Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3257

Rong Laozi said: "there is a way."

Anyin asked, "what can I do?"

All of us look at Mr. Rong.

Instead of answering directly, he looked at Qin Jian and said, "Qin Jian, you should know the way to get that dragon burning grass, right?"

An Yin looks at Qin Jian in amazement. She doesn't know about it.

Qin Jian sees an Yin to look, to her, on her line of sight, light pursed thin lips.

An Yin knows clearly. He really has a way.

He has a way, but he doesn't do it. It can be seen that the method is very difficult.

However, if you can catch Mu Shichang, no matter how difficult it is, an Yin feels it is worth it. She asks, "you know the way, right?"

Qin Jian was silent for a moment and said, "no way."

An Yin said, "you tell us how to do it. Let's listen to it and talk about whether it can work or not."

Qin turned his head and stopped talking.

Rong Laozi said, "he doesn't want to say that. Let me talk about it."

Qin Jian frowned, but he knew that Rong Laozi opened his mouth. Even if he stopped Rong Laozi from saying it, an Yin would definitely go to the bottom of the matter.

Rong Laozi said: "I think Qin Jian got longyancao, but he didn't move all the time. He wanted to find Lianyin and return the soul in Lianyin's body to anyin and replace feng'er. If you don't dare to resist, you have to be calm. Qin Jian, I'm right. "

However, all the people on Qin's face did not want to know.

Lianyin would like to swallow an Yin's soul, let her return to Yang, how can the soul be willing to return to an Yin.

This matter is not good, can not take back the soul of an Yin, but destroyed the pulse soul.

This road is not going to work.

Mingjie didn't understand, and asked, "that Lianyin will definitely refuse. The soul can't be taken back. Even if you say it, you will say it in vain

Let the old man smile, said: "this is a road, but this is not the only way."

"What else?" Mingjie asked

Rong Laozi said, "the soul of feng'er can make up for the soul of anyin, which means that it is not only the pulse soul in Lianyin's body that can be used, but also other souls."

"Don't you take it for granted, sir?" Mingjie grabs his head. "There is rejection in the blood, not to mention the soul. Besides, I've only heard of ghosts snatching houses, but I haven't heard of ghosts sharing houses. "

It's not easy, but it's not impossible, isn't it

Mingjie: "OK, even if you are right, where can I find such a person? We should be willing and willing, and we should not reject it. "

Anyin has been paying close attention to Qin Jian since he knew that he was avoiding this topic. After listening to Mingjie's words, an Yin lowered his eyelids.

An Yin's heart thumping up, there is a sense of uneasiness.

Surprisingly, he suddenly put consciousness into Qin Jian's consciousness.

Qin Jian is distracted, and did not expect an Yin to dare to be in front of so many people. At this time, she broke into him without any precaution.

But just for a moment, his consciousness immediately reacted and resisted.

Two people's consciousness then straight bumps into, an Yin's consciousness then was forced out.

But just for a moment, an Yin has peeped into Qin Jian's deep thoughts.

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