Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3326

"But he must not be allowed to sleep with adults all the time."

"Well. After you come back, Yueyue sleeps more soundly at night. I'll talk to my parents and try to let him sleep by himself. "

"Well, but it's respectful and respectful. Take your time."


Qin Jian a pillow in the back of his head, stretched a pair of long legs, lazily leaning against the back of his back, but his sight did not leave an Yin.

As long as an Yin is around, even if he doesn't do anything, he just talks about his son and Lala parents at will.

When they return to Jinshawan, Qin Jianan waits at the door.



Qin Jian and an Yin called people together.

Qin Jian'an saw Qin Jian and an Yin come back together, his face immediately showed a smile, "back."

"Where's mom?"

When Qin Jian is not there, Qin Yue sleeps with dushulan. If Qin Jian goes back later, both dushulan and Qin Jian'an will get up to catch Qin at the door.

Qin Jian'an said, "your mother is not feeling well. Go to bed first."

Qin Jian asked, "what's wrong with mom?"

Qin Jian'an: "cholecystitis has developed."

Qin Jian: "serious?"

Qin Jian'an: "old problem."

Anyin asked, "did you take any medicine?"

"Yes, but it's a little bit severe this time." There was a flicker of worry in Qin Jian'an's eyes.

"I'll go and have a look." Anyin knows that the villa of Qin Jian'an and Mu Shulan will not let outsiders in, so she will not let private doctors come to her door. If she is sick, she will go out on her own.


Mu Shulan has a terrible gall pain today. Qin Jian'an asks Mu Shulan to go to the hospital, but Qin Yue sleeps. If Qin Yue is left at home, Qin Jian'an has to stay and look after Qin Yue. When Mu Shulan goes to the hospital alone, Qin Jian'an is not at ease.

If Qin Jianan wants to accompany dushulan to the hospital, he has to take him with him.

But the safety of the night is not good. Taking Qin Yue out in the middle of the night, it is hard to guarantee that nothing will happen. Mu Shulan is not willing to let Sun Tzu take risks.

Therefore, Mu Shulan decided to bear the pain and go to the hospital tomorrow.

Although his wife can only agree with him.

Although the medicine at home is limited, an Yin is a doctor. Let an Yin see what is the situation of dushulan. If the situation is not good, she can go to the hospital in time.

Now Qin Jian and an Yin are back. Qin Yue can leave Qin Jian and an Yin to take care of him, and he can accompany his wife to the hospital.

An Yin and Qin Jian follow Qin Jian'an into dushulan's bedroom.

Dushulan did not sleep, just sat on the bed to rest.

There is a small bed beside the big bed. Qin Yue is sleeping soundly on the small bed.

Evening Shulan see Qin Jian and an Yin come in together, quickly sit up straight, "you come back. Your father has reserved a snack for you to keep it warm. Go and eat some. "

An Yin see dusk Shu Lan himself sick, also think of them, make them a snack, heart a burst of warmth, way: "good, but I want to see your body first."

"Old problem." Dushulan knew what her husband had said and looked at her husband angrily.

Qin Jian'an said, "anyin is a doctor." He knows that his wife doesn't want Qin Jian and an Yin to worry about, but he can't rest assured that she doesn't want to let an Yin have a look.

People have called, evening Shu Lan can not help but let an Yin see, "that trouble you."

Qin Jian saw dushulan pale, worried: "Mom, how do you feel?"

An Yin is a doctor. In front of the doctor, the patient has to tell the truth.

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