Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3338

She knew very well that the economic man wanted her to find a chance to rely on several gold owners.

But she has offended so many people in the past. Now, as soon as the "Twilight era" falls, she immediately pastes it up. It is impossible for her to mix any good resources.

Although the leaders of the party can participate in this event, they are all the world's leaders.

If you start from these women and get familiar with them, you may be able to resolve the previous contradictions, and then step on these women to climb up, maybe you can climb up to several gold masters.

She knew the economic man's motive and was so angry that she trembled all over her body. She said to the economic man that she would not come, but today is no more than in the past, you can still rely on the topic to earn a few popularity, but you should be aware that your topic has been fried for a long time and can't hold up much gas. To put it bluntly, you are out of breath. If you want to stay in this circle, you have to be smart. If you still want to carry it like before, it doesn't take three months, not to mention the first line. Even the third line, you don't have a place to stand. "

In fact, she didn't have to mix with the entertainment industry, but the last word of the economist directly pricked her heart.

The economist said, "it's not to say that if you want to make Mu Jin Yan look at you with a new look, you will have to fall out of the third line before you get a straight look. I don't know what the expression will be when Mu Jin Yan knows about it. "

Mu Jin's words are the thorn in her heart and her scales.

In the twilight age, the problem will soon come out.

Now all the news is saying that "Twilight" is a fake. He has harmed the real one.

And Mu Jin Yan's father and dushiliang are brothers, this can be a grudge to the death of Mu Shichang.

Before the incident broke out, she found another supporter to maintain her fame, so that she became one of her gold masters.

People in the film and television industry, who is not a pile of gold owners, and any gold owner is a relationship of interest.

Twilight Shichang is just one of her backers. Naturally, there is no need to hate her.

As a result, she hated the economic man, turned his face and refused to recognize people, but still came to the party.

Unexpectedly, just arrived at the door, met an Yin.

It's ironic.

Anyin came here to donate money and do a good job, but she came here to hook up with rich people.

She is always so mean in anyin. She really hates anyin.

Thinking of the relationship between an Yin and Mu Jin Yan, her self-esteem stimulates her not to show weakness in front of anyin, raises her chin and looks arrogantly at anyin.

Anyin takes Qin Yue to the party, so he won't drive by himself.

Mu Shulan sent her a driver and a bodyguard, very low-key.

But LV Weiwei is followed by a dozen men with black suits and earphones.

But this show did not give her a platform, she was like a peacock in front of the Phoenix.

In this evening party, ladies and journalists gathered from all walks of life. Their step by step, they were under all kinds of eyes and cameras.

No matter how much gratitude and resentment between an Yin and LV Weiwei, but at this time, it's not the time to speak. She smiles politely and says, "I haven't been back for two days, and I've been busy since I came back. I haven't had time to get together with my friends."

"Yes, you have always been a busy man."

This sounds like an old acquaintance's polite words, but if you pay more attention, you can hear LV Weiwei's words with guns and sticks and sarcasm.

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