Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1868

It\'s the last moment, monthly ticket! Monthly Ticket!


"Here comes the bride..."

In the sound of firecrackers, Li Er Mao rode first, behind him was a carriage, and the students shouted excitedly.

In this festive atmosphere, Xin Laoqi came quietly.

"Sir, I have found more than 3000 Guan and some gold and silver jewelry."

Fang woke up, nodded and said, "there should be a lot of guests. Let people prepare more meals and seats. In addition... Let people go to the official department and say that my students are married today. Please Jian Yi to have a drink."

"The bride got off!"

Yuan Er Niang was led in in in her red clothes. Fang Xing stood outside the door and turned around. Looking at Li Er Mao coming out first and preparing to salute the husband and wife, she whispered, "important officials will come later. Let the students don\'t care. Make a fuss when it\'s time. Don\'t embarrass the wedding."

"Yes, sir."

LV Changbo and Xie Zhenliang are ready, a praise and a deacon. The woman\'s entourage was the empress dowager, and the two sides were communicating in a low voice.

Xie Jin was so free that he went out to chat with Fang Xing.

"The Empress Dowager won\'t do it easily. Do you and your majesty want to be hard? What\'s the matter with Jianyi?"

Fang Xing said softly, "I\'ve got Li Fen\'s handle. Now it depends on Jian Yi\'s choice."

"You move so fast!"

"It\'s not fast. If we hadn\'t scruples about turning over in an all-round way, now the royal guards will directly enter the official department."

Fang Xing had some regrets, but Xie Jin felt lucky: "this technique is premeditated at first sight, and the ministers should defend Jianyi against injustice. If you turn your face, I don\'t look down on you. Once those people hold together, your majesty has nothing to do."

"So it\'s just a shot to start the students\' official career. Those people are deep-rooted, and your majesty and I dare not fight comprehensively. But who can tell the future!"

Fang Xing never thought of slapping those people to death. No one has dared to do so since ancient times.

That price is chaos!

The wedding was going on inside. Xie Jin was also called in to preside over it. Fang woke up and stood outside alone, waiting quietly.


Jian Yi is very weak in the state of fighting between heaven and man. He has never been weak.

Li Fen knelt on the side and chattered about the situation.

"My Lord, if I was arrested, what would I think of the official department outside? Would they say that the official department used to choose officials according to who gave me more money..."

"Shut up!"

Jian Yi was upset, and then his headache was about to crack.

Li Fen\'s eyes turned and smiled proudly.

He woke up at the moment and didn\'t hate each other at all. On the contrary, he was very grateful.

If there were no persecution from the emperor and Fang Xing, Jian Yi would not let himself go.

Jian Yi\'s heart was engaged in the battle between heaven and man, and he was confused for a time.

If he wants to take Li Fen, he must do it now. It\'s fishy to slow down for a day.

But he was about to push the emperor back with a soft nail. Taking Li Fen at this time was undoubtedly difficult to ride a tiger.

The emperor must do it! At that time, the Ministry of officials is afraid to be sad everywhere and everyone is in danger.

Once the emperor decided to purge the officials, as long as they were suspected of being close to Jian Yi and sympathizing with him, they would all be in the cleaning list.

This is the cruel reality!

Jian Yi gradually showed his ferocious color. Seeing this, Li Fen gritted his teeth and said, "my Lord, you cultivated the officer."

Can you afford this joint and several liability?

"You maggot!"

Jian Yi picked up the tea cup on the table, poured cold tea on Li Fen\'s face, and then said, "get out!"

He made a compromise, not for sin, but for the orthodoxy in his heart.

Li Fen was overjoyed and kowtowed: "thank you, sir! Thank you, sir. I promise to keep my mouth shut and never..."

"My Lord!"

Jian Yi didn\'t allow anyone to come near here just now, so at this time, anything outside can only be notified by shouting.

Jian Yi raised his voice and asked, "what\'s up?"

"My Lord, Xing Hebo\'s servant asked to see him. He said he had something important."

Jian Yi\'s body was shocked. Seeing that Li Fen wanted to run, he kicked him over, and then said, "let him come!"

"My lord..."

Li Fen struggled to think of it. Jian Yi sneered, "Fang Xing\'s servant is coming. Your road is dead!"

"My Lord, you\'re no better!"

Li Fen said fiercely, "Fang Xing will drive you out of the position of minister of the Ministry of officials, and then you will go back to your hometown to farm and be the so-called gentry. No, Fang Xing said that those who don\'t pay taxes are moths. Yes, you are moths!"

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside. Jian Yi said, "come in."

When the door opened, old Xin seven came in and didn\'t even look at Li Fen, who was kneeling on the ground, and said, "my master asks Lord Jian to have a wedding wine today."

Jian Yi asked, "whose?"

At this time, Li Fen got up, jumped at Xin Laoqi and was kicked over by him. Then he arched his hand and said, "the student of Zhixing academy, Royal historian Li Ermo."

Jian Yi\'s body loosened and said, "I know."

Xin Laoqi arched away and Li Fen shouted, "Jianyi is an accomplice!"

Xin Laoqi didn\'t stop and soon disappeared into sight.

In the official department, only Li Fen\'s scream echoed.

"Jian Yi is an accomplice. He wants to hide his corruption. He wants to keep his position..."


Jian Yi comes to Li Er Mao\'s house. Just outside the door, he sees Fang Xing.


Fang woke up with a smile and said, "after eating the banquet, Fang must hurry home, otherwise once the gate is closed, the whole family will have to live in the city for a night. But Fang is not happy. Lord Jian knows why?"

Jian Yi smiled and said, "I don\'t know."

The students inside were making a fuss and asked Li Ermo to invite the bride out for a toast. Then came the voice of Xie Jin\'s scolding. Soon there was a burst of laughter.

"Fang admits his bed and doesn\'t sleep well in other places."

There was a moment of silence between them. Jian Yi said hard, "why don\'t you take this opportunity to bring down my official? Let me sleep in a bed I\'m not used to."

Fang Xing shook his head. "It\'s not difficult to bring you down, but you didn\'t break the rules. Yes, college students really shouldn\'t go out through the official department, so you\'re right."

"What do you and your majesty want?"

Jian Yi was a little angry. He felt that he had been hurt by the emperor and Fang Xing.

"This is not the right way!"

His complaint was not recognized by Fang Xing. Fang Xing said coldly, "what\'s yours? What are you hesitating about? What made you and Li Fen stay in the secret room for more than half an hour and still have no results? Are you afraid?"

Jian Yi said in a low voice, "what if you take down my official?"

Fang Xing said coldly, "if someone else can\'t sit in the position of the Minister of officials, it will only bring more disputes, so... What do you want?"

Jian Yi simply said freely: "I\'ll go to the palace to apologize."


Fang Xing stretched out his hand and Jian Yi stood still.

The autumn wind continued to blow through the alley and moved their clothes.

"Does your majesty want to accept me?"

"You\'re not worth it."

"Then why let me go?"

Jian Yi asked in despair. He felt he was trapped in a conspiracy and couldn\'t extricate himself. Fang Xing was the devil, cruelly depriving his soul.

Fang Xing sighed, "Your Majesty pity you for your dedication. It\'s just that you can\'t bear it."

Jian Yi arched his hand and went into the yard.

Fang Xing stood where he was, with one more person behind him.

"Sir, why didn\'t your majesty take Jian Yi?"

Fang woke up and looked at the excitement inside and sneered: "there are many of them. If they take Jian Yi by Li Fen\'s head, it is that the king has trapped his ministers. It is said that the emperor still wants fame?"

"It\'s just knocking on the mountain to shock the tiger. If Jian Yi insists on his own opinion again, who dares to talk to him? This is a step-by-step coercion. I believe Jian Yi has no appetite now and just wants to spit blood."

"They persecute your majesty, and your majesty persecutes them in turn. This is the coming and going between kings and ministers."

Fang woke up quickly and moved under his feet. Then he leaned over and picked up a copper coin and said with a smile: "whoever comes up is the same. Jian Yi\'s integrity is much better than those people, so his majesty wants to hold him step by step. Let\'s start differentiation from their interior!"

What student wants the official department to write when he becomes an official? This is just setting up a set and leading Jian Yi into the set.

Moreover, Zhu Zhanji also let Chen Jiahui jump to a higher level and promotion. Fang Xing\'s harvest is really great.


After a shout, there was laughter in the yard


"Empress mother, the children\'s minister felt that he had made some uneasy means. Jian Yi was a capable minister, a rare capable minister. But the children\'s minister forced him to bow his head for his own mind. It was not kind, but also a way to be a king."

"Jian Yi can be called conscientious in the Ministry of officials, but he doesn\'t agree with some opinions of his children\'s ministers, who... Feel guilty."