"

Chen Mo shouted impatiently, "we\'re looking for the fleet of gum trees. Look, see clearly, I\'m Chen Mo!"

The officer on the express ship looked at Chen Mo\'s black face and shouted, "Your Highness the king of Han and Xinghe are leading the army here. You can follow."

"Your Highness King Han?"

Chen Mo looked back and said, "Lao Huang, why did your Highness the king of Han go to sea?"

But huangjinlu didn\'t have time to pay attention to him. Lin Zheng turned back and shouted, "everyone, tidy up and dress up immediately!"

Everyone went back to the warehouse to get their clothes. The two ships were full of people in a hurry to get dressed, and others were all over the world looking for shoes.

After all dressed up, the distance between the two sides has become closer and closer.

Chen Mo sees that the opposite fleet is a treasure ship, and the other ships are arranged in a herringbone. He giggles, "is this to meet us?"

Huangjinlu stood straight and said in a low voice, "you are talking about dreams..."



The opposite fleet suddenly burst into a roar, and then the smoke rose on the deck.

The three of huangjinlu didn\'t understand the rules of the Navy, so they asked Lin Zheng.

Lin Zheng didn\'t answer. He said with a straight face, "all stand well. This is a compliment to us!"

Chen Mo looked at him carefully, suddenly pointed to his eyes and said, "Lord Lin, you\'re crying."

Lin Zheng quickly wiped the corners of his eyes with the back of his hand, and then said, "no, you\'re dazzled."

Chen Mo turns back slowly. The eyes of those standing behind him are mostly shining with tears, and everyone is excited.

Chen Mo turned his head, touched the Golden Foot with his shoulder and whispered, "Lao Huang, what are you excited about?"

Huangjinlu hit him with an elbow. Chen Mo bent down and inhaled.

Just as he was ready to get angry, the two sides were close.

"Boom, boom!"

On the deck of the treasure ship, the guns were roaring. In the smoke of gunpowder, Zhu gaoxu and Fang wake up to the side of the ship, watch the two ships slow down and finally stop side by side.

When the hanging ladder goes down, Chen Mo sees Zhu gaoxu and Fang Xing standing there in awe. He can\'t help but want to go first, but he is grabbed by the golden foot.

"Lao Huang, what are you doing?"

Chen Mo is a little angry.

The Golden Foot said coldly, "don\'t die!"

Chen Mo is angry. When he sees Lin Zheng get off the boat first and climb up the hanging ladder, he laughs:

"Why is he so stupid?"

Chen Mo finds that Lin Zheng\'s every move is as stiff as a doll. He can\'t help showing off: "I must have climbed faster than him now."

"You don\'t understand."

Huangjinlu looked at Lin Zheng in awe and climbed up in this posture. He said with envy, "this is the soldier of the Ming Dynasty."

Lin Zheng went up to the deck and saw Zhu gaoxu and Fang wake up to meet him. He knelt down on one knee and said loudly: "tell your highness, tell Uncle, your highness, Lin Zheng led the fleet to sail. Today he returned and has obtained the gum tree..."

"Get up."

Fang Xing crossed Zhu gaoxu\'s command. Lin Zheng hesitated. Fang Xing went over to hold him and said, "you are heroes. History books will boast your achievements and immortality!"

Thinking of the hardships along the way, Lin Zheng choked. He sucked his nose and said loudly: "this voyage, the lower official department has not humiliated the reputation of Daming, and has been abroad!"

Fang Xing said solemnly, "OK!"

Zhu gaoxu had just understood Lin Zheng\'s task. He came and patted Lin Zheng on the shoulder, nodded and said, "good man!"

"The vast sea did not stop your courage, and the danger of foreign lands did not scare your steps, OK!"


The whole deck was cheering, and then spread to the whole fleet.

The momentum was like a rainbow. Lin Zheng shouted, "the lower official just did his duty. Daming is powerful!"

"Daming is mighty!"

"Daming is mighty!"

Bastian saw this scene. He took a quick look when the gatekeeper turned around, and then quickly retracted.

"Bastian, what is Ming shouting?"

Bastian whispered, "the Ming people have another fleet. Looking at the rags, it should be the return of a long voyage."

"What was the roar just now?"

"I don\'t know. I can only see the side of the ship."

The deck was full of people, which blocked his view of the artillery, which annoyed Bastian.