Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3327

Mu Shulan said something about the situation.

After hearing this, an Yin had a good idea, "I have to do some simple tests for you."

"There is a medicine box at home. What do you need?" Qin Jianan took the medicine box from home.

"Let me see." Anyin checked the medicine box.

Because there are too many secrets in this villa, private doctors will not be allowed to come to the villa, so there are a lot of medicines in the house, as well as some commonly used medical equipment.

Anyin took out the things that could be used, and then took out some appliances in the bell space, "I want to draw a blood test for you first."

Qin Jianan and his wife didn't expect that anyin still had room to store things. They were a little surprised, but they were both knowledgeable people. Although they were surprised, they immediately accepted it.

With these three years of inhuman experience, anyin knew the importance of storage, so when she came back, she found time to replenish spare things, especially those related to medicine.

I didn't expect it would come in handy so soon.

Anyin draws blood to dushulan to finish basic examination, Qin Jian asks: "how is my mother?" Qin Jianan also looked at an Yin eagerly, waiting to get the answer from an Yin's mouth.

"It is acute, the index is very high, just take medicine, the effect will not be good, have to hurry infusion."

"That has to go to the hospital."

"No, just lose at home."

"At home?" Qin Jian'an was shocked.

"Yes, I have medicine." Anyin looked around and said to Qin Jian, "you move that floor lamp here."

Qin Jian immediately followed suit.

Anyin took out the medicine from the bell, then tied the infusion bottle to the floor lamp and said to Dushu LAN, "Auntie, you have to lie down."

Qin Jianan and his wife have no doubt about anyin's medical skills. Qin Jianan immediately helps Mu Shulan lie down.

Anyin gave dushulan a good drop, and then gave her an injection, "in about an hour, the drug will attack, and you will be more comfortable, but you have to take a drip for three days. In addition, I have to have a good rest at home tomorrow and try to exercise as little as possible

When she heard that she could not go out tomorrow, she said, "there will be a charity work tomorrow. I have to take Yue to participate."

An Yin said in a soft voice, "you can't go tomorrow in this situation."

Mu Shulan is in a dilemma, "how to do that? The activity is very important."

Qin Jian'an said: "no matter how important the activity is, it is not as important as the body."

"However, tomorrow's activities, Qin can't go without people." Tomorrow evening Shulan will represent the Qin family to participate in the activities.

Qin Jian suddenly said, "let an Yin go."

Qin Jian'an and Mu Shulan look at an Yin together. They also think that this method is good, but they don't know whether an Yin is willing or not.

"What kind of charity activities?" anyin asked

Although Qin Jian has been cooperating with Mr. Rong recently, he is the successor of the Qin family. Naturally, he knows about this activity, and has said it briefly.

This is a charity activity jointly organized by several families to sponsor disabled children.

The event was organized by the hostesses of the major families.

Although there are two old ladies in Qin's family, they are not the mother's owner, so this matter also comes from Mu Shulan.

Now that dushulan is ill, the Qin family is short of people.

Although an Yin has not married into the Qin family, she has always been Qin Jian's fiancee, and she is also Qin Yue's mother. It would be more appropriate for her to take him to attend.

Anyin and Qin Jian are not married. Before, she would not have attended public occasions as the mistress of Qin. But now that she has made up her mind to live with Qin Jian, she has not refused.

PS: I'm very busy at the end of the year. I'm late today. I just wrote this. I'm sorry.

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