Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3318

"I didn't drive." Gu Luan looks at Qin Jian. Does this boy want him to drive a car because he doesn't want him to be bitten by spirit power?

"My car is for you." Qin Jian touches out the car key and throws it to Gu Luan.

"And you?" Gu Luan has been nearby, he saw Qin Jian's car, but did not see Mu Jin Yan's car.

"We have something else to do. Don't panic. We'll be picked up later." Qin Jian took out his mobile phone and sent a short message to Jinpeng, asking Jinpeng to drive over.

Then he said, "do you know where my car is?"


Guluan pulls Simon and opens the door.

The evening Jin speech stands by the window, sees Gu Luan drive Qin Jian's car to leave, way: "that person, actually good."

Qin Jian: "yes."

The two stopped talking and began to take care of the aftermath.

Mu Jin Yan picked up Simon's mobile phone and sent a message to the Secretary, saying that she had received a very important invitation to attend an important activity and would leave for a few days.

This message is set to be sent in an hour.

After sending a text message, I didn't leave my mobile phone, but took it away.

In addition, Simon's ID was found and taken away.

Qin Jian finds out all the surveillance of Simon's residence. When Jin Peng arrives, he changes the surveillance video.

Then he wiped out all the traces they had seen before leaving Simon's house.


when Simon woke up, it was dark and there was no light.

He is a nightmare devil. Although he can see things at night, their sight will also be affected by the light. If it is too dark to see clearly, he is also a semi blind man when he is too dark to see his fingers.

Simon listened for a moment and there was a dead silence around him.

Guluan should not be here.

Simon got up and groped his way, and soon felt the cold, unpainted wall.

He walked around the stone wall and found that the room had no windows, only a door, and it was very cold.

It feels like a cellar for storage.

This discovery gave him a headache.

He is on the body, this kind of place, he can't escape.

Simon looked for a long time before he found a camera.

Quickly to the camera, waved, "prince, I have something to say."

No one paid attention.

Three days after the door opened.

Although Simon is a human being, he is not exactly the same as human beings. Although he has to eat and drink to maintain his body function, even if he does not eat or drink for a month, he will only be weak and will not starve to death.

In addition, the biggest difference between him and human beings is that after eating and drinking, he will be able to pull out the food and water in the body within an hour, leaving the elements to maintain the body's function.

Therefore, these three days, he did not eat or drink, although the rapid weakness, but will not make this place stink.

Guluan obviously knew his physical characteristics, so he left him here for three days.

This recognition makes Simon even more bitter.

The other party knows him like the palm of his hand, and the probability of escaping is lower.

Simon was starving. The lights were on and the cellar door was open.

The glare of the light made him squint. He adjusted to the light and looked at the open cellar door.

There's no one at the door.

Simon's heart was pounding, and countless thoughts flashed through his mind. Is this to let him out?

But he did not dare to move because he was afraid of cheating at the door.

After waiting for a while, I heard the footsteps of shoes outside the door.

The passers-by did not walk quickly and slowly. The sound of footsteps was particularly clear in this dead silence. It struck people's hearts one by one, making people's whole hearts tense.

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