Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3391

She is familiar with the heavy feeling of pressure on her body, and the man breath between her breath is also familiar to her, but there is a strange feeling that cannot be said.

Her face pressed on the man's shoulder socket, and she felt a little itchy when she breathed. Anyin was still a little confused and lazy. She rubbed her face against the man's shoulder, which made her face smooth and fluffy.

It doesn't feel right.

Anyin rubbed again, the soft plush felt very comfortable.

But no matter how comfortable it is, it's weird.

Anyin opens her eyes. Her eyes are covered with oily black fur. Anyin's eyes are suddenly widened, and her brain is directly broken.

Then I felt that her whole body on something was hairy.

It's a dream.

Anyin closes her eyes, but as she breathes, her body and the other person's body squeeze each other slightly, and the warm and fluffy feeling becomes clearer.

It's a dream. It's a dream.

Ann drew two breaths and opened her eyes again. She saw that it was not only the glossy fur, but also a cool, thin face. Her face was covered with dark, shiny short fur, and her eyes looked at her, her eyes burning like two groups of flames. The flames were deep in gold, and her long eyelints were thick with long eyelashes. In the red pupil cast a light shadow.

He is like a wolf, like a monster in anime, attractive to the extreme.

An Yin looks at the "monster" in front of her eyes, and she can't even think.

"Monster" moved for a moment, "I don't know?"

her voice was low, with the hoarseness of the first awakening, but she could not be more familiar with the voice.

An Yin's heart pounded open.

Two words popped out of her stuck brain - Qin Jian!

she had seen Qin Jian's wolf body, but she had never seen it at such a close distance.

I saw Qin Jian's real body that day. He was powerful, handsome and cool.

At this time, the same cool, but his drooping eyes are showing a lazy, there are some extreme temptation appearance.

However, no matter how enchanting and attractive his eyes are, and no matter how cool his face is, anyin feels that she is sleeping with Qin Jian's erha. In a flash, she feels that she has been struck by thunder.

Qin Jian looked at an Yin's gaping appearance and raised her eyebrows. "She couldn't even accept her man's prototype, but she also changed her son. Let that wolf boy roll in front of you, I'm afraid you will even dislike your own son

Qin Jian's cool tone of voice let an Yin come back to her mind and retort: "I don't have any dislike? I'm just not used to it."

"Not used to it?"

"yes." Anyin starts to move her hands. She is not used to it. Looking up at the face in front of her, she is not used to her looks

Qin Jian turns over and presses an Yin under his body.

Qin Jian, who has changed his body, is more slender and vigorous than a leopard, and his muscles under his fur are as firm as a lump.

He leaned over her, arms around her neck, and looked down at her.

Anyin seems to be a prey trapped under her body by a "monster". Her instinctive tension makes her breathe. Her hands consciously grasp the sheet under her body, but she catches a big fluffy tail.

An Yin: "it's just

It's too nervous. Anyin grabs the big tail and pinches it lightly.

It feels so good that I can't help but roll a few.

"This tail is more comfortable than Er Bao's

Qin Jian said:

When he is erha?

who said to look and adapt?

her adaptation is when he is the stupid erha?

PS: Qin Jian has become a big tail wolf. Do the babies like it?

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