Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3291

Pearl nodded. "Yes, but I have conditions."

"What conditions?" Qin Jian did not expect pearl to provide him with information.

Pearl turned to Mu Jiayin and said, "Jiayin, look outside. I'll talk to you two.

Mu Jiayin knew that Pearl was supporting her, so she stood and refused to go.

Mu Jin said: "it doesn't matter if she is here."

Pearl took a look at twilight Jiayin and hesitated.

"I heard that you are good at hypnosis. You hypnotize me and pass on to me what you want and the spirit of the portrait. "

With hypnosis, you don't need to talk. Even if Mu Jiayin is here, you can't hear them talking.

However, most people will not accept such hypnosis, because it is easy to be hypnotist peep into the secret of the heart.

The evening Jin speech initiative request, pearl certainly has no opinion, "May."

Although Mu Jiayin has practiced hypnosis, she is not proficient in it. She can't realize the power of high-level hypnosis. After listening to Mu Jin's words, she didn't expect that she would not be able to hear anything here, so she would not do anything again.

This place is full of mildew due to the humidity, and the old furniture has been smoked by oil smoke for years, which makes it feel greasy everywhere.

Mu Jin has a habit of cleanliness. No matter where he is, he can't sit down.

Turning back to Mu Jiayin, he said, "come on like this."

Standing hypnosis, although much more difficult, but for the Pearl who is proficient in hypnosis, there is no difficulty.

Pearl said, "let's start."

"Help yourself." Mu Jin's expression is calm.

Pearl looked up at Mu Jin Yan's eyes, and her pupil suddenly turned into a circle of light. However, at this moment, she saw Mu Jinyan smile at her, and she was slightly stunned. Suddenly, she saw that the originally dark pupil of Mu Jinyan turned into thousands of flowers, one after another, one layer of bloom. The energy she released was reflected and her mind was immediately controlled by people in turn.

Mu Jin said that Pearl got what he thought in his consciousness, and then eliminated his memory of eating pearl hypnotism, leaving only the illusion of Pearl hypnosis for him, and then a thousand flowers drunk.

Pearl wake up, see the evening Jin words slightly low head, drooping eyelids, hands knead nose wings, seems to be in the relief of the discomfort after being hypnotized.

Twilight Jin Yan and so on in the eye all disappear, only then raises the eye, looks at the Pearl, "thank you for your cooperation. If we find him, we'll ask him if he can help you with your physical problems. The premise is, you're still alive. "

Pearl felt that her brain was a little confused. She had hypnotized Mu Jinyan, but the process was a little fuzzy. However, when hypnotism met someone with strong energy, it would be greatly reduced. And Mu Jin Yan is such a person, so it is possible to have such a situation.

"Thank you, but what do I want?"

Mu Jin Yan took a look at Mu Jiayin, took out a stack of checks from her pocket, wrote a check for three million yuan, and handed it to Pearl: "take these money and find a new place to live. I'll get what you want. "

Pearl took the check.

Mu Jiayin didn't hear anything. She didn't know what kind of fans they played. She looked at Pearl and Mu Jin's words.

Evening Jin speech put away check book, looked at Qin Jian one eye, "go."

They left together.

At the entrance of the alley, Bo Kun came up and said, "how's the matter?"

Mu Jin said: "there is a little trouble, but it is not in vain."

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