Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3319

Simon was afraid to move any more, staring nervously at the door.

At last, the sound of footsteps reached the door, and the tall figure of Gu Luan appeared at the door as if wrapped in a cloud of ice.

Simon's breath choked for a moment.

Gu Luan enters the cellar, and the door behind him closes automatically.

As the cellar door closed, Simon felt as if his heart had stopped.

Lone Luan gave Simon a cold glance, went to the only chair in the cellar, sat down, and looked at Simon again.

He has seen the bloody sword from the battlefield before.

It is because he is too strong, will be his father, emperor and brother fear, attracted to kill disaster.

Simon and Luan are not brave enough to stand on their knees.

"Your Highness, I'm just a craftsman. I didn't know it was used to imprison you And I was forced, otherwise, I would not be sealed in 404 by them

Lonely Luan looks at Simon, he is not interested in these old sesame rotten things.

The goods were too mean and cunning to catch his eye.

But he has the ability to build an underground palace that can seal him for thousands of years.

"Want to live?"

"Yes." Simon quickly nodded, no one wanted to die, "as long as your highness doesn't kill me, your highness will let me do anything, even if it's on the mountain of swords and the sea of fire, I'm not afraid."

Gu Luan's mouth hook, sneer, these nonsense, even three-year-old children can not coax.

Simon is smart. Shut up.

He was clever and had many ideas. In his opinion, there was no one in the world that he couldn't please, but he couldn't please guluan.

Gu Luan does not eat hard and soft, but also knows death reason. He has only two words for him - disdain.

Gu Luan didn't speak, but first frowned. After a while, the frown spread out, and then he said, "the shadow clan can tear off the human soul, but the soul that has been torn off is greatly injured."

"You mean..." Simon peeks at Gu Luan's face and tries to figure out her mind. But on this face, he can't see the emotion.

"I want a harmless way." Lonely Luan light looking at Simon, this goods know the shadow family can tear soul, will make such a bureau. Well, he probably knew something else.

"Your Highness, you should have an answer in mind."

Gu Luan frowns.

"Phagocytosis, only swallowing can have a chance without injury." Simon's brain flies. Is it because feng'er is in an Yin's body that guluan and Qin Jian cooperate? "Your Highness, anyin and feng'er look alike. You must like her when you see her. If Feng son girl as like as two peas, the appearance of the soul will change, and it will be almost identical to Feng son.

"I need something else."

"There is no other way to be harmless. Your highness naturally knew this and asked me. However, I can give your Highness the same answer. Your highness, the Qin family was originally your enemy. Sooner or later, the battle between you and Qin's family would make feng'er swallow up an Yin's soul, which would be a fatal blow to Qin Jian. Once Qin Jian fell down, Qin's family would have no more capable people... "

Lonely Luan looked at Simon, his eyes showed a sneer: "you reduced to this point, do not forget to provoke right and wrong."

"Your Highness, I don't mean to stir up trouble, but I hate the Qin family as much as you do."

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