Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 115


Qin ban, who was about to explode, was stopped by this. He woke up to Fang with trembling fingers, "you, you... You are not a son of man!"


Fang Xing sneered: "you don\'t even know what I teach, so you call the door. Dare you ask, but for the dispute between Confucianism and miscellaneous studies?"

No one dares to admit this, but Yu Jian is obviously not among them.

"Fang Xing, we are here to bring order out of chaos today. You are responsible for bringing chaos to the country\'s foundation that day!"

What a familiar rhythm it is!

"Ha ha ha!"

Fang Xing, who had been in the forum, suddenly burst into laughter. No one knew what he was laughing at, so he had to wait until he finished laughing, and then listen to him.

"I said you were shameless. I\'m really right."

Regardless of Qin Ban\'s red face, Fang Xing sarcastically said: "I don\'t even know what I teach, but I\'m just thinking of a name! It\'s best to show my face in front of Huang TAISUN and put on a face that I\'m all for you. I think I can have some bones for you to chew!"

This is so vicious that even Ma Su couldn\'t bear to look down.

Qin ban breathed a few times and said angrily, "Fang Xing, is there anything in the world more suitable for his royal highness Huang TAISUN than my Confucianism? What can you teach your highness? It\'s just some strange sexual skills, I bah!"

"Strange sexual skills? What do you mean?"

Fang Xing\'s expression was uncertain. He remembered that the accusation of strange sexual skills was expanding in the future

"I think what doesn\'t agree with you is strange sexual skills!"

Hegemonism, since the Han Dynasty, Confucianism has been relentlessly attacking other theories. When all the theories were dim, zhongzhengying Dynasty appeared.


Qin ban blushed and said proudly, "I think Confucianism has educated thousands of people and benefited the common people since the sage. When I was founded in the Ming Dynasty, all the people of my famous religion crowded their arms one after another, which makes today\'s grand scene! How dare you do this Mantis blocking the car as soon as you introduce yourself!"


"Qin Siye said it well! I\'m talking about it."

"Look how the other side wakes up!"

It\'s like after the coaxing sound like an art show on the overpass, Fang woke up and waved his hand weakly: "different roads don\'t work together. The road is facing the sky, and each side goes half way. Let\'s see the future!"

Then Fang woke up and was ready to push the crowd in.

Yu Jian was a little depressed when he saw Fang wake up the bear. He immediately shouted, "Fang wake up, you should kneel down today and apologize for insulting my famous teacher!"

"Yes! Kneel down!"

"Dear students, we have witnessed a great event today!"

"Evil ways are the moon in the well after all. If this party wakes up today, it will be a merit for everyone!"

Masu was furious and shouted, "don\'t force people too much!"

The farmers were even more indignant and immediately rushed up, and some had begun to clench their fists.

Fang Xing\'s body was stifled, then looked up at these fanatical faces, smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Just when everyone thought he would kneel down according to his words, he heard a violent drink.

"I kneel and you are paralyzed!"

Yu Jian in the crowd was very happy: it was said that Fang Xing didn\'t kneel even the crown prince. As expected, he became angry with his words.

Fang Xing pointed to the group and said with fierce eyes, "do you think you are a sage of Confucius, and our awakening is shaozhengmao?"

Shao Zhengmao, a doctor of the state of Lu during the Warring States period, set up private schools like Confucius, and "robbed" many students of Confucius.

At that time, Master Kong put up with it. Not long after he became a big Si Kou and a "chief assistant" of the state of Lu, the old master killed shaozhengmao.

Later, the teacher\'s students asked him why he killed shaozhengmao. The teacher explained very well: "shaozhengmao is a villain, and I think he may rebel in the future, so I just killed him."

This is how similar NIMA is to the sentence "no need to have" that killed Yue Fei. It can be seen that Confucianism has been nothing but a fig leaf throughout the ages. Under this fig leaf, those dirty things are going on in a dignified name.

Fang Xing\'s words mean: don\'t beep here. If you have the ability, let\'s compete. Don\'t use the set of sage Kong.

Qin ban was stopped. Even if he was the most devout Confucian believer, he did not dare to do such untenable things.

As soon as Yu Jian saw something wrong, he quickly shouted, "Fang Xing, you are a disgrace to my famous religion! We will kill everyone when they get it!"

The voice was familiar to Fang Xing. He sneered and said, "do you dare to show your head, a group of rats?"

Of course, Yu Jian didn\'t dare to show up, so he immediately hid inside.

"Qin Siye, do all the students in the Imperial College dare to do so? Then my student really doesn\'t dare to go in the future. If he learns this from you, I can\'t afford to lose this person!"

Fang woke up and forced Qin ban to the corner of the wall. He turned back and said in a deep voice, "who said what just now? Stand up!"

Yu Jian hid inside again. He saw that his classmates were looking at him with strange eyes. One of them scolded, "Yu Jian, what are you hiding from? Just go out and argue with him!"

The voice was also not small. Fang woke up and said, "this is the student of the Imperial College! I have seen it today!"

This group of students was originally bewitched. When Fang woke up, someone immediately grabbed Yu Jian.

"Come on, let\'s go out!"

Yu Jian complained in his heart, but he was pulled out by several students.

Fang Xing stared at the people and asked, "who was that just now?"

Yu Jian hung his head and said nothing. The students nearby thought he was timid, so they raised their heads and said, "this is our senior brother Yu."

"Ha ha!"

Fang woke up and smiled. Just when everyone thought he would write a question, he heard an order.

"Old seven, take him!"

Yu Jian wanted to run as soon as he heard it, but Xin Laoqi had been waiting for this word for a long time, and immediately took a few steps to catch him.

Qin ban was so angry that he woke up with his halberd finger and shouted, "wake up, what do you want to do? Do you really want to stop yourself..."

Hearing this, Fang woke up annoyed. He pointed to Yu Jian, who was struggling under Xin Laoqi, and said, "I bet he was the one who bewitched at the beginning of today. Qin Siye, dare you say it clearly?"

Qin ban shouted, "why do you need to be bewitched by such acts?"

Fang Xing looked at Qin ban with disdain, and then said to Xin Laoqi, "Lao Qi, take the man away immediately. I want the name of the man behind him."

"Bold Fang wakes up! How dare you set up a private court!"

"Let go of elder martial brother Yu, or today will be the end of your waiting!"

"Everybody rush! Save elder martial brother Yu!"


In a burst of noise, Xin Laoqi pressed his impolite finger under Yu Jian\'s rib, and immediately the pig like howl covered the noise of the whole audience.


The students who saw this scene were angry. They rolled up their sleeves and were ready to go up and fight.