Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1826

Fang Xing\'s eyes were red. He pointed to his opposite side, "come on, drink."

Xu Jingchang sat down and looked at a pile of peanuts on the table. He poured himself a glass of wine. After drinking it all, he sighed, "are you being resisted by King Ning? There\'s nothing to do?"

"What did your majesty ask you to do?"

Fang wakes up with a hiccup, pinches the flower shell, rubs it with one hand, and then throws the peanuts into his mouth.

"You are too brave!"

Xu Jingchang was also tormented all the way. Under the strict order of Zhu Zhanji, he almost traveled both night and star, which made him reach Nanchang today.

"Your Majesty is worried that you are eager, so let me fix one or two. The best thing is to let King Ning dissolve the guard and apologize in the last Memorial. In this way, the affairs of the vassal will be stable for the time being."

Xu Jingchang felt that he was like a little daughter-in-law sandwiched between his mother-in-law and her husband.

"Don\'t move here until I go to King Ning\'s house."

Xu Jingchang drank two glasses of wine and got up to find Zhu Quan.

"Don\'t go."

Fang woke up and shook his head and said, "King Ning must be in a dilemma at the moment. If you go, you will be soft. Your majesty can\'t be soft, otherwise it will be difficult in the future..."

Xu Jingchang said helplessly, "so you want to take risks?"

He sat down again, pointed to the wine pot and said, "did you ever drink wine before the war? Are you going to get out? You should be brave, too?"

Fang woke up, nodded and said, "once King Ning riots, local vassal kings will rebel with the big flag, for example... Your majesty will destroy the clan or something, and then..."

"At that time, even if the rebellion around the country is calmed down, you will wake up and be the number one sinner. Everyone cries out!"

Xu Jingchang frowned and said, "just stop. Take your time. Brother, I\'m too small to carry such a big battle!"

"What are you afraid of?"

Fang Xinghong said with an eye: "if we really want to make a scene, we will just solve the trouble of the vassal king in one fell swoop. At that time, they will all be kept in captivity in the capital and thrown overseas in the future!"

Xu Jingchang covered his forehead and groaned, "you\'re going to die! Don\'t take me, okay?"


Fang woke up and said with a smile, "in the chaos of the army, King Ning will commit suicide. I don\'t see who dares to overturn his case!"

"You are a cruel means!"

Xu Jingchang shivered, shook his head, and then said, "you\'re too brave. I\'ll go to the Palace first!"

"Come back!"

Xu Jingchang walked to the door and woke up with a low drink. When he turned around and saw Fang\'s bold and cruel face, he begged: "this matter can\'t be made big! Your majesty is not Emperor Wen, and doesn\'t have that prestige to hold down the imperial family..."

"Then kill! Kill whoever dares not to obey!"

Fang woke up coldly and drank another glass of wine.

"I said you were possessed?"

Xu Jingchang said in horror, "when I went to Zhongnan mountain to play, I saw a man sitting under a big tree. I don\'t know how many years, his whole lower body grew with the tree root. The man\'s eyes are still alive, and his eyes are like yours now... That\'s being possessed! Come on! Come on!"

Xin Laoqi came in outside the door. Xu Jingchang pointed to Fang Xing and said, "your master is afraid to be drunk. Help him have a rest!"

Xin Laoqi shook his head, frowned and said, "the Duke of the country can go and have a rest."

Xu Jingchang found that he had called the wrong person. He said angrily, "don\'t worry! I\'ll go to the palace and see who dares to rebel!"

Just after walking out of the door, Xu Jingchang saw that his entourage had been detained aside. He angrily said, "wake up, you\'re crazy!"

"I\'m not crazy!"

Fang Xing walked steadily to the door and said, "Zhan Ji is young. Whoever bullies him will be killed by me!"

He didn\'t call Zhu Zhanji his majesty. Xu Jingchang pointed to him and scolded, "I want to stun you with a stick now, and then drag you out of Nanchang."

Fang woke up with a hiccup and said with a smile, "you can\'t beat me."

Xu Jingchang looked at Xin Laoqi staring at himself and scolded: "brother, I can\'t beat you, but there are not as many people as you now!"



Drinking too much will make you dizzy, but when you wake up, the more you drink, the more sober you become. He looked at Xu Jingchang opposite. He was intoxicated. He couldn\'t reach for peanuts.

"Somebody help Duke Ding to have a rest."

Fang Xing threw peanuts into his mouth, got up and shook his head. He didn\'t feel drunk at all.

"Fang Xing, brother can drink! Can drink!"

Xu Jingchang struggled and was carried out by Xin Laoqi with one hand.

"I can still drink! Another bowl, big bowl!"

Xu Jingchang\'s voice went away. Wu Yue and Wang he came in and saw Fang awake. They were relieved.

"I\'m not drunk. I want to be drunk!"

Fang Xing\'s eyes were very bright. He said, "I wanted to be drunk, and then I didn\'t bother to ignore him and hide from him. But I wasn\'t drunk. That\'s God\'s will. Wu Yue."

Wu Yue arched his hand: "uncle!"

Wang he hesitated and finally resisted the idea of persuasion.

"Tell the brothers to get ready. Once the people in King Ning\'s mansion go out, attack immediately!"

Fang woke up and breathed out a mouthful of wine. He slapped on the table and got up and said, "those who dare to attack us don\'t need to be warned, just kill them!"


Xu Jingchang was helped into the room and was thrown on the bed.

After they left, he continued to shout and drink.

Gradually, the sound decreased until it disappeared.

A quarter of an hour later, Xu Jingchang stood awkwardly in the camp. He tidied up his clothes and coughed to the sergeant staring at him on the left: "what are you looking at? My father is going out to find a woman!"

Xu Jingchang patted himself and Shi ran went out of the barracks. But then someone went to tell Fang Xing.


Zhu Quan is still playing the piano and drinks a pot of wine at the end of a song.

The sound of the zither is sometimes simple, sometimes dusty, and gradually has more meaning of killing and cutting.

Zhu Quan has a fair complexion and slender fingers. But now the slender finger has been scarred by the collapse of the string and dyed red with blood.

After playing a song, Zhu Quan picked up the wine pot and raised his neck

The wine spilled from his mouth and wet his front.

A burst of rapid footsteps came. Zhu Quan threw the wine pot and said coldly, "get out!"

But people outside rushed in against orders.

Zhu Quan\'s eyes were cold and the killing machine rose.

"Your Highness! Great joy! Great joy!"

Jiang Xun strides in, his body shakes a little, and his mind is agitated.

"Where\'s the wedding?"

Zhu Quan asked.

Jiang Xun arched his hand and said, "Your Highness, the Duke of Dingguo wants to see you."

Zhu Quan slowly closed his eyes and immediately shouted, "come on, give me the king\'s armor!"

Jiang Xun was very anxious and advised: "Your Highness, the Duke of Ding is here to represent his majesty. This is to reconcile!"

Zhu Quan looked at the door indifferently. Soon, two eunuchs struggled to carry his armor that he hadn\'t worn for many years, but still glittered with metal glow.

"Your Highness, the avant-garde Chen Qingnian has been taken. Together with a thousand households in Jubao mountain, we can\'t fight!"

Zhu Quan stretched out his hands, and the two eunuchs were giving him armor.

"Are you scared?!"

"Previously, you wanted to work hard in despair, but now Xu Jingchang\'s arrival... Let you see hope, so you are like an amnesty!"

Zhu Quan moved his body, and the familiar feeling came back. He smiled and said, "you don\'t understand. Now that things have reached this point, if you don\'t advance, you will retreat. Either the upright son in Peiping will be more tolerant to the vassal king from now on, or he will wait for chaos in the world!"

Jiang Xun knelt on the ground and said seriously, "yes, your highness, the minister is out of proportion. What should be done now is to be tough and let Xu Jingchang see the tough."

Zhu Quan nodded and said with satisfaction, "gather hands and let Xu Jingchang come!"