Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1821

Fang Xing still stayed in the camp, and his subordinates continued to practice every day, gradually becoming a scene of Nanchang City, which can attract many idle people to see the excitement every day.

After that incident, the man was imprisoned in the military camp, and the woman helped the kitchen in the camp every day. Looking at it, she didn\'t mean to investigate, but disappointed those who wanted to see the excitement outside.

It is reasonable that Fang Xing\'s handling can ease the atmosphere, but there is gradually some noise outside. It is said that Fang Xing\'s subordinates buy and sell in the street and flirt with women.

There are indeed forced buying and selling, as well as flirting with women, but no one knows whether Fang Xing did it under his command.

"Military uniforms are the same. We also give our brothers a holiday. It\'s interesting."

Fang Xing convened the meeting and set the tone at the beginning.

"Our people wouldn\'t do such a thing, and there were no our people where it happened. It\'s just a build-up. It\'s not surprising."

Wu Yue said angrily, "uncle, this is still planting, planting recklessly!"

Yan Fei, a hundred officials of black thorn, was able to participate in the meeting. He said cautiously, "uncle, most of this is done by the king\'s house. What do they want to do?"

Fang woke up and said leisurely, "Benbo concluded that the memorial is on the way to Beijing. This is just an excuse to put pressure on your majesty."

Wu Yue said angrily, "uncle, let\'s do it directly!"

"How can the vassal King move?"

Fang Xing said sarcastically, "Your Majesty can\'t move unless there is a conclusive reason."

"Then we can only hold it?" Wu Yue said disappointedly, "look back, the capital will certainly issue an order to order, uncle, we will come in vain this time."

"Come in vain, Yan Fei, can you have results over there?"

Fang Xing asked calmly.

"Uncle, I have watched three shops."

Fang woke up, nodded and said, "let people in."

Then came a man, but Xu Qing.


Xu Qing is a little fat, with a meaningless smile on his face, the smile of a businessman.

Fang Xing asked, "whose do the three merchants claim to be?"

Xu Qing said, "they all say it\'s their own."

"That\'s good."

Fang Xing smiled and said, "it\'s hard for you. You\'ll go to Jinling later."

Xu Qing couldn\'t help but be happy and asked, "uncle, the fleet is being renovated, but it\'s going to sea?"

Fang woke up, nodded and said, "when things here are handled, I\'ll go to Jinling and coordinate."

Xu Qing thanked him with an arched hand. After he left, Fang woke up and remembered Zheng He in Jinling. He couldn\'t help saying, "this is the prosperous age of a great country with a large number of craftsmen and goods piled up like a mountain!"

After seeing Wu Yue, who was still angry, Fang woke up and said, "the weather is a little hot. Take a hundred households and find fault!"


It\'s hot, so you don\'t walk much. Nanchang looks a little deserted.

In the avant-garde camp in Nanchang, Chen Qingnian is gnashing his teeth and drinking and scolding his brother-in-law Cheng Yun.

"Are you crazy? When your majesty ascended the throne, Fang woke up, but he was his confidant. Last time I told you to get out of the palace earlier, you just ignored it. You\'ll die if you die. Don\'t bother me!"

Cheng Yun frowned and listened to his scolding. Then he said, "elder brother, who did you listen to? Why are you so prejudiced against your highness? Today\'s Daming is a prosperous age, which must have the atmosphere of a prosperous age, that is, the spirit of a king."

Cheng Yun poured himself tea, smiled at Chen Qingnian with a suspicious look on his face, and said: "The king\'s spirit is something that emperors of all dynasties want to show. Now your majesty has inherited the mantle of Emperor Wen, but he will not lose his reputation on the vassal kings. Especially the elders of the imperial family such as your highness, if your majesty wants to do it, it... Is cruel. All vassal kings in the world are in danger, and the Ming Dynasty is in danger."

"Don\'t tell me these literary things, just ask you, out or not?"

Chen Qingnian showed his fierce eyes and said fiercely, "if it weren\'t for my bitter sister\'s sake, I would have sent someone to touch it at night and cut your head!"

Cheng Yun smiled and said, "brother, do you know the current situation?"

"I know shit!" Chen Qingnian scolded angrily.

Cheng Yun didn\'t think he was disobedient and said, "Your Majesty is young. After you ascend the throne, you look unstable and often want to make some big news. This is the absence of the city government. The key is that your majesty wants to cut the vassal. This is a thing known to all the people in the world. Whose side is the truth? Of course, it\'s the vassal king!"

"It\'s natural for a just cause to have more help than an unjust cause!" Cheng Yun shook his head and said, "Your Highness King Ning was a hero with tens of thousands of soldiers in those years, but it\'s just a move short of chess..."

"Your Highness, what do you want to do?" Chen Qingnian asked difficultly, "do you want to... Rebel?"

Seeing his brother-in-law\'s fear, Cheng Yun tilted his mouth slightly and said sarcastically, "no, it\'s just self-protection."

Chen Qingnian breathed a sigh of relief and said, "what are you doing? Come out quickly so that I won\'t lose my head because I\'m worried about you all day."

Cheng Yun said, "elder brother, if you feel guilty to Fang Xing, you can\'t be promoted in the future. Moreover, all your evidences are in his hands, and promotion is dangerous. So you\'ll be in Nanchang in the future. With your Highness\'s protection, our family will seek wealth. In the future, we\'ll see your Majesty\'s Administration..."

Chen Qingnian breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I was lucky this time. Fang woke up probably because he didn\'t want to arouse his Highness\'s vigilance, so he let me out, otherwise he could hold me on the spot, and then the military department, hey! Take it. Those who owe money quickly take it, and then stop."

At this time, someone came in and said, "my Lord, Xing Hebo took people out angrily!"

Chen Qingnian is still confused. Cheng Yun has responded, "how many people?"

"More than 100 people."

"Oh! That\'s not a big deal."



A large-scale rice shop in Nanchang city was broken in, and the counter was immediately cut open.


There were two people who bought rice in the store. When they saw the fully armed Sergeant screaming, they took the opportunity to run away with a bag full of rice.

Why not take advantage of it?

A scream means that we were frightened and forgot to give the money. If you can find my house, it\'s not said, but is it worth searching Nanchang for two bags of rice?

The shopkeeper and the waiter in the store didn\'t have such a mind. They had knelt down under the threat of a long knife.

The sergeant outside the door dodged a way, and Fang woke up and came in.

The shopkeeper looked up and said innocently, "my Lord, I didn\'t commit a crime!"

The knife raised the chair, Fang woke up and sat down like a bully, and then asked faintly, "whose industry?"

The shopkeeper was stunned and said, "my master\'s property."

"Not the palace?"

Fang Xing\'s problem of red fruit is not covered up. The patrolling sergeant who was negotiating outside listened, arched his hands and ran away.

The king\'s residence is the boss, but it is dormant after all. And this Xinghe Boke is a vengeance. If he gets involved in the struggle between him and the palace, he will probably become cannon fodder.

Then a small official came in and asked, "dare you ask Uncle why?"

The shopkeeper saw the petty official as if he had seen his biological parents and shouted, "my Lord, my small business, today for some reason, this adult brought someone in to smash..."

The official looked at Fang and woke up, arched his hands and said, "Uncle..."

Fang Xing said casually, "Ben Bo\'s family is in extreme poverty. I heard that this rice shop has no backstage, so I\'m going to swallow it. Do you have any opinion?"