Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1825

Fang Xing frowned at Wang Yue and said, "it\'s not wise for you to get rid of him. Benbo takes Chen Qingnian. It\'s a military matter and has nothing to do with you. What are you worried about? Worry about King Ning\'s house? Then go back and ask yourself. There\'s no need to get rid of Benbo."

Once King Ning takes risks, the primary responsibility is Wang Yue, followed by Chen Qingnian.

Fang Xing thinks Wang Yue feels so good about himself that he thinks he has no responsibility for Ning Wang.

Wang Yue\'s eyes flashed and whispered, "you forced all this. If it weren\'t for your coercion, I dare to guarantee that King Ning would not dare to make an accident! He certainly wouldn\'t dare!"

Zhu Quan did not rebel in history, but the current situation is very different. The strong emperor held a heavy army and stared at his relatives, thinking of what means to dismember their power.

"Lord Wang, help yourself!"

Fang woke up and looked at more than ten horses in the distance. He said, "King Ning\'s people are coming. Watch your place. If someone is rebellious, don\'t let someone cut your head!"


Zhu Quan was immersed in the sound of the piano and forgot everything. He gently brushed the strings with his hands. He didn\'t stop playing the piano until Jiang Xun came to him. He sighed: "he went to the avant-garde?"

Jiang Xun said with a heavy heart, "Your Highness, Cheng Yun has also been taken."


When the string broke, Zhu Quan looked at the wound gradually gushing blood on his index finger and looked up and said, "he is forcing the king, but the king is curious. Where did he have the courage?"

Before Jiang Xun could answer, Zhu Quan said, "yes, Wang Yue. They are afraid of taking responsibility and will follow him. As long as I turn against him, the world\'s public opinion is boiling, that\'s the traitor... And he is the confidant of that upright. Afterwards, he is only hypocritical salary. Even if he is demoted... It seems that he can\'t be demoted!"

Jiang Xun nodded and said, "Your Highness, he was left by Emperor Wen to the current emperor. The former Emperor wanted to promote him, but he was refused. He said that he was only Xinghe Bo of the Ming Dynasty... That was the title given by Emperor Wen. No one dared to move lightly!"

"Yes, this is having confidence without fear!"

Zhu Quan sighed, "what does Cheng Yun know?"

Jiang Xun said, "Your Highness, Cheng Yun just contacted the avant-garde. He probably didn\'t know about other things."

Zhu Quan raised his head and said leisurely, "what are you afraid of?"

Jiang Xun said with a wry smile: "Your Highness, Cheng Yun is a man in the mansion, and the contact between him and Chen Qingnian is ready-made evidence. Fang woke up that this man has some evil sects, and I was afraid he would do it boldly."

Zhu Quan smiled and said, "then do it! Wait for him to do it!"

Jiang Xun was surprised. He boldly looked at Zhu Quan\'s face, but his face was as gray as death.

This is a discouraged King Ning. He has been suppressed since Zhu Di\'s period and dare not act rashly.

During the period of Zhu gaochi, Zhu Quan tried and said he wanted to change the fief, but was rejected.

After Zhu Zhanji ascended the throne, he also used this reason to test, and the result... The result was very "gratifying". Instead of waiting for Zhu Zhanji\'s answer, what he waited for was Fang Xing.

Zhu Quan\'s face gradually turned red. He was angry, panting and unwilling

"Your Highness..."

Zhu Quan seems to be trapped in memories, and his face is distorted.

Jiang Xun gave a cry and went to find Yang Lin.

Yang Lin seemed to be ready. He was carefully wiping his long knife. Seeing Jiang Xun coming in, he said with a grim smile: "Fang wakes up too much. Your highness doesn\'t move, he just sits and waits to die. You come, but your Highness has a decision?"

Jiang Xun closed his eyes, slowly adjusted his breathing, and then asked, "are you sure?"

Yang Lin picked his eyebrow and said, "my people saw the array and the power of fire guns under Fang Xing\'s command. There is no chance of winning the frontal attack unless it is avant-garde. But Chen Qingnian has been taken, so we can only attack at night!"

Jiang Xun said coldly in his eyes: "then try it. Do it tonight while he is satisfied..."

Yang Lin disdained: "that man is a famous general. Do you know what a famous general is? He who never underestimates the enemy is a famous general!"

Jiang Xun said dejectedly, "then can I only catch it with my hands?"

Yang Lin said sternly, "are you afraid? People die, birds face the sky, and don\'t die for the New Year! I\'m not afraid. What are you afraid of? Just tonight!"


When Wang Yue returned to the chief envoy\'s Yamen, he ordered people to convene yamen servants.

"My Lord, why don\'t you gather Ding Zhuang? At least you can stop it for a while. Then you can make a decision after seeing the situation of Xinghe Bo."

Wei Qing\'s face was blue and even her feet were shaking.

"It\'s no use. It\'s just a look!"

Wang Yue said with a bitter smile, "if King Ning is rebellious, he will be the first to attack Jubao mountain guard, and then he can send some people to catch us. No matter who wins or loses, we have to stand firm. If we are carried the name of being rebellious, we would rather hang at the gate of the chief envoy now."

Wei Qing nodded and asked, "Sir, is there no room for turning around?"

Wang Yue shook his head and said dully, "Xinghe Bo wanted to make king Ning bow his head, but now he seems to have been rejected. He turned a blind eye and left Chen Qingnian, waiting to grasp the handle of King Ning. Now it seems that King Ning has no way to go, either bow his head and admit defeat, or he can only... Take risks!"

Wei Qing was more decisive than him and suggested, "let\'s go to xinghebo. The chief envoy must protect what he did, or he will be a sinner regardless of success or failure!"

Wang Yue shook his head and said, "if we touch his side, we will be no one inside and outside. Civil servants will regard us as unscrupulous losers. We can\'t!"


Soon, the chief envoy\'s Yamen appeared a lot of Yamen servants, who were already wearing knives.

Soon, the olfactory people in the city began to migrate.

Go out of town to play and visit relatives

Even the common people knew that Prince Ning\'s residence was going to "rebel", so the food in Nanchang was sold out, and the price began to soar.


"That\'s not good!"

Fang Xing was drinking. Wu Yue and Wang he didn\'t dare to drink alone.

"No matter how noisy it is, don\'t lose the people. Didn\'t we take the rice shop in Prince Ning\'s residence? Go and open the warehouse and reduce the price by 20% based on the price before the price rise! I want to let the rice merchants in Nanchang who want to make a fortune lose their lives! If there is not enough food, transfer it and reduce the food price in Nanchang!"

"As for King Ning\'s residence, Wang Yue is acting. King Ning either quickly revolts or can only bow down and be a minister!"

Fang woke up and took a sip of wine. His eyes were red. He smiled and said, "Benbo is waiting for him!"

Now that they are all coming, Fang Xing is not willing to show weakness. With his order, Wu Yue Department also began to be on alert. The density of patrols around the barracks increased sharply.

No one was watching the excitement at the edge of the military camp. The people were buying food, and then the whole family hid at home, waiting to see the excitement.

The atmosphere became more and more tense. A large number of people entered the palace. The steward wanted to buy more vegetables, but no one paid attention.

Zhu Quan was drinking and stayed alone in the seminal chamber. No one was allowed to enter.

Nanchang avant-garde is also on alert. Pan Xiaoan works hard and constantly sends people to stare at the movements of the royal palace.

In this tense atmosphere, a group of people entered Nanchang city.

"Why is this depression?"

When Xu Jingchang saw that every door was closed, he asked the sergeant who led the way.

"My Lord, we\'re going to... War!"

Xu Jingchang was almost startled off the horse. When he saw the heavily guarded appearance outside the military camp, he was completely desperate.

All the way in, he saw Fang Xing, who was still drinking. Xu Jingchang complained, "you\'re waiting for your brother! Let\'s sum up and let King Ning suffer a great loss. You can\'t fight, you can\'t fight!"