Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 116

Just as the students of the Imperial College were holding their sleeves to prepare for the whole martial arts, Xin Laoqi just stretched out a finger and put it under Yu Jian\'s rib, and then everyone heard a tragic howl and

"Ah... I said, I said, Bao Cheng asked me to do... Ah!"

Xin Laoqi drank ferociously and asked, "who is that Baocheng?"

Yu Jian was stunned to see the students who rushed to save him. He immediately regretted that his intestines were green. But the finger under his rib pointed up again, and he had to pay for his weakness.

"Ah! Baocheng... Ah! Baocheng is from his Highness the king of Han!"

Even the most enthusiastic students became calm after hearing the answer.

Was Yu Jianhui beaten into action?

No, people with IQ can tell the truth from his statement just now.

"How dare you beat me to death? We swear we won\'t give up with you!"

A young student with acne on his face waved his arm and shouted. But when he finished shouting, he found that it was quiet around. Those students looked at themselves with pity and shame.


There was another scream, and then I heard Yu Jian say, "it\'s Baocheng. I swear it\'s Baocheng. I still have the silver note he gave me in my arms!"

Xin Laoqi then let go of his fingers and reached out rudely into Yu Jian\'s chest and grabbed it for a while. Sure enough, he found several silver tickets.

Fang Xingduan said with a sneer, "these silver tickets come from a source. Can Yu dare to say they are his own?"

Yu Jian dares to fart. He is still relieving the sharp pain under his ribs.

Seeing Yu Jian\'s head hanging silent, Fang woke up and turned to Qin ban.

"Qin Siye, I\'m going to detain Yu Jian. Besides, you\'ll have to compensate for the losses caused by being bewitched and making a big fuss in our villa!"

Qin ban felt that he had lost all the face he could lose in his life today, but the tiger\'s death could not defeat him. He stubbed his neck and said, "the national capital should not be neglected. You wake up the professor, your Highness\'s acrobatics. I must go to the capital!"

"Yu Jian is a student of the National Academy of Sciences. We must take him back. As for how to deal with it later, it\'s not something you can manage!"

After that, Qin ban straightened his chest and prepared to argue with Fang Xing, but it was impossible to detain Yu Jian.

Even if my students want to beat and scold, they can\'t help others!

Besides, you\'re just a white body!

Fang Xing\'s face showed some annoyance, but he finally pressed it down. He arched his hands and said, "since your imperial college wants to protect the suspect, we have nothing to say. Let\'s bring the lawsuit to your majesty."

Qin ban thought that what Yu Jiangan did was a click.

What Zhu Di dislikes most is who provokes among his sons, even when he is a thug.

You didn\'t see Xie Jin because he was too close to the prince. Finally, he was put in the imperial prison.

However, thinking of the prince\'s benevolent demeanor, Qin ban felt that there was no problem.

If the crown prince intercedes, Yu Jian must not have a big problem.

Thinking of this, Qin ban felt that when he went back, he had to ask the prince for mercy first, and then consider others.

"Let\'s go!"

Qin ban sadly took a group of students outside the village. When he saw that the farmers were looking at themselves with disdainful eyes, many students covered their faces with sleeves and staggered to speed up under their feet.

Seeing Yu Jian walking alone at the end and looking back from time to time, he was obviously worried about Fang\'s repentance. Ma Su asked, "teacher, why did you let Yu Jian go?"

You know, Fang Xing can forcibly leave Yu Jian today, and can further sign and transfer it to Zhu Zhanji or the crown prince.

Isn\'t that the criminal evidence is conclusive?

Fang Xing first turned back to let the special accounts disperse, and then said, "I did it on purpose, because Yu jianhuo can\'t live today!"


Ma Su was shocked by the answer and was about to ask, but she saw Fang Xing had entered the front yard.

"If you think about this by yourself, you will grow!"


But Zhu Zhanji, who had already arrived at the palace, heard a bad news.

"The king of the Han Dynasty opened a library in his mansion today, saying that he provided free viewing and copying for all students."

Zhu gaochi looked at his son and sighed, "anyone with a clear eye can see that this was done by the king of Han Dynasty. The purpose is to create a gap between you and scholars."

"Also, the king of the Han Dynasty invited several great Confucians to teach in the mansion every day. Zhan Ji..."

Zhu Zhanji asked incredulously, "is uncle Han crazy? He wouldn\'t have done such tactful things before!"

Zhu gaochi said indifferently, "he\'s not crazy. It\'s estimated that someone is bewitching him. He just wants your emperor grandpa to see these. By the way, he can put you in a dilemma."

As long as Fang Xing becomes the public enemy of Confucianism, Zhu Zhanji\'s reputation will be affected and must make a choice.

Do you publicly declare that you have only been concealed and deceived by Fang Xing?

Zhu Zhanji shook his head and said with firm eyes, "I won\'t do this. It will make me feel like a good for nothing, just like a field mouse in the gutter."

Zhu gaochi had known his son\'s choice for a long time, so he said, "I\'ve sent someone to find Hu Guang and Yang Shiqi. It\'s much better for them to come forward than you and my father and son."

Hu Guang and Yang Shiqi are the representatives of successful reading. Having them speak can make Zhu Zhanji and Fang Xing face fewer difficulties.

Zhu Zhanji was silent. He remembered Fang Xing\'s disdain for scholars and sneered in his heart.

What\'s the difference between these scholars and wild dogs who rob bones! It\'s just that the wild dogs are not organized, but they hold together. Opponents will denounce each other in words and in writing until they bring them down.

Hegemony of public opinion!

The new term mentioned by Fang Xing flashed into Zhu Zhanji\'s mind.

"Father, these scholars should not be underestimated!"

Father and son looked at each other, and there were some thoughts in their hearts.

At this time, the scholars had become the climate. When Zhu Yuanzhang was in office, he dared not provoke them. Later, in order to calm the resentment of the northern scholars, he killed several examiners.

Scholars hold the voice of public opinion. When anything comes to their mouth, the truth is secondary, and the key is whether it is in their interests.

Zhu Zhanji gritted his teeth and said, "but I have to save brother Dehua!"

When Zhu Zhanji thought about it, in the face of those Guozijian students, Fang Xing probably had to be submissive, otherwise those public opinions would kill people.

Zhu gaochi shook his head and said, "now we can only add fuel to the fire. We\'d better wait for Hu Guang and them to go."

The matter of scholars is still solved by scholars. Once the royal family is involved, public opinion will be in an uproar regardless of the reason for victory or defeat.

Zhu gaochi had known this truth for a long time, but Zhu Zhanji only thought a little and said with a bitter smile: "no wonder brother Dehua would say that the scholars in my dynasty would be more greedy than those in the previous Song Dynasty. It\'s really a big lie!"

"Your Highness, there is news from fangjiazhuang!"

Just as Zhu Zhanji recalled Fang Xing\'s words to the scholar, Liang Zhong rushed in with a sweat on his face.