Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 125

In the dead of night, in the southern expedition camp, except Bangzi, there was only the sound of patrol footsteps.

In this quiet environment, a group of dark shadows holding shields emerged and quietly approached the camp of qianhusuo in Jubao mountain.

Fang Xing was wrapped in a group of ill intentioned generals, who were worried that he would tell the news, so they stared at him in turn.

Zhang Fu and Mu Sheng shook their heads when they looked at the sergeant who was close to the periphery of the camp.

Mu Sheng lowered his voice and said, "brother Wen Bi, it seems that there is no suspense tonight."

Now the night Raiders are less than 100 meters away from the camp. They can rush in with a short assault.

Zhang Fu was silent, just looking at those people who had begun to accelerate.

Fang Zheng looked at the scene with a smile and said to Xin radial, the commander of the limping firearm camp: "old Xin, we\'ll have fun soon."

Xin radial felt the wound on his ass jumping and painful. He hissed, "let\'s call it a power killing stick."

Once the barracks of this era are touched by the enemy without defense, bombing is the minimum, and as long as the enemy takes the opportunity to hide and kill, a disastrous defeat is inevitable.


Seeing the night raider\'s concealed action, he began to touch the door, and a low drink burst out among the generals.

Mu Sheng stroked his beard and smiled. He would not admit that he was happy - who made today\'s firearms camp unlucky! It\'s nice to have a cushion!

Fang Zheng regretted. He felt that his idea was a little unkind. He thought he would go to Fang Xing to apologize when he was finished.

Only Zhang Fu, his expression was calm, and his eyes focused on the point that was about to break through.

During the battle, the terrain is often dangerous, so it needs a sneak attack.

Today, when he agreed with Fang Zheng and others, he already took tonight\'s night attack as a drill.

As for Fang Xingbu\'s grievance, it would be good if he could exchange his vigilance in the future.

Just when these people had their own thoughts, the camp in front suddenly sounded.

"Beep, beep, beep!"


After the sharp whistle, more than a dozen fires lit up together, taking a clear picture of the front of the camp.


Xin radial was surprised when he saw the fire rising.

Paralyzed! Are they ready tonight?

Fang Zheng also felt some toothache, but he said confidently, "don\'t worry, old Xin. Even if you find it, our people will rush in long after they get up."

Xin radial endured the pain on his ass and was about to nod, but he saw rows of soldiers coming into the fire opposite.

"Line up!"

"咵 咵 咵!"

The night Raiders were less than 50 meters away from rushing in, but this short distance became a natural moat.

A big man with a ferocious face stood on the side, waved his saber and opened his mouth

"First row..."

Fang Xing has been watching with reserve, but when he heard Xin Laoqi\'s voice, he quickly shouted: "Laoqi, don\'t shoot!"

Unfortunately, it\'s too late. Xin Laoqi\'s voice has been pregnant in his chest for too long.

The knife in his hand waved heavily. Xin Laoqi\'s neck expanded a little and shouted, "volley!"

"Bang Bang Bang..."

"Pa pa..."

The sound of lead bullets hitting the shield was a little dull.



Even with the protection of the shield, there were still bullets drilling in through the gap, and suddenly there were several screams.

The people watching the war were startled. Zhang Fu quickly shouted, "Dehua, tell them to stop!"

Xin radial and Fang Zheng were stunned at the smoke in front of them. They didn\'t come back until they heard another cry.

Xin Laoqi looked at the shields contemptuously and shouted, "grenade ready!"

The soldiers in the first row stepped back. The guns in the second row leaned back and found a small porcelain pot from behind the waist. They were ready to light the lead with a fire rope.

Fang Xing ran halfway. Hearing the cry, he looked at the actions of his men. Cold sweat came out and hurried to shout, "old seven, stop! The night attack is fake!"

Xin Laoqi hesitated for a moment, but he still blew the whistle hard.

"Beep, beep!"

Two whistles means the attack is cancelled.

As soon as the whistle sounded, all the soldiers took back the fire rope. There was only one quick guy. He looked at the fast burning lead. As soon as he was anxious, he threw his thunder towards the training ditch.


This ceramic grenade seems insignificant, but it is filled with nails soaked with various dirt and broken blacksmith\'s corners. Once thrown into the crowd, the effect is absolutely sour.

Xin Laoqi raised his hand, calmly looked at the coming Fang awake and whispered, "alert!"


All the muskets were lifted up, ready to aim at the people in the dark when Fang woke up.

"It hurts me, help!"

Fang Xing walked through the chaotic night attack team and saw the three unlucky people who were hit in the hands and feet. He quickly explained: "the lead bullet is poisonous and the wound must be cleaned immediately."

When Fang woke up and entered the camp, Xin Laoqi took a long breath.

When Fang woke up and saw that the muzzle of the gun was still aimed at the outside, he praised: "yes, I\'ll give you a hundred points tonight! Cancel the alert!"


Collect the gun, put out the fire rope and organize the number of people. Under the leadership of the servants, the whole team looked orderly.

Xin Laoqi came over and asked, "young master, is this a test?"

Fang Xing summoned the military doctor and asked them to treat the wounds of the three unlucky people.

"Remember, take out the lead bullet first. The place hit by the lead bullet must be disinfected, or you will become a fool!"

Fang Xing\'s doctors are not herbal medicine doctors now. They have all kinds of drugs provided by Fang Xing after changing the packaging. It\'s no problem to deal with this kind of hand and foot gunshot wound.

Then Fang xingcai said to Xin Laoqi, "tonight is a night attack drill. Laoqi, you won me face!"

Xin Laoqi smiled, and the murderous God just now turned into the foolish Fang family.

Just now, he thought Fang Xing had been kidnapped, so after several rounds of shooting, he took someone to rush over.

The three wounded were carried into the camp. Under the light of several torches, the doctor began to treat the wounds.

"Bear it! It hurts a little."

Then the tweezers in his hand went into the wound.


Several screams came. Zhang Fu shook his head and said, "well, let\'s go."

Mu Sheng was a little embarrassed and followed him. When he left, he stared at Xin radial who was beaten with a military stick today.

Nima, the same surname is Xin, but the head of the family is even better at running the army than you. Why do you have the face to be a commander?

Xin radial called his own soldiers, and the other party\'s politics arched his hands and said, "Lord Fang, I\'ll go back first."

Looking at Xin radial being helped away sadly, Fang Zheng sighed slightly: "Fang Xing, that boy has some skills!"

Two pairs of their families had a face-to-face photo today. As a result, Fang Xing won a big victory here.