Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1867

"The minister is guilty."

Jian Yi bears the brunt of official corruption!

Zhu Zhanji looked at him coldly and said, "as the Minister of the Ministry of officials, the first thing to think about should be Daming, not those messy things. I often think, whose courtiers are you, mine? Daming? I\'m afraid not! You\'re just your own courtiers!"

No one answered this, and no one reflected on whether they were really as the emperor said.

Human nature is private, and selfless will probably shine through the ages.

The so-called raising Haoran healthy qi is actually just edification, but human nature is greedy, how many can it edify?

"May there be a Wen Tianxiang in this dynasty?"

Zhu Zhanji whispered slowly: "after hard experience, there are few stars around, mountains and rivers are broken, the wind is floating, the life experience is floating and heavy, and the rain is beating Ping... I know you all think that today\'s Daming is a prosperous age, but I want to tell you that it is extremely prosperous and dangerous!"

"Your Majesty, I would like to be Mr. Wenshan of Daming!"

Zhu Zhanji followed the sound and saw that it was Yu Qian. He said, "I heard that you take Mr. Wenshan as an example on weekdays, so that you can do it."

Yang Rong finally left the class. He bowed down and said, "Your Majesty, the students of the Academy know all about it. I think it\'s a pity that they don\'t work for the country."

As the first assistant, Yang Rong\'s harmony and thin mud at this time is most appropriate.

Zhu Zhanji smiled and said, "Shuntian mansion lacks a governor. I think Chen Jiahui is good."

Then he stared at Jian Yi with gentle eyes.

But as we all know, this is Jian Yi\'s last chance. If you miss it, you have to prepare to go home for the elderly.

Jian Yi\'s eyes were dim. He thought of Li Fen who said good words for Lin bu.

The solemn appearance is still in his mind, but Jian Yi only hopes that Li Fen didn\'t take bribes.

The young emperor was a little excited. He felt that he had succeeded in subduing the ministers.

The ministers were silent. Zhu Zhanji couldn\'t wait to say, "the Prime Minister of Shuntian mansion is vacant. Chen Jiahui was sentenced to take over after years of hard work."

Jian Yi is in a trance. He is still thinking about Li Fen. He is worried that Li Fen, who claims to be his confidant in the Ministry of officials, has made a big mistake.


According to the procedure of filling vacancies discussed in the past, Jian Yi should have returned to the official department at this time.

After half an hour of delay, Jian Yi came late in the application. His tired appearance made Li Fen\'s heart thump.

"Sir, but there is a dispute?"

Officials are elected by the Ministry of officials and discussed together. This is the normal process.

But with the emperor in charge, there are few disputes.

Jian Yi looked at him expressionless and asked, "do you know the end of the hand about Lin Bu?"

Li Fen was surprised and said, "my Lord, Lin Bu\'s resume is excellent. After reading it, I think it\'s most appropriate for him to take over Wang Yue\'s vacancy."

Jian Yi held a fire in his stomach, but quietly continued to ask, "do you know him?"

Li Fen shook his head and said, "I\'ve never met him."

Jian Yi nodded and said, "pay attention next time."

As a minister of the Ministry of officials, he still has some basic responsibilities and will not be angry with Li Fen.

Li Fen answered and then asked, "my Lord, but what happened to naringbu?"

Jian Yi noticed some abnormalities from the slightly changed tone, and his backhand was a slap in the face.


Li Fen took a step back with her face covered, but she was not stunned. She just bowed her head.

Jian Yi said angrily, "what did you do? Say!"

Li Fen bowed her head, but Jian Yi smiled angrily and said, "do you want people from royal guards?"

"My Lord, help me..."


When Li Fen knelt in front of Jian Yi, Xin Laoqi also came to a small courtyard in the west of the city alone.

The alley is deep, and the leaves are colorful under the autumn wind. The Mid Autumn Festival is coming soon. There are many children\'s laughter in the alley.

"Xiao Bao, go home for dinner!"

"Mom, what\'s delicious?"

"Just go home."

"Coming, coming!"

The child happily ran past behind Xin Laoqi. Under the temptation of delicious food, he didn\'t look at Xin Laoqi, a stranger at all.

After the child ran, Xin Laoqi jumped gently, grabbed the wall, and then turned in quietly.

The front yard was a little dirty, and Xin Laoqi slowly went towards the wing room from the side.

In the wing room, a man was drinking tea alone, and a red belly pocket was left under the bed beside him, with scattered lace UPS, which meant no temptation.

"Have you finished washing? Don\'t let me wait."

The man put down the teacup and shouted impatiently inside.

After a burst of water, a delicate voice came from inside, "the little girl will come from another place. If she doesn\'t wash it clean... Then she will be neglected."

The man scolded, "what are you wearing? Thousands of people ride thousands of people... Who?"

The man suddenly got up and was about to turn around when a cold voice came from behind: "if you dare to run, I will break your legs. You can try."


"Are you sure that\'s it?"

"Yes, sir, the royal guards are very powerful, but they can\'t do it. Those people are a little unhappy."

Hearing the beating sound from the wedding procession, Xiaodao said hurriedly, "Lord Shen scolded those people, and then brother seven went alone."

Fang woke up, nodded and said, "if you can find out about it, you are grateful. Those people don\'t know the greatness of heaven and earth. They think it\'s a credit, so they don\'t need to pay attention."

"Master, Jian Yi has just returned to the official department."

Fang woke up and nodded, "Li Fen tried to say good things for Lin bu. Jian Yi can\'t doubt it. What will he do now?"


"How much?"

Jian Yi whispered and asked, "how much did you get from Lin Bu?"

Li Fen knelt on the ground, looked up and choked: "Sir, not much, only 1100."

Jian Yi kicked him over with one foot, pointed to him, drank and scolded: "more than a thousand passes, not much? When Emperor Taizu was high, it was enough for your whole family to peel and grass!"

"My Lord, save me. After I leave office, I will follow your orders!"

Li Fen turned over on her knees, hugged Jian Yi\'s leg, looked up and said, "Sir, there can\'t be an accident in the official department at the moment! Otherwise, the lower official will not hesitate to copy the family and destroy the family..."

Jian Yi bowed his head and saw Li Fen\'s snot and tears on his face, but he couldn\'t hide it in his eyes. He was confident and fearless. He said with disgust: "Shenyang of the royal guards is friendly with Fang Xing, and the East Hall is monitoring all officials. After today, the official Department will be their thorn in the eye. Where can you hide?"

Li Fen sucked her nose, and her tears magically disappeared. He said, "my Lord, I didn\'t handle the money when I received it. The person who sent the money to Lin Bu doesn\'t know the person who received the money."

Jian Yi hesitated for a moment. He didn\'t want to appease the traitors, but in this sensitive period, the official department broke the scandal of right waiter accepting official money, which was a heavy blow to the official department.

He is not afraid of Zhu Zhanji changing himself, because he has no selfishness!

He was afraid that the new comer was the emperor\'s confidant, the officialdom of Daming

"My Lord, the money of the lower officer is not at home. They can\'t find evidence..."



The man in the wing room was kicked and hit on the bed column, and the whole bedstead collapsed.


A woman came out and screamed when she saw the man lying on the bed moaning.

"If you don\'t want to die, forget today. Get out!"

A prostitute is not enough for Xin Laoqi to make a move. He pointed to the door. The woman ran out in a hurry. When she ran half way, she turned back and picked up the belly pocket, and then smiled: "don\'t worry, big brother. If the little girl wants to live a long life, she must not dare to talk nonsense."

Xin Laoqi looked at her coldly and went out. Then he picked up the man and asked, "where is Li Fen\'s money and things?"
