Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3245

"It has something to do with me." The smile in Mu Jin Yan's eyes faded, like a thin layer of ice, she didn't care about her reputation, he cared.

"You don't want to go to my old street at all." Lin Lin read the eyes of Mu Jin Yan.


When Lin Lin confessed to him before, she was only 18 years old and was still a child.

Three years later, we can't say that she has grown up. At least she has experienced some worldly affairs. She should be more mature and be able to understand her own heart.

He did not directly refuse, is to know after such a long time, Lin Lin's heart to him has been light.

Whether Lin Lin Lin's mind has faded from his mind, he will not enter the old street.

He didn't directly refuse Lin Lin for thousands of miles. He wanted to know what kind of tricks Qin Jian was playing, but it didn't mean that he ignored Lin Lin's situation in order to know what he wanted to know.

Therefore, when Lin Lin said to go to the ancient street, although he did not directly refuse to go, he did not intend to go there. He turned around at random on the way.

But he high Gu his own determination, and she approached, can not help but want to get close to her heart.

Lin Lin stares at him, "liar."

The evening Jin speech looked at her to smile, "you say is." Reaching for Lin Lin's waist, he put her out of the car and got out of the car. "In fact, it's very good here. We'll just walk around like this."

Lin Lin took a deep breath and nodded, "in fact, I really want to take you to the ancient street."

"Why?" The evening Jin speech pushes the bicycle, and she walks forward slowly.

"I want to take you to meet someone."

"Who is it?"

Lin Lin did not speak any more, just looked at the two shadows on the ground side by side.

Evening Jin Yan looked back at her, saw her looking at their shadow, a touch of now should not have some feelings like to break out of the cocoon, he put that point let him restless feelings back to the bottom of his heart, "Lin Lin, I'm not a gentleman, don't get too close to me."

"Mu Jin said, I want to be a bad woman."


"I want to be a bad woman and grab you."

"Grab people or grab hearts?"

"All of them."

"No heart, how do you rob it?"

Lin Lin is gloomy, he is not heartless, is the heart is too good, she just can't grab over, "Mu Jin Yan, you know my second brother?"

"What's wrong with him?" Evening Jin Yan turns to look at Lin Lin, don't know how she suddenly mention Lin Feng.

Lin Lin is still looking at their shadow, "he is the scum of our family." The scum of the werewolves.

Mu Jin said: "it's just

Lin Lin then said: "he slept with a lot of women for a week without repetition. If it was not for grandma's death order and if he dared to sow seeds outside, he would become a eunuch. I'm afraid my nephew would have several companies. Mu Jin said, my second brother can give women only one thing, money I have such a heartless brother who knows what is heartless... "

Mu Jin did not answer the words, Lin Feng did spend the sky, but it is not that Lin Feng has no heart, but his heart has no destination.

One day, when I meet someone I like, I will be wholehearted.

The old lady knew the wolf man's loyalty to his partner, so that Lin Feng would be banned, so that he would not have a romantic night and accidentally get a baby out. When he met the woman he liked, he would regret it all his life because of this child.

Because werewolves can raise children for people who died in war, but they don't let their loved ones raise children born to them and other women.

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