Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 145

Zhu Di\'s face changed. It took a long time to ask, "I heard that Wan Wan has awakened?"

The eunuch behind him immediately replied, "yes, your majesty, after the princess woke up, Fang Xing still had a meal in her womb before leaving. Oh, he also took two lamb chops."

Zhu Di\'s footsteps stopped. Ji Gang buried his head low. Sure enough, as soon as his shoulder hurt, he turned around on the ground, and then knelt down again to apologize.

Zhu Di\'s expression was unpredictable and shouted, "go and see where the king of Han is!"

Ji Gang rushed out and scolded several royal guards outside: "scatter all the people and look for his Highness the king of Han!"

Zhu Di heard the cry and turned back with satisfaction and asked, "did you ask over there?"

The eunuch bowed and said, "Your Majesty, the old slave is preparing to report. It has been asked over there. The maid in waiting was deceived, and then she led the people around the princess away for a moment."

Zhu Di snorted, "who is behind?"

"Your Majesty, the man has... Disappeared."

Zhu Di kicked over the table and rushed out angrily

In the palace, missing means death. Before long, a skeleton will be found in a dry well.

And Fang Xing has returned home, carrying a food box in his hand. As soon as he entered the backyard, he shouted, "night, night, who wants to participate..."

Hearing the sound, Xiao Bai ran out, took the food box and opened it. He said happily, "it\'s lamb chop! I like it!"

Fang Xing wanted to touch her head. Finally, he went to wash his hands first.

"Remember to heat up!"

"I see! I\'ll go to the kitchen now."

Zhang Shuhui was calculating the harvest time tomorrow. When she saw Fang wake up, she smiled and said, "husband, we will harvest tomorrow."

Fang Xing took off his coat, rubbed his face with his hands and said with a smile, "well, it\'s a holiday tomorrow. Everyone will go to harvest."

The lamb chops are delicious. Fang Xing takes out a bottle of good wine and drinks it himself.

The next day, before dawn, the whole fangjiazhuang got up.

When Liu Pu and Doudou arrived here, they saw Fang Xing wearing coarse cloth clothes and holding a sickle in his hand, trying on cloth shoes.

Seeing Liu Pu, Fang Xing pointed to the sickle on the ground and said, "you too."

Liu Pu, who had harvested rice, went to the field with a sickle in his face.

"Where\'s the emperor\'s grandson?"

Without seeing Zhu Zhanji, Liu Pu thought he must have received the news in advance, so he hid.

Masu shook his head and said, "I don\'t know, but he\'s not like the kind of person who can hide things."

Of course Zhu Zhanji can\'t come today, because the royal family also has a field. Today Zhu Di will take a huge family and team to harvest.

The little princess Wan Wan also insisted on coming, but there were a few strong mammies around her. Looking at the fierce figure, ordinary men are by no means opponents.

Zhu Di just made an appearance and then came up with the prince.

After seeing Wan Wan, Zhu Di strode over and scared the mammies to one side.

Wan Wan\'s big eyes flashed and looked at Zhu Di coming. Gradually, the corners of her mouth turned away, revealing several white teeth.

Even Zhu gaoxu, who secretly laughed at his big brother\'s size in the field, was secretly looking at this side.

"Don\'t have fun in the future."

A big hand rubbed Wan Wan\'s head and left.

Wan Wan was a little frightened by the unexpected closeness, and the crown prince and his wife and Zhu Zhanji were stunned.

Zhu Di currently has four daughters and three sons. Needless to say, those married princesses, but among the descendants of the three sons, only Zhu Zhanji can get Zhu Di\'s favor.

As for others, it\'s enough to know you.

But today, Zhu Di actually soothed Wan Wan with soft words. Zhu gaoxu in the field threw the sickle and turned around and went up angrily.

Wan Wan turned her big eyes, slowly took a mint out of her purse and caught up.

Zhu Di is a martial artist. When he heard the unsteady footsteps behind him, he turned and frowned.

Wan Wan trotted over, then raised her head and stretched out her hand. There was a sugar in her little palm.

"Grandpa Huang, you eat."

Zhu Di\'s face softened for a moment, bowed his head and asked, "who asked you to give it?"

Wan Wan was surprised and said, "I wanted to give it myself. Today, my father said that my illness was cured by grandpa Huang\'s blessing, so I invited you to eat sugar."

No one knows what Zhu Di\'s heart thinks at this moment.

But everyone saw him bow his head, like an ordinary grandfather, pinch a Wan Wan\'s small face, then throw something into his mouth and leave briskly.

The crown princess was worried about Wan Wan\'s wrong words just now. Seeing this, she hurried over and squatted and asked, "Wan Wan, your father didn\'t say that! Who taught you?"

Wan Wan\'s eyes were bright. She touched the princess\'s face and said in a young voice, "mother, I heard Fang Xing say it in my sleep yesterday. I\'m afraid grandpa Huang will scold my father again, so I\'ll coax him."

In an instant, the eyes of the princess and the prince who followed her were hot.

Zhu Zhanji picked up Wan Wan and said with a smile, "it\'s really my sister!"

And Fang Xing came out of the field with a sore back. After coming up, he took the cold tea from Xiaobai and poured it down in one breath.

Liu Pu wanted to come up after him, but when he saw that masu was still bending over to cut rice, he said, "I said, pony, brother Dehua has gone up. Let\'s hurry!"

Masu\'s face was covered with sweat. He straightened up and said, "don\'t go up. We have to cut this piece."

Liu Pu didn\'t believe it. He felt that Ma Su was a little stupid, so he slipped past with a sickle.


Fang Xing sat on the ridge and looked at the farmers, old and young, busy in the field, with a surge of pride in his heart.

So many people are under my management. At least they have to be a small section chief!

The happy mood didn\'t last long. When Fang woke up and enjoyed Xiaobai\'s shoulder rubbing, he accidentally saw Liu PU.

Liu Pu saw the cold Fang Xing for the first time, and the finger pointing to the field seemed to have evil spirit.

Liu Pu opened his mouth and was ready to explain, but he remembered a sentence said by Ma Su: "teachers hate people who make excuses!"

When he got back to the field, Ma Su said, "you\'re lucky enough. I thought the teacher would drive you out of the school!"

Liu Pu remembered that Fang woke up just now and was still a little afraid. When he heard this, he asked, "isn\'t it?"

Ma Su quickly cut off a bundle of rice, then put it beside him and whispered, "the teacher hates people who think work is mean, not to mention you. Even if TAISUN is here, he has to work honestly."

Sure enough, after collecting the land, Liu Pu felt sore all over, but he heard Fang Xing\'s words.

"When you go home at night, remember to copy meat eaters a hundred times!"

Liu Pu felt a bolt from the blue. He turned to look at Ma su. The goods were making faces!


Fang Xing said slowly, "Ma Su didn\'t fulfill her duty of exhortation. She went home and copied me a hundred times."

Liu Pu\'s mouth was almost crooked, but Ma Su felt the disaster of the fish in the pond. He stared at Liu Pu and said, "I write a hundred words less than you! What are you proud of?"