Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3337

Mu Jin said that in charge of the whole business, it is impossible not to pay attention to the trend of the entertainment industry.

When looking for a new spokesperson, she didn't believe that no one had recommended her to him.

But mu Shi has not been looking for her, the problem must be in Mu Jin Yan.

Once, she received a message that a brand under Mu's banner wanted to change its spokesperson, so she went to Mu's to find Mu Jin.

That day, luck is very good, she just arrived at the door of the Mu family, met back to the company's Mu Jin Yan.

Mu Jin said beside Bo Kun, only with a bodyguard, and she has more than a dozen bodyguards.

The bodyguard of Mu Jin Yan couldn't stop her naturally. She stood in front of her.

Now she is packaged by various famous brands. She is no longer the poor student sister before. No matter where she stands, she has a great sense of superiority. But I don't know why. Standing in front of him, he looked up and looked at her faintly. All the auras on her body were stripped clean.

Even if a dress up to millions, in front of him is still ashamed.

At that time, they were at the gate of Mu's family. After her bodyguards caused agitation, many secrets came immediately. Although she stood in front of him, she was soon separated by security guards.

He didn't say a word to her, just made a gesture to Bokun, and they took his bodyguard inside.

She has done more disgraceful things. This time, she said to his back: "I know you are looking for a spokesman. I should be the most suitable person."

However, Mu Jin Yan seems to have not heard her speak at all, even Bo Kun and bodyguards have not looked back at her.

On the contrary, people in and out of the door looked at her one after another.

After some days in the entertainment industry, I have been used to dealing with all kinds of eyes. I don't care much about the crowd.

However, a few days later, the spokesperson of that brand came out. It was Lin Lin

The brand that needs spokesperson this time is car brand, the car that the newest market is athletic modelling, Lin Lin does the spokesman very timely.

At that moment, she felt like a clown.

She was so angry that she could not bear the price she paid for her soul cultivation in front of him.

But she has come to this step, no turning back, just more spelling, until he looks at her.

However, before she could fight to let Mu Jin face her squarely, something happened to "dushiliang".

"Dushiliang" is not "dushiliang", but an illegitimate child of the twilight family. He pretends to be "dushiliang" and has occupied the twilight family for more than 20 years.

When the truth was revealed, "Twilight" ran away, and her situation became embarrassing.

Fortunately, she has always been the queen of topics. She can make money for the economic company, so the economic man did not give up her, but the resources that should have been given to her were quietly transferred to others.

She has been in the circle for more than two years. She is well aware of the reality and cruelty of this line. Her gold owner is gone. Naturally, those resources will not be given to her. She knows that she has to rely on herself in the future.

In the past, there was no shortage of money with the support of "Twilight".

Now there is no "Twilight", before she did not need to deal with things and people, she had to go out on her own.

In the past, there was "Twilight" to settle everything for her. She didn't have to deal with other people. Naturally, she didn't offend people.

Without the "good old age", there is a feeling that it is difficult to move.

She was sent to the party by the agent.

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