Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 126

A good night\'s sleep. The next day, when Fang woke up and trotted in the camp with his men, everyone paid attention.

Last night, when they arranged to go to bed late, they had explained their purpose, so the soldiers were not flustered when they heard the gunshot.

"Who won last night? None of them lost!"

"I heard that it was the thousand families in Jubaoshan who won. Three of us were injured in the night attack. If the other party didn\'t stop in time, people would die."

While watching, the battalion ran out of the camp gate. The soldiers guarding the gate stood upright and didn\'t want to lose to them.

"One, two, one, two, three, four!"

"One, two, three, four!"

Neat shouts and footsteps are finally no longer suspected today.

"During the attack last night, thousands of families in Jubao mountain were calm in the face of danger and fought back effectively. They should be a model for all armies."

At today\'s meeting, Zhang Fu first set the tone for what happened last night, and then got to the point.

"Huazhou must fight!"

Zhang Fu was ready to overcome all the opinions today. He glanced around and said coldly, "I accept your Majesty\'s value. I\'ll explain it today!"

"Huazhou is Chen Jizhan\'s last stronghold. According to the scout report, Chen Jizhan\'s military morale has been unstable, and there is a lack of food. There is also a good opportunity to defeat the enemy in this war!"

Seeing the hesitation on Mu Sheng\'s face, Zhang Fu said in awe: "since Pan Liao became the governor of Yi\'an, he feels the generosity of my Ming Dynasty and has told me in detail about Chen Ji\'s army expansion. Ladies and gentlemen, it\'s time to break the thief!"

Zhang Fu\'s face was cold and fierce. He got up and said, "I\'m loved by your majesty. I\'ll die in Huazhou if I die! Otherwise, what\'s the face of us to see your majesty!"

Seeing that the emperor Zhang Fulian was carried out, everyone expressed their willingness to fight hard to defeat Chen jikuo\'s rebellion.

When the generals returned, they conveyed the above meaning, and immediately the whole military camp was boiling.

"Go to Huazhou and go home for the new year as soon as possible!"

"If I don\'t call again, I\'m worried that my wife will be abducted and run away by others."


These people have followed Zhang Fu to Jiaozhi for several years, and the missing of their hometown and relatives has become the most influential part of morale.

Dong PI has been a little lost recently. Seeing that his Sergeants are listening to each other\'s wake-up family Ding Yan, he doesn\'t want to mention the taste in his heart.

However, after the night attack last night, he was glad that he was not the leader of the team, otherwise he would be touched and humiliated, and he would probably be put in the cold in the future.

A joy of war is brewing in the camp. Fang Xingsuo is no exception. It\'s hard to practice every day.

Fang Xing is writing a letter. He has finished writing to his family. At this time, he is introducing Jiaozhi to Zhu Zhanji.

In his letter, Fang Xing expressed concern about the current Jiaozhi strategy and presented his own strategy: in the case of clarifying the administration of officials, he provoked internal strife among several factions, while Daming was watching from the sidelines. He just needed to adjust his support and attitude to several parties when the situation changed.

"... it\'s a waste of money and food. Why not pull left and hit right to control the situation. Just break the cross toe, and then I can come out and clean up the mess calmly!"

When Fang woke up, he couldn\'t help sighing.


"Woo woo!"

With the sound of drums, the southern expedition camp vowed to go out.

When a large group of people arrived at the port and looked at the big ships, Fang woke up and felt a little dizzy.

Fang Xingsuo arrived at five large ships, sandwiched in the middle of the army and left the port slowly.

The sea was full of sails.

Fang woke up and looked at the huge fleet. He couldn\'t help but want to recite poetry, while Xin Laoqi and Dong PI were waiting on the side.


After holding it for a long time, Fang woke up and held it out.

"The general is brave and brave in the southern expedition..."

"What about the back?"

Dong Pei waited for a long time, but at last he said this. He couldn\'t help watching Fang wake up.

Fang woke up and didn\'t dare to compare again. He held the side and walked to the bow.


Fang Xing felt very lucky because he remembered two sentences of this poem.

One sentence is the one just now, and the other, that is, the last sentence, is about to lose his head.

——I will untie my robe with you!

When the sailing fleet reached the outside of Caijia port, the weak garrison almost ran back like crazy.

"Log in now."

Zhang Fu knew that the fighter plane was fleeting. He immediately arranged the landing of Qianfeng camp and asked the firearm camp to keep up.

"Firearm battalion landing!"

After seeing the flag, Xin radial, who had recovered from the injury, smiled proudly at Fang Xing.

Fang woke up with a faint fist, then turned back and said, "old seven, arrange to land."

Dong PI hesitated and said, "Mr. Fang, there is no military order!"

Fang Xing said with a smile, "our army has only more than 1000 people. Why stay behind? Go and ask for instructions."

A small boat went to the flagship immediately.

"He wants to go up too?"

Zhang Fu frowned and asked.

"Yes! Mr. Fang explained that we have few soldiers. Staying on board is not conducive to the general situation, but after landing, we can help Qianfeng battalion guard the port."


Mu Sheng said lightly, "I didn\'t expect Fang Xing to know about the battle array!"

Talking on paper and going to the battlefield are two different things, so mu Sheng woke up and keenly noticed that the focus of the battle was a little surprised.

This was the landing war in the early 15th century. Once landed, we had to defend against the enemy\'s counter assault, or a group of people would have to be driven back to the sea to feed fish.

Zhang Fuyi raised his eyebrow: "yes!"

Mu Sheng said with a smile, "brother Wen Bi, your brother-in-law is eager to fight!"

Zhang Fu disapproved and said, "when you hear of the war, you will be happy. This is the best soldier."

Mu Sheng smiled and thought that this was Fang Xingsuo\'s first time on the battlefield. Is it a crack soldier? Let\'s wait and see!

The garrison fled in a panic and did not even destroy the wharf, which gave the Daming army room to land calmly.

Fang woke up first to go ashore. His body shook, and then shouted, "go ashore and form a team to check the number and equipment!"

The terrain here is flat, but there are mountains in the distance.

"What a good place to defend!"

After waking up, Fang quickly led the team to keep up with the Qianfeng camp.

The leader of Qianfeng camp is Fang Zheng. When he saw Fang wake up, he grinned and said, "Fang wake up. Don\'t be scared to pee in a while!"

"Ha ha ha!"

The sergeants of Qianfeng camp laughed when they heard the speech. In their eyes, Fang Xingsuo was just a rookie. It was OK to fight with the wind, but most of these high-intensity battles can only serve as guards.

Fang Xing glanced sideways at Fang Zheng and said with a sneer, "everyone can blow a pen. Let\'s see!"

Fang Zheng shouted, "OK! Then your department is on the left to protect the flank of our Qianfeng camp. Dare you?"

Fang Xing raised his eyebrows and said, "why don\'t you dare!"

Fang Zheng said, "there is no joke in the army! If the left wing collapses, Fang wake up. Don\'t blame me for asking you!"

Fang Xing\'s heart was cold, and he arched his hand and said, "I will not live up to my trust!"

Fang Xingzheng had some opinions about the other party\'s politics, but now he dares to hand over his left wing to the thousand households Office of Jubaoshan. This trust is very rare!

The terrain here is wide and convenient for the deployment of the army.

Fang Xing led the army formation on the left wing. He took out his telescope and looked into the distance.

"Grey smoke!"

A puff of gray smoke moved towards this side in the distant sky. Fang woke up and ordered, "prepare for battle!"

Xin Laoqi immediately sent someone to check the equipment.

For a moment, the jingle continued.

Still a little nervous!