Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3390

Today, when Qin Yue was painting, he paid special attention to it. Anyin could feel his longing for his real body.

She asked him if he liked to be a wolf cub. He nodded without hesitation and said, "yes."

She asked Qin Yue, "why do you like to be a wolf cub?"

Qin Yue said that after becoming a wolf cub, his whole body was very comfortable.

She thought, perhaps the wolf body is the most suitable for them, but in order to survive, to bury this nature.

To live in the human world, human body is necessary, but she thinks it is necessary for Qin Yue to practice transformation and get rid of the situation of being stuck when he changes his body as soon as possible.

In the process of practice, he and Qin can be happy.

She believed that with Qin Jian's intelligence, as soon as she opened her mouth, Qin Jian knew her purpose. Unexpectedly, Qin Jian pretended to be stupid for her.

But when she mentioned this topic, she didn't intend to let it go. She simply said, "can you let Yue practice transformation when there is no one else?"

Qin Jian gently stroked an Yin's smooth skin hand and stopped, looking down at the woman in her arms. The woman's face was tired, but she held on to him.

It seems that she will not give up this topic until it is solved today.

Qin Jian bowed her head and kissed her, "the real self-discipline is to get used to it. If you want to do what you want, there will always be time to show off. "

"But your son, it's not easy to change his body. If anything happens, he will become a wolf cub, and he won't come back."

"If you can't change back, it's a process that every wolf cub will go through, and it's going to be OK."

"You don't even give him a chance to change his body, how can you do it slowly?"

"just want him to be a wolf cub?"

"well." My son thought.

"Don't you feel uncomfortable?"

"I'm used to it. Besides, he looks like a little wolf. It's very cute."

Are you used to it?

Qin Jian raised his eyebrows.

When an Yin saw Qin Jian did not speak, she scratched her finger on his chest and said, "let him practice?"

when there is no one, it doesn't matter.

Qin Jian is also from the small wolf to find big, also experienced the stage of curiosity about his real body, naturally can understand the son's desire.

But he still insisted, "no way."

If Qin Yue really thinks so, he can come secretly, of course, this has to bear the punishment after being found.

This process will let him know the seriousness of the matter.

On the contrary, if he let the water go, Qin Yue would take it for granted and would not be so cautious in the future.

Anyin is a mother. She will feel heartache for her son and indulge her son. But she is not a werewolf. She can't understand how much trouble and disaster a werewolf can cause if she is careful.

He told her these, she can understand, but after all, no personal experience, not too much feeling.

He didn't want an Yin to carry a psychological burden, simply let her think that he was stubborn, unreasonable, and too harsh.

When Qin Yue is in trouble because of her transformation, she will not blame herself for what she said today.

Qin Jian's tone is firm, and an Yin knows he won't agree.

Although the results were expected, there was also some disappointment.

But she has never been a person who is dead beat to break up to entangle, shut up, no longer entangle.

Qin Jian patted her on the back: "sleep, there are still things to do tomorrow."

An Yin said, "well," and closed her eyes.

It's so tired that anyin sleeps heavily as soon as she closes her eyes.

When I wake up, I always feel something is wrong with me.

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