Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1820

Wuchuan then held the man\'s head with both hands and was ready to force in the scream.

"My Lord, live!"

The cry behind him stopped Wuchuan\'s movement. He turned back, his eyes were cold, and then nodded.


Wuchuan and others were wearing military uniforms. Naturally, the little couple would not be so frightened. But when Wuchuan\'s eyes glanced at them, the two finally collapsed.

It\'s hard for people who haven\'t seen such eyes to describe that feeling.

Indifferent, I feel that the next moment he will wring your neck like a chicken!

Hearing the news, the sergeant who came to patrol the city blocked the entrance of the alley. Wuchuan frowned at them and said in a hoarse voice smoked by poison: "don\'t block our way."

The sergeant patrolling the city was led by a small flag officer. He asked cautiously, "why did you do it?"

Wuchuan asked someone to tie up the man who had been screaming, and then said, "this man is guilty."

The small flag officer shook his head and said, "I\'m sorry. Whether it\'s right or wrong, it must be handled by Nanchang government."

"Get out!"

Wuchuan took the lead, and the black thorns carried the screaming men forward.

The little flag officer looked sharp and fierce. He pulled out his knife, pointed to Wuchuan and shouted, "this is Nanchang!"

Wuchuan looked at him and said, "you can try!"

Wuchuan and his subordinates are the elite of black thorn. The number of both sides is equal, and Wuchuan\'s appearance is clearly ready to kill them all alone.

The little flag officer\'s eyes twinkled. He felt the murderous spirit of fierce soldiers in all battles from Wuchuan.

"Don\'t mistake yourself."

"Stop first and wait until the people from the government come..."

Wuchuan\'s footsteps still kept, his hands had clenched the long knife, and there were more blood in his eyes.

The small flag officer looked at the distance between the two sides, and finally shouted in pain: "get out of the way!"

Wuchuan took people away, and then the news was reported to the government office and the chief envoy.


The government did not dare to deal with such matters, so it asked the chief envoy for instructions.

Wang Yue rubbed his eyebrows and said, "that Xinghe uncle is never soft hearted. Who is so bold to provoke him?"

Wei Qing, the right chief envoy, said with a bitter smile, "who dares to touch the tiger\'s beard except the people in the house? Sir, if we don\'t care, we\'re afraid we\'ll do it."

Wang Yue sighed, "just go and have a look."


In Nanchang City, except for the palace, the chief envoy is the largest, so the movement is not small.

When they arrived at Fang Xing\'s camp, Wang Yue and his party were not blocked and entered the barracks smoothly.

The drill was over, but the idle sergeants played on the school field.

The content of play made Wang Yue couldn\'t bear to look straight at all the way.

The two sergeants wore a suit of armor and even had face armor on their faces.

They were like two wild cattle, beating their opponents madly with cotton wrapped gloves. When they were punching and kicking, the people on the side shouted.

"Tiger and wolf soldiers, tiger and wolf soldiers!"

All the way, Wang Yue saw "fighting.".

Further on, a group of sergeants sat on the ground with paper and pen in their hands, and in front of them stood an officer talking loudly.

"... attention should be paid to merging similar terms for univariate linear equations..."

Wang Yue saw that the sergeants were listening carefully and taking notes from time to time.

"What is he talking about?"

Wang Yue felt that the atmosphere was not right. He was a little uneasy.

Wu Yue, who took him in, said, "this is teaching mathematics."


Wang Yue thought of science. He frowned and looked at the man outside the courtyard in front of him. He hurried over and arched his hands and said, "I\'ve seen Xinghe Bo."

"Lord Wang, please come in."

They entered the courtyard and sat down in the main hall.

"Xinghe Bo, I heard that your department takes people in the street. Why do you dare to ask?"

According to Wang Yue\'s guess, most of the man was spying on the military camp. He didn\'t want to take care of such things, but this is Nanchang, the residence of the chief envoy. If he doesn\'t care, he will not only have no face, but also be suspected of dereliction of duty and fear of Wu Xun, his reputation will stink in the future.


Fang Xing didn\'t ask anyone to deliver tea. When he saw this unbearable military camp, Yang Lin angrily said, "but how can I go now? What\'s the reason?"

The man is Chen Qingnian\'s brother-in-law Cheng Yun. He smiled and said, "Your Highness only needs an excuse. Why do you need evidence?"

Jiang Xun said, "now the hearts of all the vassal kings are floating. This is the step given by your highness. If the emperor refuses to go down, is there any reason why it is useless, understand?"

Yang Lin took back his knife and said blankly, "is this going to be against the emperor? We can\'t win!"

Cheng Yun again showed the kind of smile that made Yang Lin sick and said, "Your Highness is an elder of the imperial family. There is nothing wrong. Moreover, the Royal Palace is an old house. Your highness is bent on the road. Who dares to move?"

Jiang Xun nodded and said comfortably, "the memorial is already on the road. Your highness only needs this excuse to arouse the common hatred of the vassal kings everywhere!"