Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1921

Then Fang Xing and Zhu gaoxu joined forces to explore this place. The fleet also set sail one after another, searching from the left and right sides.

The weather here seems pretty good. Fang Xing almost thought it was in South America if he hadn\'t heard that Zhu gaoxu had just arrived and suffered a tornado or some extreme weather.

There are dense forests everywhere. Sometimes I see rivers and waterfalls, just like elves dotted in the woods.

Fang Xing thought it was a paradise, but Zhu gaoxu insisted that it was an important place for strategists, which could cut off the retreat of the enemy Navy attacking Daming from the sea.

But the Daming Navy is so powerful, who dares to attack?

Fang Xing was deeply depressed. He was eager for the enemy to launch an attack by sea. That would save him a lot of things.

The mission failed to follow the action, which made Bastian very upset. He was worried that Daming people were as "barbaric" as Zhu gaoxu. In the face of such barbaric Daming, unless Frank is willing to lower his posture and admit his weak position, there will be no allies.

The subsequent exploration did not get a surprise, but Fang Xing firmly believed that there were countless minerals on the continent and guaranteed it with his own personality, but he was despised by Zhu gaoxu.

When they returned to the landing point again, the fleet had returned. The fleet on the left said that it had not explored to the end, and returned because of the agreed time.

But the fleet on the right has good news.

"Your Highness, uncle, there is a big island over there."

Zhu gaoxu was numb and dealt with it casually. When he left, he asked Fang Xing, "how big is the world?"

"Big, bigger than you can imagine."

Fang Xing drew a big ball and said, "if you go back and keep sailing, there will be more land over there."

Zhu gaoxu was moved. Fang Xing was worried that he would never come back, so he said: "this matter should be delayed. After the side is settled, we will send a small fleet to go there, eh..."

Fang Xing suddenly remembered something. He patted his head and said, "I forgot the fleet to explore there. If their return trip deviates from the route, they will come here directly."

Zhu gaoxu frowned, thought for a moment, and said, "it\'s that wretched... What\'s his name? Chen..."


"Chen Mo, can you put on your pants?"

Several dilapidated ships are sailing on the endless sea. There are many patches on the sails and even on the mast.

This is a long sailing fleet.

On the deck, covered with red fruit and black, Chen Mo turned back and smiled at the Golden Foot and said, "Lao Huang, how many officials can you be this time?"

Huangjinlu sat on the side of the ship and leaned against some shady planks. He sighed: "I don\'t want to be an official anymore. I just want to go home and guard my family and live a good life."

The scar on his face shrank a lot. Looking at his skin, it was strange.

But his evil spirit dissipated a little, and he was no longer so gloomy and scary.

Chen Mo went into the cabin, which was full of natives they brought back from the jungle. Most of these people died on the road. The rest had carried those inexplicable diseases and were safe.

These people are still a little weak. When they see Chen Mo, they stand up silently and point behind them.

Behind them are boxes full of seeds.

"The seed must be looked after and kept well. If it breaks down, Chen Mo, swim back to Daming by yourself!"

The Golden Foot appeared outside the cabin. He smiled at the natives, and then came in to check the boxes carefully.

Chen Mo coughed and whispered, "old Huang, those gold and silver are placed below. If the ship sinks, how can we transfer it out?"

The golden foot touched the box, frowned and said, "compared with gold and silver, this is the purpose of our trip. If you want, go down and look at the gold and silver."

Chen Mo muttered, "I\'m going back this time... I\'m afraid my daughter-in-law has run away? I\'ll just find some beautiful women again."

"Take care of them."

Huangjinlu confessed, and then strolled on the deck with Chen mo.

"We have a little yaw. We hope to see the island as soon as possible, and then add some food and water."

After this trip, huangjinlu felt that he was really reborn and handled things in an orderly and leisurely manner.

And Chen mo

Huangjinlu frowned and looked at him foolishly and said, "you are also an official. If you are seen, the imperial governors will impeach you and let you go home to farm."

"Who saw it?"

Chen Mo yells and twists his hips and hips, but he can\'t be proud.


Someone scolded angrily behind him. Chen Mo turned back and saw that it was eunuch Xiao Cong, so he distinguished and said, "Grandpa Xiao, you can\'t see others because you don\'t have this thing!"

"If you talk nonsense again, I\'ll castrate you!"

Seeing Xiao Cong\'s face red, he was so angry that he pointed to Chen Mo and couldn\'t speak. Huangjinlu gave a low drink.

Chen Mo and Xiao Cong have had many conflicts along the way, mostly because Chen Mo acted casually.

"Lao Huang..."

Chen Mo wanted to say that we were a group. Xiao Cong would return to the palace when he turned back, but huangjinlu\'s eyes were cold and scared him back.

When Liu Ming heard the noise, he came out and advised, "Grandpa Xiao has been working hard all the way. Chen Mo, apologize."

Hearing the speech, Xiao Cong said, "our family can\'t afford to apologize to Lord Chen..."

Chen Mo covered his lower body with his hands and said with a playful smile, "father Xiao, I\'m such a virtue. I\'m not bad hearted. You\'ve seen a lot in the palace. Just treat me as a fart... Let me go."

Now even Xiao Cong couldn\'t help laughing. He pointed to Chen Mo and said with a smile: "you monkey, if you were in the palace, you would have been buried in the dry well. Our family is unlucky. It\'s just that we met you. As soon as we go back to the palace, we probably won\'t see each other in our life. We cherish each other."

Chen Mo arched his hand and said, "Grandpa Xiao must go straight up. Please take care of him at that time."

Xiao Cong glanced at his guy and said with a smile: "but do you want to enter the palace? Our family can help you accommodate, just to see if you can survive that knife."

Chen Mo looked down and said proudly, "this thing can\'t be cut. The women in the family are still waiting for it to comfort."

At this time, Lin was shouting golden foot over there. He gave Chen Mo a warning look, and then went to talk.

Lin Zheng has a scar on his face, which is a memorial left to him by the tropical rain forest.

"Uncle meant to put those gum trees in the old port, so I meant... Should we go to the old port first, and then send someone to inform the central court and wait for news. Otherwise, if those seeds toss back and forth, we\'ll be afraid of an accident."

Lin Zheng\'s temperament was more calm and steadfast: "I don\'t know what this can do, but Xinghe Bo can always turn corruption into magic. Let\'s wait and see."

Huangjinlu put his hands on the side of the boat and said in a deep voice, "after going back this time, we may not come out again, but you can\'t hide."

Thinking of the difficulties along the way, Lin Zheng sighed, "yes! The route needs to be led several times. However, the place over there is large, so it\'s not so difficult to prepare more supply points along the way and then emigrate."

Huangjinlu thought of those tropical rain forests and said with lingering fear: "it\'s too difficult there. We must garrison troops, and we have to bring more doctors."

Lin Zheng said faintly, "why did the Ming army fear those poisonous snakes and beasts? Kill them."