Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3290

Until I saw her face begin to crack, I realized that things were not as simple as she thought and asked her what was going on.

She didn't want to be influenced by him again, so she didn't tell her the real reason.

But the day before yesterday, people from dushichang came to her and blocked her in the alley.

Mu Shichang is hiding very deeply now. Naturally, those people will not say who sent them. But she and Mu Shichang have been together for so many years. Naturally, they will know at a glance.

She thought that Mu Jiayin had gone out and wanted to lure the man into the room and kill him.

I didn't expect that Mu Jiayin was at home.

When they found mujiayin, they wanted to seize mujiayin and threaten her. But she killed the man in front of mujiayin.

The man said before, "if you don't want to lose your body, just follow him."

So mu Jiayin thought that she was poisoned to become like this.

When I saw Qin Jian and Mu Jin Yan, I naturally thought that the man the day before yesterday was sent by Qin Jian and Mu Jin Yan.

That is to say, she was made like this by Qin Jian and them.

Pearl became so, naturally, he would not have any contact with dushichang. Fortunately, he did not expect to get news from pearl.

"I'm not here for the sake of twilight

"Why is that?" Pearl had some accident.

"Do you know Simon?"

"You're talking about the old blood sucking monster?" She was a corpse demon. In 404, she lived underground, and Simon was also hiding. At that time, she and her sister ran outside for the sake of exquisite. They were not unfamiliar with Simon's affairs, and she also met Simon.

"Not bad."

"How could San Shao suddenly be interested in a monster?"

Qin Jian ignored her question directly and said, "go and find him."

"Third young master, you are joking. If I could have found him, he would have been cut into meat

"I have his hiding place."

"What do you want him for?"

"What I want him to do has nothing to do with you. However, it is said that he is a very capable person. If you find him, you may be able to keep your skin."

"How do you know he's capable?"

Pearl only knew that the man was a blood sucking monster and had been pursued by others, but she did not know who that man was. But a man who has not been killed for thousands of years should be very powerful. However, she did not have that person in the end is which convenient fierce, at this time listened to Qin Jian's words, can not help but some heart.

"I have ways I know."

Qin Jian is a night wolf. Even Ji Yue looks at him differently. Pearl has no doubt about Qin Jian's words. She hesitates for a moment and says, "he is not in 404."

"He came out?"


"How do you know?"

"I saw it with my own eyes."


"In those years, my sister and I quietly followed the imperial edict to leave 404. We are afraid of being discovered by the imperial edict. We dare not follow us too close. Then we find that there is a person behind us. That person is the blood sucking monster

"And then?"

"The monster saw that we found him and stopped us. We thought he was going to kill us. But he didn't kill us, just let's not tell anyone about him when we haven't seen him If he did, he would kill us. "

"Do you know where he went?"

"I don't know."

"Do you remember what he looks like


Qin Jian said, "give us his portrait."

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